To: All Members of the Grounds & Environment Committee (Kate Bailey, Jane Baker, Claire Tester, Kristian Berggreen, Leslie Campbell, Frances Gaudencio, Bill Hatton, Frank Rylance and Alex Simmons) and Co-opted Members (Tony Copeland) with copies to all other Councillors for information.
cc Richard Higgs
A virtual meeting of the GROUNDS AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE will be held on Thursday 11 March at 7.30pm.
Parish Clerk 3 March 2021
3. MINUTES To accept the Minutes of the Grounds and Environment Meeting held on Thursday 28 January 2021. (Previously Circulated)
5. OFFICER’S REPORT. (Appendix 1)
6. ADASTRA FACILITIES HIRE FEES AND CHARGES. Members are invited to consider approving an increase in fees for the Adastra Park facilities from 1 April 2021-31 March 2022. (Appendix 2)
7. BURIAL GROUND FEES Members are invited to review and approve fees for Hassocks Burial Ground from 1 April 2021 – 31 March 2022. (Appendix 3).
8. ADASTRA PARK MASTERPLAN. Verbal Update (Parish Clerk)
9. FLOOD WORKING GROUP. Members are invited to approve proposals for natural flood management interventions in Parklands Copse. (Appendix 4)
10. PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY. (PROW) Members are invited to consider a proposals for a schedule of potential improvements to PROW in Hassocks. (Appendix 5)
11. DOWNSFEST. Members are invited to note the cancellation of the proposed Downsfest music and comedy event for Friday 16 and Saturday 17 July 2021, and invited to consider a request to reschedule the event for Friday 15 and Saturday 16 July 2022. (Appendix 6)
12. URGENT MATTERS at the discretion of the Chairman for noting and/or inclusion on a future agenda.
13. DATE OF NEXT MEETING. Thursday 28 April 2021 at 7.30pm
Please Note
All members of the public are welcome to attend meetings of the Parish Council and its Committees.
Item 4 – a period of 15 minutes will be set aside for the public statements and questions relating to the published non-confidential business of the Meeting. It may be necessary to consider particular items in confidential session and where this arises, these items will be considered at the end of the agenda.
If you wish to attend this virtual meeting please email before 09.00 hrs on the day of the meeting to be sent an electronic invitation by 12.00 noon on that same day.
During this meeting members of the public may film or record the Committee and officers from the public area only, providing it does not disrupt the meeting. The Confidential section of the meeting may not be filmed or recorded. If a member of the public objects to being recorded, the person(s) filming must stop doing so until that member of the public has finished speaking. The use of social media is permitted but members of the public are requested to switch their mobile devices to silent for the duration of the meeting.
Appendix 1
To: Grounds & Environment Committee Date: 11 March 2021
Contact for this report: Deputy Clerk Subject: Agenda Item 5 – OFFICER’S REPORT
1. The purpose of this report is to update the Committee on Grounds and Environment (G&E) Matters.
2.1. COVID 19 Update. Sports Facilities and activities within the park will resume in line with Government Guidance and the Parish Office will liaise with the Sports Clubs and other hirers accordingly.
3. TREE CONDITION SURVEY. The Council has now received its tree condition survey report which will be used to inform future tree works across Adastra Park, Parklands Copse and Talbot Field. As a result of the report, it was necessary to undertake some tree works immediately in the vicinity of the skate park area; however the survey has identified potential further works within the garden of remembrance that will require addressing in the short to medium term.
4. HANGING BASKETS. The closing date for local Traders to register an interest in having a hanging basket for 2021 is Friday 5 March. At the time of writing the interest for baskets this year has been much reduced from that of previous years, very likely due to the number of businesses which are currently closed and the various challenges that businesses are facing at this current time.
5. FINGERPOST. The new fingerpost has now been installed at Stonepound Crossroads.
Appendix 2
To: Grounds & Environment Committee Date: 11 March 2021
Contact for this report: Deputy Clerk Subject: Agenda Item 6 – Adastra Park Facilities Fees
1. The purpose of this report is to ask the Committee to consider and agree charges for the hire of Adastra Park Facilities from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022.
2. At the G&E meeting held on 28.01.21, Members approved the application of a formula based on inflation in the annual calculation of Adastra Park Facilities hire fees and charges (Minute ref: GE20/58.1), in place of the previous calculation which was based on the fees charged by Mid Sussex District Council (MSDC).
3. Members are therefore invited to consider the proposed increases to Adastra Park Sports Facilities Fees and Charges as set out below for 2021/22 based on a 0.55% increase in CPI between September 2019 and September 2020.
4. Members are invited to consider the revised charges as provided, with particular attention drawn to the following:
Tennis Charges
i) It was agreed at the G&E Committee meeting held on 30 March 2017 not to increase casual hire charges for the Adastra Tennis Courts (Min ref 17/716). Members agreed to defer any changes to charges or booking arrangements until the Adastra Park review had been completed. As noted at that meeting, public hire charges have not been increased since 2011.
ii) At the G&E Committee meeting held on 25.3.19 It was RESOLVED that the public hire charges for the Adastra Park Tennis Courts would remain unchanged for 2019 – 20. (Min Ref 18/131.2)
iii) For 2019/20 MSDC has reduced fees for Casual Hire of Tennis Courts from £8.60 (Full Rate) to £6.50 (Full Rate). This was following advice from the LTA that the previous charge was considered too high for casual tennis. The MSDC Casual Hire fee for 2020/21 was £6.55 (Full Rate).
I. It is recommended that the Committee consider and agree if there are to be any changes to charges for Public Tennis hire.
ii. It is recommended that the Committee approve all other proposed increases in charges and fees for the use of Adastra Park facilities.
Appendix 2
HASSOCKS PARISH COUNCIL Adastra Park Sports Facilities Fees and Charges 2021/22
General Conditions
1. The charges included in this leaflet are effective from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022 in relation to the sports facilities operated by Hassocks Parish Council. Summer and Winter season dates are specific to each facility and activity.
2. All hirers must complete an official HPC application form and adhere to the Council’s published Terms and Conditions of Hire prior to the booking period.
3. Payment for the hire of facilities must be made in advance unless otherwise are agreed.
4. Discounted Rates – where a discounted rate (50% of the full rate) is provided, the following conditions apply: Juniors – in order to qualify for the discounted rate, facility users must be under the age of 17 at the time of hire. Senior Citizens – in order to qualify for the discounted rate, facility users must be 60 or over at the time of hire.
Full Rate |
Discounted Rate |
20/21 |
Proposed 2021/22 |
20/21 |
Proposed 2021/22 |
Cricket Turf Wicket – per use |
45.30 |
45.55 |
22.70 |
22.80 |
Cricket Turf Wicket – evening rate |
23.80 |
23.90 |
Juniors on Artificial Pitch |
11.90 |
11.95 |
Cricket Net Practice – Per session |
23.80 |
23.90 |
11.90 |
11.15 |
Water for cricket square will be recharged at cost |
Stoolball – South Field per use |
22.20 |
22.30 |
11.10 |
11.15 |
North Field |
N/A |
5.55 |
5.60 |
Bowls – Club Members |
131.20 |
131.90 |
65.60 |
65.95 |
Water use will be recharged to the Bowling Club |
Tennis – Casual Hire per Court |
7.00 |
7.00 |
3.50 |
3.50 |
Key Deposit – returnable |
5.00 |
5.00 |
Tennis – Club Members |
94.00 |
94.50 |
47.00 |
47.25 |
Couples |
140.80 |
141.60 |
N/A |
Children of Adult Members |
16.45 |
16.55 |
Changing Rooms/Toilets/Kitchen/Bar/Storage |
38.60 |
38.80 |
N/A |
Changing Rooms/Toilets/Kitchen/Storage |
26.10 |
26.25 |
13.10 |
13.10 |
Toilets/Kitchen/Storage |
13.10 |
6.50 |
6.55 |
Football – per use |
58.50 |
58.80 |
Junior Football on Senior Pitch |
29.30 |
29.40 |
Mini-Pitch |
14.50 |
14.60 |
Training Session (per session) |
15.00 |
15.10 |
7.50 |
7.55 |
31.80 |
32.00 |
15.90 |
16.00 |
Community Pavilion Hire |
9.70 |
9.80 |
Fitness Training Charges (4 hour session) |
10.80 |
10.85 |
Appendix 3
To: Grounds & Environment Committee Date: 11 March 2021
Contact for this report: Deputy Clerk Subject: Agenda Item 7 – Burial Fees
1. The purpose of this report is to invite the Committee to review the current charges for Hassocks Burial Ground and to agree if an increase is to be applied.
2. In line with the agreed approach of increasing Burial Ground and Allotment fees based on an annual inflationary increase, rounded to the nearest whole pound using the Consumer Price Index, Members are invited to consider the proposed increases to the Burial Ground fees as set out below for 1 April 2021-31 March 2022 based on a 0.55% increase in CPI between September 2019 and September 2020.
3. With the exception of Search Fees and fees relating to Deed of Grant amendments which are above average in comparison with other parishes and it is therefore recommended that these fees remain at the same level.
4. OFFICER RECOMMENDATION. Members are recommended to approve the proposed Burial Ground Fees as shown below to be applicable from 1 April 2021.
Appendix 3
Hassocks Burial Ground |
Current Fees
August 2020 |
Proposed changes
Increase by CPI Increase Sept 19 to Sept 20 – 0.55% |
EROB (50yrs) and 1st Interment
Non parishioner – 5 x fee |
EROB (50yrs) and 1st Interment
Non parishioner – 5 x fee |
A stillborn child, or a person whose age at the time of death, did not exceed 18 years (Residents and Non-residents). |
No Charge |
No Charge |
A person whose age at the time of death exceeded 18 years. |
Single plot depth |
£379.00 |
£381.00 |
Double plot depth |
£492.00 |
£495.00 |
Second interment – ashes or coffin |
£122.00 |
£123.00 |
Memorials |
For the right to erect a headstone within the burial ground on a grave in Respect of which the exclusive Right of Burial has been granted. |
£122.00 |
£123.00 |
For the right to have additional inscription on an existing memorial. |
£61.00 |
£61.00 |
A stillborn child, or a person whose age at the time of death, did not exceed 18 years (Residents and Non-residents). |
No Charge |
No Charge |
A person whose age at the time of death exceeded 18 years |
NORTH SECTION Memorial Wall area
EROB, first interment and numbered ground marker. |
£208.00 |
£209.00 |
To purchase a plaque on the Memorial Wall |
£32.00 |
£32.00 |
SOUTH SECTION Memorial Tablet Area
EROB, first interment and permission for a Memorial Tablet. |
£270.00 |
£271.00 |
Second Ashes Interment |
£103.00 |
£104.00 |
Additional Inscription on a memorial tablet. |
£19.00 |
£19.00 |
Search Fee |
£34.00 per hour |
Suggested no change |
Replacement, transfer or amendment of Deed of Grant |
£57.00 |
Suggested no change |
Appendix 4
To: Grounds & Environment Committee Date: 11 March 2021
Contact for this report: Cllr Frances Gaudencio Subject: Item 9 – Flood Working Group
1. The Flood Working Group is requesting the construction of debris dam(s) at Parklands Copse in order to mitigate flooding in the centre of the village.
2. Peter King Director of the OART – Ouse and Adur Rivers Trust – who is a member of the Flood Working Group, has guided us as follows:
Constructing debris dams through this section will de-synchronise the flows near to where the two channels meet (from Butchers Wood and Parklands Copse). Slowing the flow in this location will further reduce the amount of water meeting Spitalford Bridge in the centre of the village, creating additional capacity within the culvert. This needs to be calculated but this should facilitate additional drainage from the road surface water drains which often back up once the level of water in the channel overtops the invert level of the pipes from the road. We would expect this to compliment the work already done in Lag Wood in slowing the movement of water into the village centre.
3. The work that OART would do is :
Undertake a walkover survey of the stream, map the suitable locations for installation of the debris dams, provide a plan and cost estimate for materials required and source these if necessary. Peter estimates that this would take two days and the charge by OART for doing so would be £450 based on his colleague Rachel doing the work.
HKD has a group of volunteers that would install the debris dams.
I. As the Parish Council is the landowner of the above area of Parklands Copse, the Grounds and Environment Committee are requested on behalf of the Parish Council to approve that permission is granted for natural flood management interventions to be carried out in this area
ii. The Committee is invited to approve a survey and costings to be undertaken by OART at a cost of £450, for the purpose of constructing a debris dam(s) in the referenced area.
iii. If the above is approved, it is also requested that the Committee resolves to recommend to Full Council that funds are made available from General Reserves for the expenditure of £450 in payment for the survey and costings to be carried out by OART, with provision for funding for potential future costs relating to materials.
Appendix 5
To: Grounds & Environment Committee Date: 11 March 2021
Contact for this report: Cllrs Ian Weir & Leslie Campbell Subject: Item 10 – Public Rights of Way (PROW)
1. Public Rights of Way are experiencing increased usage as the result of the Parish’s location close to the South Downs National Park, the growth of the village and currently from the need to exercise locally due to the lockdown. It is clear that many paths are not able to sustain the heavy use made of them particularly during the winter months. This creates a number of issues:
i. Increased path usage in wet weather is making unpaved paths virtually impassable due to the creation of deep trenches of mud and water
ii. Landowners are complaining about walkers diverting from the defined line and damaging the ground which reduces hay and crop yields later in the year.
iii. Families looking for safe routes to cycle are using certain Footpaths which indicates a need for upgrading.
These issues will only get worse as the village grows significantly over the coming years and more people use the PROW network.
2. A full review of the network by Councillors Ian Weir and Les Campbell is attached to give a clear picture of the situation on a path-by-path basis. A number of PROWs have been identified for action and these are listed under potential projects.
3. The aim of this presentation is to brief the G+E committee on the potential improvements to the Parish’s PROW network and gain agreement to discussing these options with West Sussex County Council’s PROW team to gain support in upgrading the network, particularly where developers are building on land containing existing rights-of-way, or where the cost falls within the Parish Council’s ability to finance an improvement. There is also potential that S106 monies could become reallocated to PROW improvements if West Sussex can be convinced that there is sufficient benefit to an improvement.
Hassocks Public Rights of Way – Review as at Jan 2021
Please click here to view a colour pdf of the PROW tables including colour coded key to table.
East side of Parish – (historically Keymer Parish)
Path ID |
Route Description |
Planned Action |
1K |
Ockley Lane to Burgess Hill Water Tower (FP) |
Paved private road – No action |
2K |
Wellhouse Lane (FP) |
Paved private road – No action |
3K |
Ockley Lane South to Oldlands Mill (BW) |
Majority of Bridleway rebuilt in 2017 – in very good condition |
4K |
Adjacent to middle part of Path 3K (FP) |
Footpath steps replaced in 2017 – No further action proposed as Users would use Path 3K in preference during wet weather. |
5K |
Friars Oak Pub east across railway to Ockley Manor (FP) |
East section is firm walking West section gets boggy in winter.
Lies on two sites with planning permission for housing S106 requires tunnel under railway – potential for upgrade to bridleway – pursue with WSCC and developers at detailed planning stage. |
6K |
Ockley Manor to Oldlands Mill (BW) |
Paved private road – No Action |
7K |
Woodsland Road west under railway to Little Copse Road (FP) |
Paved footpath resurfaced in 2019 which included removal of flooded depression – No Action |
8K |
Thatched Inn SE toward Ditchling (FP) |
Heavily used path with fenced sections – Monday Group asked to improve worst parts with hardcore – Ongoing at Jan 2021 |
9K |
Silverdale north to Path 8K near Damian Way (FP) |
North Section gets boggy and needs hard surface -Landowner has not agreed to Monday Group work in the past. |
10K |
Fir Tree Way NW across Adastra Park to Grand Avenue (FP) |
Diagonal route across Park creates issues when holding ticketed events. – Consider rerouting path to existing E-W path across Park- discuss with WSCC. |
11K |
Woodsland Road North to Path 5K at Woodside Grange (FP) |
Paved private road which provides walking and cycle access to Clayton Mills – Upgrade to Bridleway/Cycleway required as part of future housing development North of Path 5K |
12K |
Lodge Lane SW toward Half Way House – becomes Path 18C (FP) |
Fenced Section nearest Lodge Lane was improved with hard surface in 2016 – remainder is in open countryside. Action- Area approaching stream is slippery and needs hard surface. |
13K |
New Road SW toward Clayton – becomes Path 19C (FP) |
Little used path because it ends on Fast road with no pavements. |
14K |
Lodge Lane (South end) SW to Underhill Lane (FP) |
Path in Open Countryside with normal wet weather issues – Review as some sections are boggy |
15K |
Underhill Lane to Keymer Post(on South Downs Way) continuing SSW toward Chattri Memorial – becomes 21Py (BW) |
Steep climb with gravelly surface on North section – generally dry and useable all year. -No Action
Line of PROW to be reviewed by Les/Ian in 2021 |
16K |
Link Path from Car Park on Underhill Lane in Ditchling Parish connecting to North section of Path 15K (FP) |
Gravelly surface makes this useable in winter – No Action |
17K |
Section of SDW from Keymer Post West toward Jack and Jill Windmills – becomes 17C (FP) |
Part of South Downs Way and fully maintained by SDNP and upgraded in 2018 |
18K |
Link Path from 15K (Section S of SDW) South to Parish Boundary and toward Standen Farm (FP) |
PROW to be reviewed by Les/Ian in 2021 |
19K |
Mackie Avenue to Path 21K behind gardens of Grand Avenue (FP) |
Little used path with sections of poor-quality surface. Could benefit from levelling but low usage doesn’t justify hard surface.
Discuss with Clayton Mills Management Committee |
20K |
Ockley Lane to Fir Tree Way behind gardens of The Quadrant and along Clerks Acre (FP) |
Poor quality surface particularly at east end – otherwise ok for the light use it gets.
PROW to be reviewed by Les/Ian in 2021 |
21K |
Woodsland Road to Grand Ave behind Gardens of Queens Drive (FP) |
Moderately heavy use as a link route – surface is rutted and overgrown in places – would benefit from widening levelling and a hard surface for all year use. Priority for upgrade |
22K |
Orchard Lane along West side of Adastra Park (FP) |
Private Road maintained by Parish Council and other owners – would make a good traffic free cycle route to village centre and schools avoiding Grand Avenue. Discuss with WSCC |
23K |
Link Path from The Close to Path 22K (FP) |
Little used path with sections of poor-quality surface. No action |
24K |
Link Section From Damian Way to Path 9K (FP) |
Paved Path – No Action |
25K |
Short Section of SDW from Keymer Post East toward Ditchling Beacon (FP) |
Part of South Downs Way and fully maintained by SDNP and upgraded in 2018 |
West side of Parish – (historically Clayton Parish)
Path ID |
Route Description |
Planned Action |
1C |
Now part of Burgess Hill |
Outside the Parish |
2C |
Tesco Roundabout to Scotches Farm (FP) |
Part of Burgess Hill Green Circle – managed by BHTC |
2C-1 |
Short section – Scotches Farm to The Paddocks (BW) |
Part of Burgess Hill Green Circle – Landowner is BHTC |
3C |
Jane Murray Way to Hammonds Mill Farm (FP) |
North section is part of Burgess Hill Green Circle
South section recently fenced by Landowner – Consider for upgrade to Bridleway – Discuss with WSCC |
4C |
Link Path from Path 3C to Path 6C adjacent to Hammonds Mill Farm (FP) |
Recently fenced by Landowner – Consider for upgrade to Bridleway – Discuss with WSCC |
4C-1 |
Hammonds Mill south to Path 4C-2 (FP) |
Consider for upgrade to Bridleway – Discuss with WSCC |
4C-2 |
Friars Oak House west to Path 8C then North to Path 4C-1 then west towards Hurst College (BW) |
Generally good except in wet weather – Proposed upgrade to hard surface with funds from Golf Course S106 funds – Research funding |
5C |
Link from 2C-1 to 57Hu outside The Paddocks |
Path is on paved Private Road – No Action |
5C-1 |
Along Scotches Farm east boundary then SW toward Hurst College – becomes 78 Hu (FP) |
PROW to be reviewed by Les/Ian in 2021 |
5C-2 |
Link Path from 5C-1 to Hammonds Mill Farm (FP) |
PROW to be reviewed by Les/Ian in 2021 |
6C |
London Road (just S of entrance to Hammonds Mill Farm) west beside stream towards Hurst College – becomes 56-2Hu (FP) |
Path in Open Countryside with normal wet weather issues – No Action |
7C |
From Junction of Path 4C-2 and Path 8C NW towards Hurst College (FP) |
Path in Open Countryside with normal wet weather issues but generally good surface – No Action |
8C |
Whole of Belmont Lane through Clayton Wickham then North to Junction of Path 4C-2 and Path 7C (BW) |
Bridleway on paved private road with northern section on upgraded hard surface. Northern section requires brushing/cleaning to remove several years of loose material which causes muddy patches on an otherwise good surface |
9C |
Friars Oak Pub West to Belmont Lane (FP) |
Currently affected by housing development – Western section will need upgrading on completion of the development to carry extra users and consideration of upgrade to Bridleway to carry cycle way towards Hurstpierpoint |
10C |
London Road (Saxon Mills) NW to Path 9C |
Currently affected by housing development – NW section is in Open Countryside with normal wet weather issues – No Action |
11C |
Crossways Lane to Path 13C just north of Coldharbour Farm (FP) |
Northern section affected by flooding. In 2019 a short section adjacent to a lake was improved with a hard surface. Further upgrading has been agreed with landowner – awaiting additional quotes prior to approval by Council. |
11C-1 |
Link Path in field just north of Coldharbour Farm (FP) |
Path in Open Countryside with normal wet weather issues – No Action |
12C |
Brighton Road (N of Jack & Jill Pub) to Path 28C at Coldharbour Farm (FP) |
Low usage path in Open Countryside with normal wet weather issues – No Action |
13C |
Brighton Road (Clayton Burial Ground) West then South to Path12C at Coldharbour Farm (FP) |
Well used path in Open Countryside with normal wet weather issues. A short section to west of junction with 11C-1 enters a wood and is severely affected by protruding tree roots – Discuss improvement with WSCC. |
14C |
Keymer Road (Rail Bridge) South to A273 at Clayton (known as Cinder Path) (FP) |
Well used Path linking Hassocks to Clayton. Many sections are paved but now in poor state. Planned improvements by WSCC and SDNP were proposed but are currently stalled. Office to ask for update from County Councillor |
15C |
Clayton Rec to Mill Lane & SDW by Jack Windmill (BW) |
Well used Bridleway giving traffic-free access to the Windmills and SDW. – Managed by SDNP and upgraded in2018 |
15-1C |
Link into Jack and Jill Windmill car park (FP) |
Managed by SDNP |
16C |
Path adjacent to mid-section of Path 15C |
Managed by SDNP |
17C |
Mill Lane (at Jill Mill) East toward Keymer Post – becomes 17K (BW) |
Managed by SDNP – Improved to a good standard in 2018 |
18C |
New Road at Path 21C to Half Way House then NE to become Path 12K |
Follows existing track then crosses well drained field. Consider upgrade to Bridleway as part of New Path Project |
19C |
Spring Lane NE to New Road – becomes Path 13K (FP) |
Little used path because it ends on Fast road with no pavements. |
20C |
Underhill Lane (Pump House) to Bridleway 15C (FP) |
Steep access on track then well drained field. – Managed by SDNP PROW to be reviewed by Les/Ian in 2021 |
21C |
New Road at Path 18C to Spring Lane Clayton (BW) |
Well Used Good condition track and then roadway – No Action |
22C |
No Record on Database |
23C |
Keymer Road to Clayton Avenue (west end) then to Path 14C (FP) |
Northern section is a boggy and little used path. Western Section is well used and gets muddy in winter. As 14C is paved upgrading the western section of this path would be beneficial |
24C |
Keymer Road Mini Roundabout to No 9 Clayton Avenue (FP) |
Paved footpath – No Action |
25C |
Link Path West end of Ockenden Way to Path 14C (FP) |
Paved footpath – No Action |
26C |
Linking Downsview Road to Parklands Road in Hassocks (FP) |
Paved footpath – No Action |
27C |
Butchers Wood at Path 14C to Half Way House (FP) |
Well used path in Open Countryside with normal wet weather issues. A short section adjacent to Herring Stream floods and improvements would be beneficial – however flood control and a raised section of walking route make this a potentially costly improvement. Discuss with HKD and Flood Group |
27-1C |
Misty Bridge at Path 14C to Path 27C at Woodbine Cottage (FP) |
Well used path in Open Countryside with normal wet weather issues. |
28C |
Coldharbour Farm to New Way Lane (FP) |
Paved footpath – No Action |
29C |
A273 at Clayton Burial Ground to Misty Bridge (FP) |
Majority is hard surface although a few boggy sections may need attention – Review for short term solution |
30C |
Now part of Burgess Hill |
Outside Parish |
3739 |
Tesco Roundabout west to Parish Boundary |
Part of Burgess Hill Green Circle – managed by BHTC |
3741 |
Tesco Roundabout east to Hammonds Ridge Roundabout |
Part of Burgess Hill Green Circle – managed by BHTC |
3742 |
Link Path at Hammonds Ridge Roundabout |
Part of Burgess Hill Green Circle – managed by BHTC |
3743 |
Link Path at Hammonds Ridge Roundabout |
Part of Burgess Hill Green Circle – managed by BHTC |
Projects for Upgrade of Heavily used PROW routes
Priority Designation: Numbered from P1 – Highest Priority to P20 – Lowest Priority
Ease of Delivery: Easiest Moderate Hardest
Project Description |
Action and Progress |
Improved Access to SDNP from Village Centre and Keymer to SDNP – This project has 2 elements: a) a new Bridleway linking Parklands Road to existing Bridleway 21C at Spring Lane Clayton and b) a new bridleway on east side of Lodge Lane from pavement end southward to crossing point at New Road. |
Project Brief to be prepared for G+E Committee |
Addition of path from 24K due east to join 8K at Ditchling boundary to Definitive PROW map – existing well used path which is shown on OS maps was recently fenced by landowner. |
Discuss with WSCC prior to making an application. |
Extension of cycle route and footpath along west side of Railway from South Bank to Jack and Jill Pub with alternative routes considered. |
Research required prior to Project Brief. |
Safe cycle route to Clayton |
Research required prior to Project Brief. |
Review PROWS with heavy use to upgrade to hard surface (rural style) |
Upgrade Path 5K to bridleway to coincide with new tunnel under railway and upgrade to allow all weather use and cycle route |
Discuss with WSCC prior to engaging with developers / landowners at detailed planning stage – Funding options may be available from Central Government via WSCC or from developers |
Divert path 10K in Adastra Park to allow ticketed events to be held in North Field without having to apply for temporary stoppage orders |
Discuss with WSCC to confirm whether charging applies for the diversion. If chargeable then current costs are approx. £1,800. Approval of Parish Council as the landowner will be required. |
Path 21K behind Grand Ave requires upgrading for all weather use as provides a well-used link. |
Quote acquired in 2019 – WSCC approached for funds but unable to help. Obtain further quotes and look for S106 funding or WSCC help. |
Path 4C-2 is heavily used linking Hurst College to London Road A273 near Friars Oak. |
Research into S106 funding required prior to project proposal |
Extend Belmont Lane Bridleway north to Burgess Hill Green Circle to provide through route for recreational use. |
Existing Bridleway 8C is in good condition and the link on Bridleway 4C-2 is proposed for upgrading. The link northward is currently on Footpaths 3C, 4C and 4C-1 requires upgrade to Bridleway to create through link.
Will need discussion with Landowners and WSCC to enable link prior to Project Proposal |
Upgrade Path 9C to Bridleway to link from Friars Oak and new Golf Course development west to Belmont Lane |
Discuss with WSCC and Landowners prior to project proposal |
Further upgrading of Path 11C |
Northern section affected by flooding was upgraded in 2019. Further upgrading has been agreed with landowner – awaiting additional quotes prior to approval by Council. |
Upgrade part of Path 23C linking Clayton Avenue to Path 14C (Cinder Path) |
Short section – subject to G+E agreement – to use HPC footpath funding.
Path 27C outside Woodbine Cottage suffers severe flooding in winter and requires creation of a dry route. |
A short section crossing the Herring Stream floods and requires upgrading. Potential site for flood control and need for a raised section of walking route make this a potentially costly improvement. Step1 – Discuss with HKD Transition and Flood Group. Step2 – Potential Operation Watershed funding |
Local Review of Path Network by Ian / Les |
Due during latter part of 2021. |
Discuss Path improvements with WSCC |
Prepare detailed listing for discussion in Spring 2021. Arrange Zoom meeting with WSCC to discuss options funding a support in Landowner discussions. |
Path 13C north of Coldharbour Farm is dangerous to use due to tree roots |
A short section to west of junction with 11C-1 enters a wood and is severely affected by protruding tree roots – Discuss improvement with WSCC |
Appendix 6
To: Grounds & Environment Committee Date: 11 March 2021
Contact for this report: Deputy Clerk Subject: Item 11 – DownsFest
1. The purpose of this report is to invite Members to note the cancellation of the previously approved DownsFest event scheduled to be held in the North Field of Adastra Park on Friday 16th July 2021 for a Hassocks Comedy Evening and Saturday 17th July 2021 for Downs Fest, due to the Coronavirus Pandemic. (G&E 9.7.20 Minute Ref: GE 20/13.1) The event is a community fundraising event for a local hospice.
2. Members are therefore invited to consider a request from the organiser, Michelle Binks, to reschedule the event to 15-17 July 2022. The set up will be the same as previously agreed from 8am on Friday 16th July (set up) to Sunday 18th July (breakdown) on Sunday, with the event starting on Friday evening (Comedy Night) and ending Saturday evening (music festival).
3. If Members are minded to approve the rescheduling of the event, Members are invited to consider whether the fee of £150 is maintained or increased for the hire of the field over the weekend.
Minutes of the GROUNDS AND ENVIRONMENT Committee held virtually on
11 March 2021 at 7.30pm.
Attendees: Cllrs Kate Bailey, Jane Baker, Kristian Berggreen, David Bunting, Leslie Campbell, Frances Gaudencio, Bill Hatton, Alex Simmons, Claire Tester and Ian Weir.
In attendance: Tracy Forte – Deputy Clerk, Ian Cumberworth – Parish Clerk, Cllr Carolyn Barton.
GE20/66 APOLOGIES. Apologies were received from co-opted member Tony Copeland. Absent without apology – Cllr Frank Rylance.
GE20/67 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. There were no declarations of interest.
GE20/68 MINUTES. It was noted that at the Full Council meeting held on Tuesday 9 March, Cllr Rylance had raised a concern over background papers that he had prepared for the last G&E meeting not being referenced. Cllr Rylance was invited to raise his concern at the G&E meeting being held on 11 March 2021. In his absence, the matter was acknowledged by the Chair. It was confirmed by the Clerk that all reports and associated papers for consideration at meetings should be received by the Parish Office in the first instance, and at least ten days prior to the meeting date for inclusion as part of an agenda.
GE20/68.1 It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the Grounds & Environment meeting held on Thursday 28 January 2021, be signed by the Chair as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
GE20/69 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. There were no members of the Public present.
GE20/70 OFFICER REPORT. Members noted the Officer’s report. The Deputy Clerk informed Members that despite a slow start, 19 local businesses had registered for a hanging basket this year which although is less than previous years, is a pleasing take up in this current climate. The Deputy Clerk informed the Committee that Penny Wadsworth had again been an enormous help with the project by delivering letters and visiting local businesses to discuss the project. The Chair expressed thanks to Penny Wadsworth for her hard work and thanked the Deputy Clerk for managing the project.
GE20/71 ADASTRA FACILITIES HIRE FEES AND CHARGES. Members were invited to consider the proposed increases to Adastra Park Sports Facilities Fees and Charges for 2021/22 based on a 0.55% increase in CPI between September 2019 and September 2020.
It was noted that on the Agenda report Appendix 2, the proposed 2021/22 fees for Cricket Net Practice were incorrectly shown as £11.15. The Deputy Clerk confirmed that this should read £11.95.
Members were also invited to consider and agree if any increase was to be applied to the Public Tennis hire fees which have remained at £7.00 (Full Rate) since 2011. It was agreed that the charge should stay at £7.00 for 2021-2022.
GE20/71.1 It was RESOLVED to approve the fees and charges for the hire of Adastra Park Facilities, including the public hire of Tennis Courts from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022 as shown in Appendix 1.
GE20/72 BURIAL GROUND FEES In line with the agreed approach of increasing Burial Ground fees based on an annual inflationary increase, rounded to the nearest whole pound using the Consumer Price Index, Members were invited to consider the proposed increases to the Burial Ground fees as set out below for 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022 based on a 0.55% increase in CPI between September 2019 and September 2020.
The Chair thanks the Deputy Clerk and the Clerk for their work relating to the Burial Ground.
GE20/72.1 It was RESOLVED to APPROVE the Hassocks Burial Ground Fees and Charges as set out in Appendix 2 for the period 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022.
GE20/73 ADASTRA PARK MASTERPLAN. The Clerk updated the Committee on the following matters.
Garden of Remembrance. Towards the end of this month, the grass in the garden will be scarified. From April onwards, more major works are planned including reseeding and topdressing which will involve fencing off sections of the Gardens.
Drainage. The Clerk is continuing to have discussions with various contractors on possible drainage solutions for the park. It has been challenging as many contractors are very busy, however the matter is progressing slowly. Members were informed that one contractor had confirmed that there is no record of underwater streams in the park as had been previously thought a possibility.
Signage. The project to install new signage in the park is continuing. Currently the Clerk is in in the stage of finalising fitments and locations.
Cllr Frances Gaudencio informed Members that the Park Working group has not met recently due to Covid restrictions, however as has been demonstrated work is continuing in the background and therefore a meeting is not currently required at this time.
GE20/74 FLOOD WORKING GROUP. Members were invited to approve proposals for natural flood management interventions in Parklands Copse by supporting the construction of debris dam(s) in the stream which runs through the section of Parklands Copse owned by Hassocks PC. It is important to note that this report relates to the area of Parklands Copse owned by Hassocks PC only, not the play area or access land to the play area which is owned by Mid Sussex District Council (MSDC).
The proposals have been drawn up in conjunction with Hassocks Keymer and Ditchling Transition (HKD) and Peter King from the Ouse and Adur Rivers Trust (OART).
Cllr Frances Gaudencio drew the Committee’s attention to the information provided in Appendix 4 of the agenda, detailing how Peter King from OART had guided the group that constructed debris dams through this section will de-synchronise the flows near to where the two channels meet (from Butchers Wood and Parklands Copse). Slowing the flow in this location will further reduce the amount of water meeting Spitalford Bridge in the centre of the village, creating additional capacity within the culvert. This needs to be calculated but this should facilitate additional drainage from the road surface water drains which often back up once the level of water in the channel overtops the invert level of the pipes from the road. The Flood Working Group would expect this to compliment the work already done in Lag Wood in slowing the movement of water into the village centre.
Members were invited to approve the construction of debris dams in Parklands Copse and to support the undertaking of a survey by OART involving a walkover survey of the stream, map the suitable locations for installation of the debris dams, provide a plan and cost estimate for materials required and source these if necessary. Members were invited to consider supporting the expenditure of £450 for the survey plus potential future costs for materials.
The committee were very supportive of the project. It was agreed that this was a low cost scheme which has been shown to be effective in reducing flooding whilst working with nature. However some concern was expressed over the risk of damage to the flora and fauna along the banks of the stream in Parklands Copse. It was noted that it had been observed by Peter King that the banks of the stream are quite steep which would then reduce much of this risk. Cllr Gaudencio also noted that this concern could be included in the remit provided to OART when undertaking the survey.
Cllr Weir requested that any rise in water level was planned so that it did not affect the bridges in Parklands Copse in any way.
Cllr Bill Hatton invited Members to note that there had been limited progress in communications with MSDC regarding consideration of the implementation of natural flood management on MSDC land at Parklands Copse.
After a full discussion it was:
GE20/74.1. RESOLVED to approve the construction of debris dams within the reference area of Parklands Copse.
GE20/74.2 RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND to Full Council that funds are made available from General Reserves for the expenditure of £450 in payment for the survey and costings to be carried out by OART, with provision for funding for potential future costs relating to materials.
The Chair thanked the members of the Flood Working Group for their work on flood mitigation throughout the village.
Cllr Claire Tester invited Members to note that HKD Transition are hoping to work with WSCC on a pilot project for wildflower road verges. It is hoped that a grass verge at Beaconhurst might be a suitable location to trial this project in Hassocks.
GE 20/75 PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY. (PROW) Cllr Ian Weir informed Members that West Sussex County Council undertake a yearly check of all PROW, however it has become apparent that the condition of the footpaths in Hassocks have been impacted by a heavier usage, particularly over the winter months. A combination of the Parish’s close proximity to the South Downs National Park, the increased population of the village and the impact of lockdown have given rise to a variety of issues in the condition of the paths and their use. Cllr Weir and Cllr Leslie Campbell have therefore undertaken a full review of the paths network and provided members with a report and a proposed schedule of potential improvements. This was attached as Appendix 5 on the agenda.
Cllr Tester raised a query over the references in the schedule to footpaths 20K (Ockley Lane to Fir Tree Way) and 19K (Mackie Avenue to Path 21K). She proposed that the condition of the surface at 20K impacted on the level of use, and that if this was improved the use would increase. Cllr Tester also proposed the footpath 19K is a well-used route, where as it is described as having low usage in the schedule. Cllr Weir noted both comments and invited all Members to share any further suggestions they may have about proposals on the schedule.
Cllr Weir informed Members that County Councillor Kirsty Lord had indicated she wished to be involved in this project. If Members were in support of the project, the aim would be to hold a meeting with a representative from the WSCC Public Rights of Way department to review the proposals and to seek an understanding as to how the Parish Council could work with WSCC to progress improvements to the PROW in Hassocks.
Members were invited to consider the schedule of proposals and to indicate if the Committee would be in support of this approach.
GE20/75.1 Members APPROVED the proposed approach to seeking improvements on the PROW in Hassocks.
GE20/76 DOWNSFEST. Members were invited to note the cancellation of the proposed Downsfest music and comedy event for Friday 16 and Saturday 17 July 2021, and invited to consider a request to reschedule the event for Friday 15 and Saturday 16 July 2022.
GE20/76.1 It was RESOLVED that the Downsfest event would be rescheduled to 15-17 July 2022 with the set up being the same as previously agreed from 8am on Friday 15th July (set up) to Sunday 17th July (breakdown) on Sunday, with the event starting on Friday evening (Comedy Night) and ending Saturday evening (music festival).
GE20/76.2 It was RESOLVED that a fee of £150.00 would be charged for the hire of the North Field over the weekend of 15 – 17 July 2022
GE20/77 URGENT MATTERS at the discretion of the Chairman for noting and/or inclusion on a future agenda. There were no urgent matters.
GE20/78 DATE OF NEXT MEETING. Thursday 28 April 2021 at 7.30pm
There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.20pm
HASSOCKS PARISH COUNCIL Adastra Park Sports Facilities Fees and Charges 2021/22
General Conditions
1. The charges included in this leaflet are effective from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022 in relation to the sports facilities operated by Hassocks Parish Council. Summer and Winter season dates are specific to each facility and activity.
2. All hirers must complete an official HPC application form and adhere to the Council’s published Terms and Conditions of Hire prior to the booking period.
3. Payment for the hire of facilities must be made in advance unless otherwise are agreed.
4. Discounted Rates – where a discounted rate (50% of the full rate) is provided, the following conditions apply: Juniors – in order to qualify for the discounted rate, facility users must be under the age of 17 at the time of hire. Senior Citizens – in order to qualify for the discounted rate, facility users must be 60 or over at the time of hire.
Full Rate
2021/2022 |
Discounted Rate
2021/2022 |
Cricket Turf Wicket – per use |
45.55 |
22.80 |
Cricket Turf Wicket – evening rate |
23.90 |
N/A |
Juniors on Artificial Pitch |
N/A |
11.95 |
Cricket Net Practice – Per session |
23.90 |
11.95 |
Water for cricket square will be recharged at cost |
Stoolball – South Field per use |
22.30 |
11.15 |
North Field |
N/A |
5.60 |
Bowls – Club Members |
131.90 |
65.95 |
Water use will be recharged to the Bowling Club |
Tennis – Casual Hire per Court |
7.00 |
3.50 |
Key Deposit – returnable |
5.00 |
5.00 |
Tennis – Club Members |
94.50 |
47.25 |
Couples |
141.60 |
N/A |
Children of Adult Members |
N/A |
16.55 |
Changing Rooms/Toilets/Kitchen/Bar/Storage |
38.80 |
N/A |
Changing Rooms/Toilets/Kitchen/Storage |
26.25 |
13.10 |
Toilets/Kitchen/Storage |
N/A |
6.55 |
Football – per use |
58.80 |
Junior Football on Senior Pitch |
N/A |
29.40 |
Mini-Pitch |
N/A |
14.60 |
Training Session (per session) |
15.10 |
7.55 |
32.00 |
16.00 |
Community Pavilion Hire |
9.80 |
N/A |
Fitness Training Charges (4 hour session) |
10.85 |
N/A |
Hassocks Burial Ground |
APPROVED FEES 2021/2022 |
EROB (50yrs) and 1st Interment
Non parishioner – 5 x fee |
A stillborn child, or a person whose age at the time of death, did not exceed 18 years (Residents and Non-residents). |
No Charge |
A person whose age at the time of death exceeded 18 years. |
Single plot depth |
£381.00 |
Double plot depth |
£495.00 |
Second interment – ashes or coffin |
£123.00 |
Memorials |
For the right to erect a headstone within the burial ground on a grave in Respect of which the exclusive Right of Burial has been granted. |
£123.00 |
For the right to have additional inscription on an existing memorial. |
£61.00 |
A stillborn child, or a person whose age at the time of death, did not exceed 18 years (Residents and Non-residents). |
No Charge |
A person whose age at the time of death exceeded 18 years |
NORTH SECTION Memorial Wall area
EROB, first interment and numbered ground marker. |
£209.00 |
To purchase a plaque on the Memorial Wall |
£32.00 |
SOUTH SECTION Memorial Tablet Area
EROB, first interment and permission for a Memorial Tablet. |
£271.00 |
Second Ashes Interment |
£104.00 |
Additional Inscription on a memorial tablet. |
£19.00 |
Search Fee |
Suggested no change |
Replacement, transfer or amendment of Deed of Grant |
Suggested no change |