Grounds and Environment Committee 2.30pm



To:      All Members of the Grounds & Environment Committee (Kate Bailey, Jane Baker, Kristian Berggreen, Leslie Campbell, Georgia Cheshire, Frances Gaudencio, Peter Gibbons, David Hammond, Bill Hatton, Frank Rylance and Alex Simmons) and Co-opted Members (Tony Copeland) with copies to all other Councillors for information.

cc        Richard Higgs

A virtual meeting of the GROUNDS AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE will be held on Thursday 9 July 2020 at 2.30pm in the Parish Centre, Adastra Park, Hassocks.

Parish Clerk 2 July 2020



3. MINUTES To accept the Minutes of the Grounds and Environment Meeting held on Thursday 27 February 2020. (Previously Circulated)


5. OFFICER’S REPORT (Appendix 1).

6.1. Members are invited to consider and agree fees for 0 – 18 year olds in Hassocks Burial Ground for 2020 – 21 (Appendix 2).

6.2. Members are invited to review and approve all other fees for Hassocks Burial Ground for 2020 – 21 (Appendix 3).

7.1. Members are invited to consider approve the increase in fees for the Adastra Park facilities as from 1 August 2020. (Appendix 4)

7.2. Members are requested to consider any adjustment of fees for specified clubs in the light of the Covid-19 lockdown. (Appendix 5)

8. ADASTRA TENNIS CLUB. Members are invited to note the installation of a club noticeboard by the Adastra Tennis Club. (Appendix 6)

9.1. Verbal Update.

9.2.Memorial Bench. Members are invited to consider a request for a Memorial Bench. (verbal report)

10. DOWNFEST. Members are invited to consider a request to hold DownsFest 2021 on Saturday 17 July 2021. (Appendix 7)

11.1. Members are invited to agree a Festive Lighting Contractor and Festive Lighting designs 2020-22. (Appendix 8)

11.2. Members are invited to recommend the refurbishment of the Merry Christmas Hassocks motif at a cost of up to £1500 plus VAT. (Appendix 9)

12. URGENT MATTERS at the discretion of the Chairman for noting and/or inclusion on a future agenda.

13. DATE OF NEXT MEETING Thursday 3 September 2020. Time to be agreed.

Please Note
All members of the public are welcome to attend to attend meetings of the Parish Council and its Committees.Item 4 – a period of 15 minutes will be set aside for the public statements and questions relating to the published non-confidential business of the Meeting.  It may be necessary to consider particular items in confidential session and where this arises, these items will be considered at the end of the agenda.If you wish to attend this virtual meeting please email before 09.00 hrs on Thursday 9 July to be sent an electronic invitation by 12.00 noon on that same day.

During this meeting members of the public may film or record the Committee and officers from the public area only providing it does not disrupt the meeting. The Confidential section of the meeting may not be filmed or recorded. If a member of the public objects to being recorded, the person(s) filming must stop doing so until that member of the public has finished speaking. The use of social media is permitted but members of the public are requested to switch their mobile devices to silent for the duration of the meeting.

Appendix 1


To:       Grounds & Environment Committee

Date:   9 July 2020

Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk

Subject: Agenda Item 5 – OFFICER’S REPORT

1. The purpose of this report is to update the Committee on Grounds and Environment (G&E) Matters.

2. LIGHT UP HASSOCKS. Members are invited to note that correspondence has been received from the organisers of the Light Up Hassocks event, The Sussex Vale Rotary Club, informing the Parish Council that due to the current Covid-19 pandemic the club had taken the difficult decision to cancel the event for 2020 although were hopeful that it would go ahead in 2021. The decision had been taken due to the uncertainty at the current time with regard to Government Guidelines for holding such events later in the year and the possible difficulties of social distancing if required.

3. HANGING BASKETS. Despite the Lockdown, we were able to work closely with the contractor supplying and maintaining the hanging baskets and the traders who had requested a basket, to ensure that these were installed as planned. The contractor also offered to provide additional watering to baskets for traders who were not able to do so until they re-opened which has been much appreciated.

4. SPORTS FACILITIES. Covid-19 update.  The football and cricket clubs have returned to a level of training in line with Government guidance and have provided the Parish Office with clear risk assessments and safety regimes in place.   The Tennis Courts are open to the Tennis Club who have also provided a risk assessment and confirmation of following Government Safety guidance.   The Courts have remained closed to public hire due to concerns over ensuring that adequate safety measures can be implemented at the current time with regards to accessing the courts and obtaining keys.

Appendix 2


To: Grounds & Environment Committee

Date:   9 July 2020

Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk

Subject: Agenda Item 6.1 – Burial Ground fees for Under 18’s.

  1. At the previous meeting of the Grounds and Environment Committee held on 27 February 2020, Members requested further information to enable the consideration of the application of burial charges for the burial of under 18 year olds.
  1. Below is a chart showing the comparative fees applied by local Towns and Parishes to similar burial grounds.

Burial Fees Comparison for children 18yrs and under.  March 2020

  Resident Non-resident Resident Non-resident Resident

Single grave

Hassocks PC
2020/21 Proposed.
Free  Free £214  5x Usual adult fees £379 5x
Parish 1 Free under 18 £200 Free under 18 £200 Free under 18 £200
Town 2 Free


£525 £525 5X Usual adult fees £1130 5X


Parish 3 £200 £1420 £240 £1420 Usual adult fees £470 £2950


Parish 4 £85-140 £185-340 £140 £340 Usual adult fees £1200 £4800


Town 5 Free Free Free Free Usual adult fees £497.50 4X
  1. To Summarise:
  • All but one parish/town charge for burial plots for 12 years and over at varying rates.
  • The majority do not charge for 0 -12 months.
  • All but two charge for 12mths – 12 years at a reduced rate.
  • Hassocks Parish Council fees sit in the middle for 12mths – 12 years and are the lowest for children over 12 years.
  1. Background Information.

In July 2019, the Government established the Children’s Funeral Fund for England to ensure no parent will have to pay for their child’s burial or cremation.    The fund provides for burial authorities and cremation authorities to apply to Government for the reimbursement of the fees which would otherwise be charged to parents/carers for the provision of the burial or cremation of an eligible child.  This fund is not means tested.

In order to claim the costs, the Council would need to assign fees for the burial of children under 18.

The Burial Ground opened in 2009, there have been no burials or cremations for any children under 18 to date.

HEADSTONE FEES.   The current charges for a permit for the erection of a headstone is free for 0-12mths.  With the standard fee, currently £122 being applied to all other headstone applications.  The fee is increased five times for non-residents.


OPTION 1.    RESIDENTS.  The removal of all Burial and Cremation Fees for children under 18 including the fee for a Headstone Permit for residents.


i. Apply previous charges for residents i.e:
0-12mths – No charge
Over 12mths – 12 years £214
Over 12 years – 18 years £379.00

ii. OR maintain current application of 5x residents’ charges.

OPTION 2:  RESIDENTS AND NON RESIDENTS. Maintaining all standing fees for burial and cremation plots for children under 18, on the assumption that these can be claimed directly from the Children’s Funeral Fund.


Burial and cremation fees for children 12 mths -12 years
RESIDENTS.   Waive all fees including headstone permit charges.
NON RESIDENTS.  Burial £214 for non-residents plus standard headstone permit fee.

Burial and cremation fees for children aged 12 years to 17 years:
RESIDENTS.  Maintaining the existing fees for burial and cremation plots including headstone permit charges.
NON RESIDENTS.  Reduce the increase in charge to 2 or 2.5 times the current fees.

Appendix 3


To: Grounds & Environment Committee

Date:   9 July 2020

Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk

Subject: – Agenda Item 6.2:  Burial Ground Fees

  1. The purpose of this report is to invite the Committee to review the current charges for Hassocks Burial Ground and to agree any amendments.
  2. Historically burial ground and allotment fees have been increased based on an annual inflationary increase, rounded to the nearest whole pound using the Consumer Price Index. At the G&E meeting held on 29.1.18, this formula was accepted for the review of Hassocks Burial Ground fees and has thus been applied for the calculation of fees for consideration for 2020/21.
  3. Members are therefore invited to consider the proposed increases to the Burial Ground fees as set out below for 2020 based on a 1.78% increase in CPI between September 2018 and September 2019.   With the exception of Search Fees and fees relating to Deed of Grant amendments which are above average in comparison with other parishes and it is therefore recommended that these fees remain at the same level.
  4. OFFICER RECOMMENDATION.  Members are recommended to approve the proposed Burial Ground Fees to be applicable from 1 August 2020.
Hassocks Burial Ground Current Fees

April 2019

Proposed changes

Increase by CPI Increase Sept 18 to Sept 19 – 1.78%




EROB (50yrs) and 1st Interment 

Non parishioner – 5 x fee

 EROB (50yrs) and 1st Interment

Non parishioner – 5 x fee

A stillborn child, or a person whose age at the time of death, did not exceed 12 months (Parishioners only). Free  Free
A person whose age at the time of death exceeded 12 months but did not exceed 11 years. As agreed on agenda item 7.1  

As agreed on agenda item 7.1


A person whose age at the time of death exceeded 12 years. Single plot depth £372.00  




Double plot depth  



Second burial interment  



Interment of ashes into a Burial Plot £120.00  



For the right to erect a headstone within the burial ground on a grave in Respect of which the exclusive Right of Burial has been granted. £120.00  £122.00
For the right to have additional inscription on an existing memorial. £60.00  £61.00
Additional Fees or Charges  
Search Fee   £34.00 per hour  Suggested no change


Replacement, transfer or amendment of Deed of Grant   £57.00  Suggested no change


Hassocks Burial Ground Current Fees

April 2019

 Proposed changes

Increase by CPI Increase Sept 18 to Sept 19 – 1.78%



Interment of ashes, including the right to have an entry on the Wall of Remembrance


Non-residents 5x fee Non-residents 5x fee
Child whose age did not exceed twelve months (parishioners only)  

Free (residents)


Free (Residents)

A person whose age at the time of death exceeded twelve months but did not exceed 11 years    

As agreed on agenda item 7.1



As agreed on agenda item 7.1


Adult over the age of 12 years


   Memorial Wall area

EROB, first interment and numbered ground marker.


To purchase a plaque on the Memorial Wall.  £31.00

 Southern Memorial Area
EROB, first interment and permission for a Memorial Tablet.                   £265.00





Second Interment of cremated remains.    



 Additional Inscription on a tablet.    £19.00  £19.00

Appendix 4


To:       Grounds & Environment Committee

Date:   9 July 2020

Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk


  1. The purpose of this report is to ask the Committee to consider and agree charges for the hire of Adastra Park Facilities from 1 August 2020 to 31 March 2021.
  2. Charges are reviewed annually usually in March to be applied from 1 April to 31 March to the following year, however due to the Covid-19 pandemic the review for 20-21 was postponed. MSDC have now released its updated fees to be in effect from 1 June 2020.
  3. Historically all sports facilities fees for Adastra Park have been calculated to date based on the Mid Sussex District Council (MSDC) charging structure in most cases. The proposed revised charges have been kept primarily in line with MSDC.
  4. Attached is a copy of the Hassocks Parish Council charges for 2019-20 and the proposed charges for 2020 -21.
  5. Members are invited to consider the revised charges as provided with particular attention drawn to the following:

Tennis Charges

i. It was agreed at the G&E Committee meeting held on 30 March 2017 not to increase casual hire charges for the Adastra Tennis Courts (Min ref 17/716). Members agreed to defer any changes to charges or booking arrangements until the Adastra Park review had been completed. As noted at that meeting, public hire charges have not been increased since 2011. Whereas Club Member charges have consistently increased in line with MSDC.

ii. At the G&E Committee meeting held on 25.3.19 It was RESOLVED that the public hire charges for the Adastra Park Tennis Courts would remain unchanged for 2019 -20. (Min Ref 18/131.2)

iii) For 2019/20 MSDC has reduced its fees for the Casual Hire from £8.60 (Full Rate) to £6.50 (Full Rate). This was following advice from the LTA that the previous charge was considered too high for casual tennis.  The Casual Hire fee for 2020/21 is £6.55 (Full Rate).


i. It is recommended that the Committee consider and agree any changes to charges for Public Tennis hire.

ii. It is recommended that the Committee approve all other proposed increases in charges and fees for the use of Adastra Park facilities.

For APPENDIX 4  fees and charges please click here.

Appendix 5


To:       Grounds & Environment Committee

Date:   9 July 2020

Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk


  1. The purpose of this report is to ask the Committee to consider any variation in charges to sports fees with regard to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown. The effect of Covid 19 will have a direct impact on the Council’s revenue streams from miscellaneous income realised from hire fees and is likely to impact adversely on the Council’s budget
  2. Football, cricket and personal training fees are charged per use across the season. MSDC have continued to apply these charges as normal.
  3. OFFICER RECOMMENDATION. Members are invited to agree that the application of fees for ‘per use’ activities is unchanged.
  4. Adastra Tennis Club. The Tennis Club pays an annual fee based on the number of members.  MSDC have pro-rated fees based on two months of the season being missed.  Adastra Tennis Club inform us that they have reduced Member’s fees to 60% based on 2.5 months of access to courts being missed.
    The Tennis Club members have accessed the courts since the easing of the lockdown at the beginning of June, however, have advised that several of its members have been unable to play due to shielding or have been reluctant to return at this stage.
  5. OFFICER RECOMMENDATION. Members are invited to consider the following options:
    Option 1: A 40 % reduction of annual fees for Tennis Club members in line with the reduction applied by the club.
    Option 2: A 25% reduction of annual fees for Tennis Club members based on the availability of the courts being reduced by 3 months which would be 25% of the year.
  6. Adastra Bowls Club. The club pays an annual ground rent to the Parish Council currently set at £1,200 pa.  In addition by formal agreement in 2013 it was decided that the Adastra Bowls Club would pay fees based on the number of members in line with the rates charged by MSDC for similar bowling facilities and that the Parish Council would reimburse the club by an agreed amount each year for the work carried out by members for the maintenance of the green.  The reimbursement for this year is due to be in the region of £4,411 Therefore the annual fee for the bowls clubs comprises of:  Ground Rent + fees per member less reimbursement of groundwork carried out by members.MSDC has pro-rated members fees for its bowling as for its tennis facilities based on two months of no access to facilities.The Bowls Club have advised that Membership fees have been paid to the club for 2020.   The rink was re-opened at the beginning of June for socially distanced bowls although some members have yet to take up this option.  The club is considering the option of refunding fees or carrying fees forward to next year, although a decision has yet to be made.The club also relies on the income generated through raffles, teas and the bar during competitions and friendly matches which are unlikely to be held this year.
  7. OFFICER RECOMMENDATION. Members are invited to approve a reduction in fees for      the Adastra Bowls Club by the same percentage as applied to the fees for the Adastra Tennis Club.


Appendix 6


To:       Grounds & Environment Committee

Date:   9 July 2020

Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk

Subject: Agenda Item 8 – ADASTRA TENNIS CLUB

  1. The purpose of this report is to inform Members that in late February 2020 the Adastra Tennis Club approached the Council requesting permission to install a Club noticeboard on the fence of the Adastra Tennis courts. The initial report proposed that the Council might consider paying half of the cost of the board, which could be used for public tennis information as well as club notices.
  2. The Tennis Club were informed in March that unfortunately due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the cancellation of meetings, it was not possible to present the report to the Committee for consideration at that time however that the report would be included at the next possible meeting of the G&E Committee. It was intended to include the report on this agenda.
  3. However, it has become apparent that the Adastra Tennis Club have proceeded to purchase and install a smaller noticeboard than was originally proposed as shown below, although there had been no communication with the Council prior to this installation: Please click here to view a picture of the new Tennis Club noticeboard in situ.
  4. Members are invited to note the installation of the board and consider whether any further action is required.


Appendix 7


To:       Grounds & Environment Committee

Date:   9 July 2020

Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk

Subject: Agenda Item 10: DOWNSFEST 2021

  1. The purpose of this report is to invite members to consider a request from Michelle Binks to hold the Downsfest 2021 event in the North Field in Adastra Park on Saturday 17 July 2021. As Members may be aware the decision has had to be taken to cancel the DownsFest 2020 due to be held on Saturday 5 September 2020 has been cancelled due to the uncertainty of holding such events due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
  2. Tickets have already been sold for this years event and therefore the organiser is looking to confirm a date in 2021 to enable tickets to be transferred. It is hoped that the event could be brought forward from September into July for the warmer weather and lighter evenings, avoiding other local event clashes and before the schools close for their summer holidays.
  3. The proposed dates for the music event for the use of the North Field would be from 4pm on Friday 16th July (set up) to Sunday 18th July (breakdown), for DownsFest to be held on Saturday 17th July 2021. A fee of £150 was applied for the use of the field for DownsFest 2019
  4. Following complaints from some residents about noise levels at the previous DownsFest event, the organiser has confirmed that she will have a noise pollution monitor. She also has to submit a noise pollution assessment as part of the Event Management Plan, as requested by MSDC as a result of last year. This is completed by a registered professional.
  5. Keymer and Hassocks Cricket Club have indicated that it is likely that they will have a fixture on that date in the South Field and that the event will therefore impact on this. However although DownsFest event occurring simultaneously with a cricket fixture is not ideal, the Cricket Club are supportive of the community event.
  6. In addition to the music event, Members are also asked to consider the possibility of holding a Hassocks Comedy evening on Friday 16th July in the evening. At this stage it is only a provisional request to determine Members’ views on this.   The organiser would require access to the North Field from 8am on Friday morning as opposed to 4pm on Friday afternoon.   The comedy night would also be a fundraiser for the hospice via ticket sales.
  7. OFFICER RECOMMENDATION. Members are invited to consider the following two options:

Option 1. The use of the North Field in Adastra Park for DownsFest only on Saturday 17th July, including the closure of the North Field from 4pm Friday 16th – Sunday 18th July.  It is suggested that a charge of £150 is applied and the usual hire terms and conditions would also apply.

Option 2.  The use of the North Field in Adastra Park on Friday 16th July 2021 for a Hassocks Comedy Evening and Saturday 17th July 2021 for Downs Fest, including the closure of the North Field from 8am Friday 16th – Sunday 18th July.  Members are invited to consider whether any increase should be applied to the charge of £150.

Appendix 8


To:       Grounds & Environment Committee

Date:   9 July 2020

Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk


Subject: Agenda Item 11.1 – FESTIVE LIGHTING 2020-2022

  1. The purpose of this report is to invite Members to consider quotations for the hire and installation of festive lights in Hassocks from Christmas 2020 for three years.
  2. At the G&E meeting held on 27 February 2020, it was AGREED that four contractors previously approached should be asked to provide quotes based on the existing specifications and also any alternative displays that could be provided within the agreed budget of £3750 net.
  3. Of the four contractors, three submitted quotations. All contractors have confirmed that they would attend a switch on event if required and hold the necessary HERS certification The contractors were asked to provide quotations as follows:
  • NEW LIGHT MOTIFS: Based on the existing specifications
  • EX HIRE MOTIFS: The use of ex-hire motifs which have been refurbished as opposed to newly purchased motifs.
  • ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS. Possible alternative options for displays.

Details of designs have been circulated as background papers and quotation information is shown on the following page.

  1. Given the budget available there would not be sufficient funding for additional displays, although it may be possible to reduce the number of lamp post columns and/or mix and match displays within one company.
  2. Members will notice that some of the quotes for New Lights are in excess of the existing budget, these have been included to demonstrate the options available in the region of the budget. Should members choose to select one of these options it will be necessary to request further funding from General Reserves for 2020 plus agree an increased festive lighting budget for 2021 and 2022.
  3. OFFICER RECOMMENDATION. Members are invited to select a contractor for the supply of the Festive Lighting Contract for 2020-2022 and to agree the preferred lighting design.

Appendix 8

 NEW LIGHTS 14 Pole Motifs hire Description Installation & Removal inc Council owned Fittings Storage 3 year contract – Annual Charge
Company A £1,470.00 Cheveux D’Ange 7 x blue 7 x white £2,000.00 inc £400.00 £3,870.00
Company B.  Quote 1 £2,318.40 Holly and Berries banner.  LED’s white, green & red £1,900.00 £201.60 inc £4,420.00
Company B – Quote 2 £1,449.00 Star point. LED minibulbs  & Rope choice of colour £1,900.00 £201.60 inc £3,550.60
Company B – Quote 3  LED  Rope £3,641.40 Christmas scene and snowflake. LED  Rope Gold foil scrapes for daytime effect £1,900.00 £201.60 inc £5,743.00
Company B – Quote 4 £1,669.50 Star crosses wave.   White & Warm LED £1,900.00 £201.60 inc £3,771.10
Company C £2,350.00 Various LED £1,600.00 inc inc £3,950.00
EX-HIRE 14 Pole Motifs hire Description Installation & Removal inc Council owned Fittings Storage 3 year contract – Annual Charge
Company A  
Company B.  Quote 1 £1,260.00 Holly and Berries motif.  LED’s white, green & red 1900.00 201.60 inc £3,361.60
Company B.  Quote 2 £1,512.00 Scroll Triangle motif.  White and warm white LEDs 1900.00 201.60 inc £3,613.60
Company B.  Quote 3 £1,814.40 Tree Silhouette and mini bulbs.  White and warm white. Alt colours available 1900.00 201.60 inc £3,916.00
Company B.  Quote 4 £1,814.40 Prancing reindeer and minibulbs White and warm white. Alt colours available 1900.00 201.60 inc £3,916.00
Company C £1,290.00 Various £1,600.00 inc inc £2,890.00


Alternative Suggestions Description Installation & Removal Fittings Storage 3 year contract – Annual Charge
Company B. £99.00 Various wall mounted motif.  Individual 93.50 36.00 inc £228.50
Company C. Tree  £375.00


3D Feature Columns Inc. inc inc Tree  £375.00


All costs are net of VAT.

Appendix 9


To:       Grounds & Environment Committee

Date:   9 July 2020

Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk

Subject: Agenda Item 11.2 – FESTIVE LIGHTS.   Merry Christmas Hassocks Motif

  1. At the G&E meeting held on 25 February 2020 Members were informed that the Merry Christmas Hassocks Frame has started to fail in sections, which is to be expected over a period of time. Members were invited to consider the various options and agreed that keeping the original frame was the preferred option.   It was therefore AGREED that a complete refurbishment would be the preferred route at the provided guide price of £1200 plus VAT if a guarantee were provided with the work.  The Deputy Clerk was requested to explore this option further and report back.
  2. The contractor has confirmed that a 12 month warranty would be provided on the refurbishment. However if the same contractor is selected to provide the festive lighting contract for Hassocks over the next three years, the warranty would be extended to cover the three years.
  3. The funds to cover the cost of the repair would need to be drawn from General Reserves.
  4. OFFICER RECOMMENDATION. Members are invited to approve the refurbishment of the Merry Christmas Hassocks motif and to present a recommendation to Full Council for the approval of the expenditure of up to £1500 net from General Reserves to cover the cost of the refurbishment.



Minutes of the GROUNDS AND ENVIRONMENT Committee held virtually on 9 July 2020 at 2.30pm.

Attendees:     Cllrs Jane Baker, Frances Gaudencio, David Hammond, Bill Hatton and Frank Rylance.

In attendance: Tracy Forte – Deputy Clerk  Ian Cumberworth – Parish Clerk

GE20/01        APOLOGIES. Cllrs Kristian Berggreen, Kate Bailey, Peter Gibbons, and Alex Simmons and co-opted member Tony Copeland.

GE20/02        DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. There were no declarations of interest.

GE20/03        MINUTES.

RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the Grounds and Environment Committee meeting held on 27 February 2020.

GE20/04        PUBLIC PARTICIPATION.  There were no members of the Public present.

GE20/05        OFFICER’S REPORT.  Member’s noted the Officer’s report (Appendix 1 of the Agenda).  In addition, the Deputy Clerk informed Members that the trees in the planters on the island parallel to Orion Parade had appeared to be dying, possibly due to a lack of water during the Lockdown period and that the planters generally were looking very unattractive.   The appearance was made worse by the lack of bedding plants which are usually planted by the groundsman each year.  As a consequence the contractor who maintains the hanging baskets had been approached to provide a quote to plant and maintain bedding plants in the four planters for the rest of the season. The quote provided was reasonable and within the available budget. An operational decision was taken to proceed with this using available funds within the floral display budget.  The planters are now a far more attractive feature in the village and with the additional watering by both the contractor and the Groundsman the trees appear to have come into leaf as well.

                        A query was raised regarding the public use of tennis courts.  It was noted that the current bookings system involving using keys was not ideal during the current pandemic. The use of an online booking system and a keypad entry system was suggested.  The Deputy Clerk noted that previous research into the installation of such a system suggested that the expenditure required to implement this would be far in excess of the revenue generated by the public hire of the courts over previous years.


GE20/06        At the previous meeting of the Grounds and Environment Committee held on 27 February 2020, Members requested further information to enable the consideration of the application of burial charges for the burial of a child up to 18 year old.   Appendix 2 of the Agenda provided Members with a comparison of fees charged by local Towns and Parishes and about the Children’s Funeral Fund for England.  The fund was established in July 2019 to ensure no parent will have to pay for their child’s burial or cremation.    It provides for burial authorities and cremation authorities to apply to the Government for the reimbursement of the fees which would otherwise be charged to parents/carers for the provision of the burial or cremation of an eligible child.  This fund is not means tested.

Members were informed that it was understood that should the Council wish to claim costs from this fund, fees would need to be assigned for the burial of children under 18.

Members were provided with various options to consider and discussed the matter in detail.  The general consensus was that no parent or carer should be asked to pay for the purchase of a burial or cremation plot for a child in Hassocks Burial Ground.  It was debated whether the Council should therefore waive all fees and absorb the cost or whether fees should be applied on the understanding that the costs would be claimed via the Children’s Funeral Fund and not from families.  It was also discussed as to whether any decision should be applied equally for residents and non-residents or whether a distinction should be made in line with the other burial fees.

The fee to erect a memorial headstone, currently £120, was also considered.

It was acknowledged that to date no request had been made to bury a child at Hassocks Burial Ground.

GE 20/06.1    It was RESOLVED to approve that Hassocks Parish Council would remove all fees for both residents and non-residents for the burial of a child up to 18 years and the installation of a memorial headstone.   No funds would be claimed from the Children’s Funeral Fund.

GE 20/07       Members were invited to consider proposed increases to the Burial Ground fees for 2020 based on a 1.78% increase in CPI between September 2018 and September 2019.  It was proposed that all fees were increased with the exception of Search Fees and fees relating to Deed of Grant amendments, which were above average in comparison with other parishes, and it was therefore recommended that these fees remain at the same level.  Following the resolution made in the previous item, children’s fees were exempt from this proposal.

GE 20/07.1    It was RESOLVED to approve the proposed schedule of charges and amendments to Hassocks Burial Ground from 1 August 2020 as set out in Appendix 1.


GE 20/08       Members were invited to approve the fees and charges for the hire of Adastra Park facilities for 2020-21 as shown in Appendix 4 of the Agenda.

Charges are reviewed annually usually in March to be applied from 1 April to 31 March to the following year, however due to the Covid-19 pandemic the review for 20-21 was postponed. All sports facilities fees for Adastra Park are calculated based on the Mid Sussex District Council (MSDC) charging structure where applicable, and a similar percentage increase is applied to any fees or charges which are unique to Adastra Park. Members were informed that MSDC updated fees are in effect from 1 June 2020.

GE 20/08.1    It was RESOLVED to approve the fees and charges for the hire of Adastra Park Facilities, including the public hire of Tennis Courts from 1 August 2020 to 31 March 2021 as shown in Appendix 2. Please click here to view Hassocks Parish Council Adastra Park Sports Facilities Fees and Charges 2020/21.

GE 20/09       Members were requested to consider any adjustment of fees for specified clubs in the light of the Covid-19 lockdown.   The Clerk informed members that it is likely that Covid 19 will impact across all of the Council’s miscellaneous income streams for the forthcoming year.  Due to the cancellation of the hire of facilities to date and the slow return to recommence competitive games, and the fact the Pavilion will remain closed for the foreseeable future, hire fees will be impacted.

Members were informed that Football, cricket and personal training fees are charged per use across the season.  MSDC have continued to apply these charges as normal, and it was proposed and AGREED that the same approach is applied by Hassocks Parish Council for Adastra Park.

Members considered an adjustment of fees for Adastra Tennis Club and Adastra Bowls Club which both pay an annual charge based on membership numbers.   It was noted that the Tennis Courts had been closed for approximately 2.5 months during lockdown and that the Bowls Club had re-opened later in its season, at the beginning of June, for socially distanced bowls, although some members had not yet taken up the option to participate in this.  MSDC has pro-rated fees for its bowling and tennis facilities based on two months of no access to facilities.

It was noted that the same adjustment should be applied to both clubs.  Members agreed that a pro-rata adjustment should be applied and on the basis that access to facilities had been reduced by 2-3 months a 25% reduction on fees would be appropriate.

GE 20/09.1    It was RESOLVED to approve that the fees for Adastra Bowls Club and Adastra Tennis Club would be reduced by 25% for 2020-21.

GE 20/10       ADASTRA TENNIS CLUB.  Members were informed that prior to the Lockdown, the Clerk had received a request by Adastra Tennis Club to install a club noticeboard on the fence of the Tennis Courts. The Club had been informed that this would need to be approved by the G&E Committee before installation.   Members were invited to note that the noticeboard had already been installed without any further communication between the club and the Clerk.   The Clerk informed members that he had since communicated with the Chairman of the Tennis Club who had apologised for this action.  The Club is keen to attract new members and was concerned about missing an opportunity to do so at the beginning of the season when the Council was unable to meet.  It was noted and understood by the Chairman that any actions involving the Tennis Courts should be approved in advance by the Parish Council as the owners of the courts.

Although members were disappointed that the Tennis Club had proceeded in this manner as it was contrary to the Terms and Condition of Hire, it was AGREED that no further action was required on this occasion.

GE 20/11       ADASTRA PARK MASTERPLAN. The Clerk informed members that the playground installation remains on schedule to be completed by the end of this month.   However based on the current Government guidance on the reopening of playgrounds during the Covid-19 pandemic it may not be possible to open the playgrounds on completion.  It will be necessary to undertake a risk assessment of each site to determine what mitigation measures can be put in place to enable the play areas to re-open. Due to the complexity and ambiguity of the guidance, the current situation is that nationally there is an inconsistency in the action taken by various Local Authorities, some have reopened whereas others have determined they will need to remain closed at this time.  At this stage, the Clerk is continuing to monitor the situation closely.

GE 20/12       Memorial Bench.  Members were invited to consider a request from the family of a young man who had recently passed away.  The family would like to install a Memorial Bench near to the Skate Park as a tribute to the young man.

The purpose for bringing this to the Committee is because the Council has a standard Memorial Bench Policy which is dealt with within the parish Office, however the family have expressed a wish to purchase a different bench to that covered by the policy.   The reason being that the young man was a DJ and his family would very much like to include a carving of his logo on the bench, and the bench used by HPC does not have a wide enough area for this.

Members were shown examples of the benches being considered and of the logo.

Members discussed the request in detail and generally expressed support for the request.  Some concern was voiced over not adhering to the policy, however it was noted that the policy was partly created to provide a clear operational process for the purchase of Memorial Benches, not necessarily to ensure a uniform approach to the benches in the Park.

It was suggested that requests to deviate from the policy could be considered on their own merits and outside of the Policy.

It was noted that an exact location had yet to be agreed and that this would be determined by the Clerk in discussion with the family once the South Field Play areas had been completed.

GE 20/12.1    Members RESOLVED to approve the installation of a Memorial Bench as proposed with the carving as requested.  It would not come under the Memorial Bench Policy and would be arranged directly with the family.  The Committee AGREED to delegate operational responsible to the Clerk/Deputy Clerk to oversee this matter.

GE 20/13       DOWNSFEST.  Members were invited to consider a request to hold DownsFest 2021 on Saturday 17 July 2021 with a further request to hold a Comedy Evening on Friday 16 July 2021.   Members were invited to consider whether an additional charge should be applied in the event that the Comedy Evening is also held due to the extended use of Adastra Park.  It was AGREED that as the event is a local event for a local hospice the fee of £150 should be maintained for the entire weekend.

GE 20/13.1  Members RESOLVED to approve to the use of the North Field in Adastra Park on Friday 16th July 2021 for a Hassocks Comedy Evening and Saturday 17th July 2021 for Downs Fest, including the closure of the North Field from 8am Friday 16th – Sunday 18th July.  The same Terms and Conditions would be applied as for the previous DownsFest event and the fee of £150 would be applied.

Some concern was raised over the content of the Comedy Evening bearing in mind that this would be held over a PA system and would be heard by local residents and families.  It was agreed that this would be raised with the organiser.


GE 20/14       Following the end of the current Festive Lighting Contract, Members were invited to agree a Festive Lighting Contractor and Festive Lighting designs for 2020-22.  Members were provided with a selection of quotations from 3 contractors all of whom held the necessary certifications to install Festive Lighting on the Highway.

When considering the quotations and expectations for the Festive Lighting, the Committee were reminded by the Chair of the need to maintain an awareness that income will be down generally this year for the Council and this may impact on future reserves.   The current Festive Lighting budget for 2020 is £3750.00.

It was also noted that the following agenda item 11.2, would involve expenditure up to £1500 to repair the Merry Christmas Hassocks motif which would currently need to be released from General Reserves.

Members discussed the options in detail and after much discussion it was agreed that a preferred option would be to hire ex-hire lights at a lower cost. In the first instance this would release some funds towards the repair of the Merry Christmas Hassocks motif this year, and provide a surplus for the next two years for any other repairs or possibly to enable additional lighting.  The Committee then reviewed the quotations for ex-hire lighting and Company 3 provided the lowest quotation.  Members were informed that this was Merlin Lighting Installations.

GE 20/14.1    It was RESOLVED to approve Company 3, Merlin Lighting Installations, to supply, install and maintain 14 ex-hire column motives and provide installation, take-down and storage of the two motifs owned by Hassocks Parish Council at a cost of £2890.00 plus VAT per year over a three year contract period.

The Deputy Clerk was requested to liaise with the contractor over designs based on preferences provided by the Committee.

GE 20/15       At the G&E meeting held on 27 February 2020 Members were informed that the Merry Christmas Hassocks Frame has started to fail in sections, which is to be expected over a period of time.  Members were invited to consider the various options and agreed that keeping the original frame was the preferred option.   It was therefore AGREED that a complete refurbishment would be the preferred route at the provided guide price of £1200 plus VAT if a guarantee were provided with the work.  The quote had been provided by the current contractor Merlin Lighting Ltd.  The Deputy Clerk was instructed to confirm that a guarantee would be provided.

The contractor had confirmed that a 12 month warranty would be provided on the refurbishment.  This guarantee would be extended to cover 3 years should the contractor be selected to provide the overall lighting as he would be responsible for the movement and storage of the light.

It was noted that a saving of £860 had been made on the Festive Lights this year and therefore this could be used towards the refurbishment of the large motif.  Allowing for funds to cover the cost of energy usage, based on a max charge of £1500 for the repair £700 would be needed from General Reserves to cover the full cost.

GE 20/15.1    It was RESOLVED TO APPROVE the expenditure of £800 from the 2020 Festive Lights budget towards the cost of the refurbishment of the Merry Christmas Hassocks motif at a total cost of up to £1500 plus VAT to be carried out by Merlin Lighting Ltd.

GE 20/15.2    It was RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND to Full Council that up to £700 may be released from General Reserves towards the cost of the refurbishment of the Merry Christmas Hassocks motif at a total cost of up to £1500 plus VAT.

GE 20/16       URGENT MATTERS at the discretion of the Chairman for noting and/or inclusion on a future agenda.  There were no urgent matters.

GE 20/17       DATE OF NEXT MEETING 3 September 2020 at 7.30pm

There being no other business the meeting closed at 16.05pm.


Hassocks Burial Ground  APPROVED FEES

From 1 August 2020



 EROB (50yrs) and 1st Interment

Non parishioner – 5 x fee

A stillborn child, or a child up to the age of 18 years old.  Resident or Non-resident.





Residents and Non-residents

A person whose age at the time of death exceeded 18 years. Single plot depth  £379.00



Double plot depth  £492.00
Second burial interment  £122.00
Interment of ashes into a Burial Plot  £122.00


For the right to erect a headstone within the burial ground on a grave in Respect of which the exclusive Right of Burial has been granted. £122.00
For the right to have additional inscription on an existing memorial. £61.00
Additional Fees or Charges
Search Fee   £34.00 
Replacement, transfer or amendment of Deed of Grant    £57.00


Hassocks Burial Ground  APPROVED FEES

From 1 August 2020



Interment of ashes, including the right to have an entry on the Wall of Remembrance


Non-residents 5x fee
Child whose age did not exceed 18 years old.  (Residents and non-residents)  


(Residents and Non-residents))

Adult over the age of 18 years


Memorial Wall area

EROB, first interment and numbered ground marker.


To purchase a plaque on the Memorial Wall.                   


Southern Memorial Area
EROB, first interment and permission for a Memorial Tablet.                    










 Second Interment of cremated remains.   £103.00
 Additional Inscription on a tablet.    £19.00