To: All Members of the Grounds & Environment Committee (Kate Bailey, Kristian Berggreen, David Bunting, Lesley Cruickshank-Robb, Frances Gaudencio, Bill Hatton, Sue Hatton,
Angus Neil, Peter Richardson, Alex Simmons, Paul Shepherd and Ian Weir) with copies to all other Councillors for information.
A meeting of the GROUNDS AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE will be held on 3 October 2024 at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre, Adastra Park, Hassocks.
Parish Clerk – 26 September 2024
3. MINUTES. To accept the Minutes of the Grounds and Environment Meeting held on 25 July 2024. (Previously circulated).
5. OFFICER’S REPORT. (Appendix 1).
6. GARDEN OF REMEMBRANCE. ROYAL BRITISH LEGION MEMORIAL TABLETS. Members are invited to consider quotations for the installation of 2 walls to display the stone memorial tablets. (Appendix 2). To view Appendix 2 please click here.
7. ADASTRA FACILITIES USAGE. Appendix 3 provides details on the usage of each of the Adastra Park facilities for Member’s information. (Appendix 3). To view Appendix 3 please click here.
8. Verbal Update (Cllr David Bunting/Parish Clerk).
8.1 Adastra Park Drainage. Members are invited to consider an update on this project and to consider identifying a suitable party to project manage the progression of the scheme. (Appendix 4).
9. PARKLIFE COFFEE. Members are invited to consider a request from Parklife Coffee to trade from an alternative location in the park during weekdays. (Appendix 5).
10. PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY (PROW). Members are invited to consider additional information regarding an application to divert PROW 10K in Adastra Park. (Appendix 6).
11.1. Floral Displays Contract 2025. Members are invited to agree the extension of the previously approved contracts with Greenscene Landscapes for an additional year (2025) for the planting, installation and maintenance of the Lamp Post floral displays, the planting, installation and maintenance of the hanging baskets and the planting and maintenance of 7 Planters 1 April 2025 – 31 March 2026. (Appendix 7).
11.2 Orion Parade Planters. Members are invited to consider the removal of the diseased trees from 3 planters on Orion Parade. (Appendix 8).
12. FLOOD ACTION GROUP. Verbal Update (Cllr Frances Gaudencio).
14. URGENT MATTERS at the discretion of the Chairman for noting and/or inclusion on a future agenda.
15. DATE OF NEXT MEETING. 7 November 2024 at 7.30pm (*to be confirmed).
Please Note: All members of the public are welcome to attend meetings of the Parish Council and its Committees. Item 4 – a period of 15 minutes will be set aside for the public statements and questions relating to the published non-confidential business of the Meeting.
It may be necessary to consider particular items in confidential session and where this arises, these items will be considered at the end of the agenda.
FILMING, RECORDING OF COUNCIL MEETINGS AND USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA. During this meeting members of the public may film or record the Committee and officers from the public area only, providing it does not disrupt the meeting. The Confidential section of the meeting may not be filmed or recorded. If a member of the public objects to being recorded, the person(s) filming must stop doing so until that member of the public has finished speaking. The use of social media is permitted but members of the public are requested to switch their mobile devices to silent for the duration of the meeting.
Appendix 1
To: Grounds & Environment Committee
Date: 3 October 2024
Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk
Subject: Agenda Item 5 – Officer Report
The purpose of this report is to update the Committee on (G&E) Matters.
1.1 TREE SAFETY WORKS. Adastra Park. During a period of high winds in August, a large branch fell from a tree (London Plane) on the east border of the South Field in Adastra Park into a neighbouring resident’s garden. The Parish Office was able to arrange for this to be removed the same day and for the remaining damaged limbs in the tree to be made safe temporarily. A further inspection identified additional necessary remedial work to this tree and an adjacent London Plane, this work will be undertaken in November. The total cost for all work including the initial safety clearance is £1830 and will be expended from the Adastra Park Tree Maintenance budget. The remaining funds in this budget following the work detailed will be £1170.
1.2. GARDEN OF REMEMBRANCE STEP. Members are invited to note that the work to replace the step in the gardens with a ramp has been confirmed and will be carried out in November/December. This work will cost £874 in total and will be expended from the Garden of Remembrance EMR.
1.3 BUTTERFLY MOSAIC. The Mosaic Art partnership project was completed in July and installed on the Parish Office wall in early August. An informal opening took place on 6 August and was attended by Parish Councillors, Aimee Harman (Artist), Sue Williams (The Windmills School Art Lead) and pupils & carers from Windmills School. Thanks go to Aimee Harman and Sue Williams for the enormous amount of hard work they both put into making this project happen and for their ongoing positive communication with the Parish Office. Thanks also to MSDC for supporting this project through releasing s106 funds.
2. HASSOCKS BURIAL GROUND. Necessary maintenance work has been undertaken on two trees (a willow and a hornbeam) in the Burial ground costing a total of £650, the work was funded from the Burial ground Budget.
3. ALLOTMENT MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE. As previously agreed by Council, the Allotment Management Software package has now been purchased. The Administrations Assistant who manages the allotments is currently undertaking training and inputting all HPC allotment data onto the system ready for the renewal of tenancies in October.
Appendix 4
To: Grounds & Environment Committee
Date: 3 October 2024
Contacts for this report: Parish Clerk
Subject: Agenda Item 8.1 – Adastra Park Drainage
1. The purpose of this report is to update Members on the Adastra Park Drainage project.
Adastra Park – Drainage scheme.
Following the previous Grounds & Environment Committee meeting, the consultant who initially proposed the scheme was approached to provide support in delivering the project as discussed.
A fee proposal was sought to project manage the whole scheme.
In summary the main elements would involve:
- Drafting specification as the basis of works.
- Drafting contract documents.
- Placing contract opportunity on ‘Contract finder’ portal.
- Managing receipt of tenders and managing any questions from responders.
- Evaluating submitted bids.
- Award of contract.
- Mobilisation of contractors.
- Oversee and manage the delivery of the scheme.
Their submitted fee proposal represented in excess of 75% of the overall contract value, therefore this would not be financially viable and would not provide value for money.
A response was sought with regard to the fee element just for the drafting of the specification, but to date no response has been received.
As Members are aware, due to a number of factors the scheme will need to be rescheduled until next year, but to do so, another company will need to be identified to support the delivery of the project.
This should include starting the planning process early in the new financial year with a view to being able to progress the scheme immediately after the cricket season finishes. (September 2025).
With the re-configuration of football pitches this year in the South field, early discussions will also need to be held with the football club regarding the start of the 25/26 season, as it may be necessary to reschedule games to enable the works to be carried out.
It’s understood works should be possible to be undertaken over a two week period, however some of the pitch areas may require longer to recover before they are able to be played on.
2. OFFICER RECOMMENDATION. The Council should seek to identify a suitable party to oversee the project management of the scheme covering the elements identified above. Member’s views are sought.
Appendix 5
To: Grounds & Environment Committee
Date: 3 October 2024
Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk
Subject: Agenda Item 9 – PARKLIFE COFFEE.
1. The purpose of this report is to update Members on the current situation for Parklife Coffee and to invite Members to consider a request from Parklife to support the presence of the concession.
2. After trading for just over a year, the owners of Parklife Coffee have decided that in the current location it is not viable to continue with weekday trading.
3. Weather permitting, weekends remain a good trading option over the winter, particularly when football is running. Therefore the intention is to continue with the current arrangements over the weekends.
4. Similarly, the Hummus Lunch Clubs held earlier in the year in the Pavilion on ad hoc dates, were successful and it is hoped that these will be repeated on various dates over the winter; subject to the availability of the pavilion.
5. Having given some consideration to ways to increase trade during the week, the concessionaire has requested that the Council gives consideration to permitting trading from the main car park/ South Field entrance from early in the morning until around 12.30pm.
It has previously been agreed that trading from the main car park could present challenges in terms of pedestrian safety; furthermore, there is already great demand for parking spaces in the main car park and enabling the coffee trailer to set up in the car park would result in the loss of at least two spaces each morning.
However, ground conditions permitting, the option of setting up just inside the barrier at the top of the South Field could be explored and trialled if the Committee were minded to approve this.
6. OFFICER RECOMMENDATION. Members are invited to approve a trial period for Parklife Coffee to set up and trade from the top of the South Field in Adastra Park; on the understanding that the Clerk would oversee and manage this operationally to protect the park and park users from any negative impact.
Appendix 6
To: Grounds & Environment Committee
Date: 3 October 2024
Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk
Subject: Agenda Item 10 – PROW 10K Diversion.
1. The purpose of this report is to update Members on the previously agreed proposal to submit an application to WSCC for the diversion of path 10K in Adastra Park to allow ticketed events to be held in the North Field without having to apply for temporary stoppage orders.
2. At the G&E meeting held on 21 March 2024
It was RESOLVED TO APPROVE the submission of an application to WSCC for the diversion of PROW 10K to a path which follows the border of the North Field rather than diagonally across. Members approved the expenditure of up to £6000 from the PROW EMR to cover the costs involved. (Min Ref; GE23/93.1).
3. Efforts to progress this application have been delayed by some administrative problems at WSCC, nevertheless the office now has the information and guidance required to take this application forward. The application can be progressed, however it has been suggested that Members are advised that the diversion of a public right of way is a complex matter which is not guaranteed to be successful due to the public objection element; and that a temporary closure application maybe more appropriate.
4. Formal Guidance notes provided by WSCC on this matter have been circulated as a background paper for Members information.
5. OFFICER RECOMMENDATION. Due to the delay in receiving the correct information it is now over 6 months since the Council approved the progression of this application. Therefore, in the light of the received information and with forthcoming changes in resourcing, Members are invited to agree whether the Council still wishes to pursue this matter at this current time.
Appendix 7
To: Grounds & Environment Committee
Date: 3 October 2024
Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk
Subject: – Agenda Item 11.1 – Floral displays Contract 2025
1. The purpose of this report is to invite Members to approve the extension of the existing contracts with Greenscene Landscapes for a further year for the planting, installation and maintenance of the Lamp Post floral displays for a further year at a cost of £1892.03 (plus Vat), the planting, installation and maintenance of the hanging baskets at a cost of £1694.88 (plus VAT) plus costs for additional baskets/brackets as required and the planting and maintenance of 7 Planters between 1 April 2025-31 March 2026 at a cost of £2880.70 (plus VAT).
2. At the G&E meeting held on 19 October 2022, Members:
i) RESOLVED to approve a two year contract with Greenscene Landscapes for the planting, installation and maintenance of 20 x half lamp post baskets and 5 x wall pots at a total cost of £1607.50 plus VAT for 2023 and £1768.25 plus VAT for 2024. With an option to extend for a further year (2025) at £1892.03 plus VAT. (Min ref: GE22/48.1).
ii) RESOLVED to approve a two year contract with Greenscene Landscapes at a total cost of £1440.00 plus VAT for 2023 and £1584.00 plus VAT for 2024 to supply, install and maintain up to 32 planted baskets to businesses in Hassocks. Plus £6.00 per additional new bracket installed and £34.00 plus VAT per replacement basket as required. With an option to extend for a further year if required at a total cost of £1694.88 plus VAT. (Min ref: GE22/49.1).
iii) RESOLVED to approve a contract with Greenscene Landscapes for all year round planting and maintenance of 7 planters as described above at a total cost of £2447.50 plus VAT for 2023 and £2692.25 plus VAT for 2024. With an option to extend for a further year if required at a total cost of £2880.70 plus VAT. (Min ref: GE22/50.1).
3. Hanging Baskets – Members are invited to note for information that in 2024 the Council received the highest uptake from local traders for hanging baskets and 32 baskets in total were on display around the village.
4. OFFICER RECOMMENDATION. Members are invited to approve the extension of:
i. The Lamp post basket contract for 2025 at a cost of £1892.03 plus VAT for 2025 as described above.
ii. The Hanging Basket contract for 2025 at a cost of £1694.88 plus VAT for up to 32 baskets, plus £6.00 plus VAT per replacement basket as required.
iii. The Year round planter contract from 1 April 2025 – 31 March 2026 at a cost of £2880.70 plus VAT.
Appendix 8
To: Grounds & Environment Committee
Date: 3 October 2024
Contact for this report: Deputy Clerk
Subject: – Agenda Item 11.2 – Planters Orion Parade
1. The purpose of this report is to inform Members that the remaining trees in the 3 planters along Orion Parade are all in varying degrees of poor health and should be removed.
2. It is recommended that these trees are cut down to ground level in the autumn to enable the winter planting to be undertaken as usual. In the spring, it would be beneficial to completely empty all 3 affected planters to remove the tree roots and refill with fresh compost.
The cost to undertake this work would be £530.00 plus VAT.
If the Committee is minded to approve this work, it is suggested that it is approved to be undertaken in April and that the Committee sets aside a budget for this expenditure when budget setting for 25/26.
3. OFFICER RECOMMENDATION. Members are invited to approve the removal of the three remaining trees in the planters along Orion Parade as described and to agree the allocation of £530.00 to the Floral Displays Budget for 2025/26 to pay for the emptying of the planters and re-filling with new soil and compost in April 25 prior to the spring/summer planting being undertaken.
Minutes of the meeting of the GROUNDS AND ENVIRONMENT Committee held on Thursday 3 October 2024 at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre, Adastra Park, Hassocks.
Attendees: Councillors Kristian Berggreen, David Bunting, Frances Gaudencio, Peter Richardson, Paul Shepherd and Ian Weir.
In attendance: Tracy Forte (Deputy Clerk). Ian Cumberworth (Parish Clerk).
GE24/39 APOLOGIES. Apologies were received from Cllrs Lesley Cruickshank-Robb, Bill Hatton, Sue Hatton, Angus Neil and Alex Simmons. Absent without apologies Cllr Kate Bailey.
GE24/40 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. There were no declarations of interest.
GE24/41 MINUTES. It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the Grounds & Environment Committee meeting held on 25 July 2024 be signed by the Chair as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
GE24/42 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. There were no members of the public present.
GE24/43 OFFICER’S REPORT. Members noted the report provided in Appendix 1 of the agenda.
At the previous G&E meeting, the Committee agreed the installation of two walls in the Garden of Remembrance to display the Memorial Tablets previously recovered from Royal British Legion site in Hassocks. The Deputy Clerk was asked to obtain quotes for the two walls to be set on a base with a paved area to each wall leading from the existing main path, built from either brick or stone.
Members were therefore invited to consider the following two quotations from Greenscene Landscapes for the memorial walls one using brick and one using stone:
- Option 1 – Total cost for groundwork, path and brick wall option £4020 plus VAT
- Option 2 – Total cost for groundwork, path and stone wall option £5928 plus VAT
Full details were provided in Appendix 2 of the agenda.
Members were invited to note that there is currently £6420 remaining in the EMR budget for this project.
Members were also invited to consider the following quotes from Lea Bealing Stonemasons to clean the memorials and to re-paint the lettering should the council wish to have this carried out.
- Price to clean memorials £200 plus VAT
- Price to clean memorials and re-paint £1516 plus VAT
Members discussed the quotes in detail with the focus on balancing an appropriate level of cost against ensuring the tablets are displayed as sensitively and attractively as possible. After careful consideration it was agreed that the walls should be built from bricks (option 1) and that the tablets would be cleaned prior to installation.
GE24/44.1 It was RESOLVED to APPROVE the expenditure of £4220 plus VAT from the Garden of Remembrance EMR for the following work:
GROUNDWORK £1052.00 plus VAT
To dig out both path and walling areas and concrete the areas to approximately 150mm depth where the walling will stand and 100mm where the path will be laid.
Option 1 – Brick Walls
To construct two individual memorial walls as per the plan supplied and design supplied, using multi Chailey facing bricks. The tablets will be installed into the memorial walls.
STONE PATH £1300.00 plus VAT
To lay a Yorkstone Crazy Paving path (using Greetland quarry stone) to each memorial wall (both sides).
To clean memorials £200 plus VAT
Members were invited to note details on the usage of each of the Adastra Park facilities as provided in Appendix 3 of the agenda. Members were pleased to observe that there has been a noticeable uplift in the usage of the Tennis Courts; the Clerk reported that the online booking system and automated gate entry system are generally working well, with most glitches due to user error.
The Deputy Clerk reported that she, and the Clerk, had recently had a meeting with the LTA representative supporting the LTA Parks Tennis project. The meeting had included discussing the introduction of annual season tickets which offer a lower cost option for more frequent players; a season ticket approach could also be tailored for Tennis Club Members which would simplify the administration between the club and HPC. There are various options for season tickets which will be explored and reported back to this committee at a later date. Any arrangements need to be mindful of supporting the LTA’s focus to offer affordable tennis to all, of maintaining an acceptable level of revenue for HPC and to endeavour to continue to support the Adastra Tennis Club’s use of the courts.
The Clerk reported that there have been some defects on the courts which are awaiting repair by the contractor. He confirmed that a retention has been held following the original work and will not be released until the reported problems have been fully resolved.
The Clerk also invited Members to consider making provision within the budget to provide for a maintenance sinking fund for the Tennis Courts. Members requested that this was included as part of the budget setting process for the future.
The Clerk drew Members’ attention to the report provided as appendix 4 in the agenda.
He reported that the paper updated Members regarding the drainage scheme and on the outcome of further discussions held with the current appointed consultants.
The consultants have provided a proposal fee of circa £35k to undertake the project elements set out in the report, this is considered to be an unrealistic fee. It is therefore suggested that the council identify an alternative consultant whose fees would be more realistic to deliver the scheme with a view to delivery in September next year.
The Clerk also suggested that discussions are held with the respective clubs prior to the new season to explore the option of rescheduling some fixtures if necessary.
The Clerk also reported that the regular Grounds Maintenance Contractor used by HPC has indicated that they may be able to use their earthquake kit (shockwave) kit (decompaction) this month subject to ground conditions.
This could be used as an interim measure until any other drainage scheme is undertaken, the kit would help to improve aeration and compaction which in turn can improve surface water drainage. However the cost for this work is estimated to be in the region of £1,200 – £1,400, which exceeds the current grounds maintenance budget. Therefore, if Members were supportive of this approach, a recommendation would need to be agreed, to be taken to Full Council for the release of funds from General Reserves.
Members discussed the drainage project in detail and expressed frustration at the difficulties encountered with the appointed consultants, which have resulted in significantly delaying progression of this project. The question was raised as to how alternative consultants could be identified. The Clerk confirmed that a scheme has now been drawn up and therefore it would be possible to approach other companies using this as a starting point.
The Clerk referred to the summary of the main elements of the scheme as provided in the agenda report:
- Drafting specification as the basis of works.
- Drafting contract documents.
- Placing contract opportunity on ‘Contract finder’ portal.
- Managing receipt of tenders and managing any questions from responders.
- Evaluating submitted bids.
- Award of contract.
- Mobilisation of contractors.
- Oversee and manage the delivery of the scheme.
Cllr Peter Richardson confirmed that he had previous professional experience of managing similar projects and would be prepared to volunteer to assist with some of the elements as set out above, however would require the support of the Clerk. This offer was greatly appreciated by the Committee.
Members debated the options of sourcing and appointing an external project manager against managing all or some of the project in house. Members were invited to bear in mind that it was likely that the Clerk would be retiring within the next 6 months as part of this consideration.
Cllr Peter Richardson enquired about the contract format, and the Clerk confirmed that he would be able to provide a suitable pro-forma template which could be used. Therefore Cllr Richardson offered to review the template against the scheme specifications and advise the Clerk whether he would be able to draft the contract documents for putting on Contract Finder.
GE24/46.1 It was AGREED that Cllr Richardson and the Clerk would collaborate on the feasibility of drafting a contract document in house prior to exploring the option of appointing external agents to manage this element of the contract.
Members were invited to consider a request from Parklife Coffee to trade from the entrance of the South Field, Monday – Thursday from early in the morning until around 12.30pm.
Members were supportive of this request subject to ensuring that there is no risk of damage to the ground surface.
GE24/47.1 It was AGREED to approve a trial period for Parklife Coffee to set up and trade from the top of the South Field in Adastra Park Monday to Thursday from 8am to 12.30pm; on the understanding that the Clerk would oversee and manage this operationally to protect the park and park users from any negative impact.
Members had previously agreed a proposal to submit an application to West Sussex County Council (WSCC) for the diversion of path 10K in Adastra Park to allow ticketed events to be held in the North Field without having to apply for temporary stoppage orders. The Deputy Clerk reported that there had been some delay in receiving full details regarding progressing this application from WSCC resulting in it being over 6 months since the Council approved the progression of this application. The information and guidance provided by WSCC to request a diversion to a PROW was shared with Members as a background papers and it was noted that this was a complex and potentially costly process. Therefore, in the light of the received information and with forthcoming changes in resourcing, Members were invited to agree whether the Council still wishes to pursue this matter at this current time.
GE24/48.1 It was AGREED that the decision to apply for a diversion to PROW 10K in Adastra Park would be withdrawn and reviewed in the future if considered necessary.
Members agreed that the floral displays had been very attractive and eye catching this year and were appreciative of the work carried out by Greenscene Landscapes to provide and maintain the displays.
GE24/49.1 Lamp Post Baskets.
Members were invited to approve the extension of the previously approved two year contract (2023/2024) with Greenscene Landscapes for a further year for the planting, installation and maintenance of the Lamp Post floral displays for 2025 using the same specification as for previous years at a cost of £1892.03 plus VAT.
It was RESOLVED TO APPROVE the extension of the current contract with Greenscene Landscapes for the planting, installation and maintenance of 20 x half lamp post baskets and 5 x wall pots at a total cost of £1892.03 plus VAT for 2025.
GE24/49.2 Hanging Baskets.
Members were invited to approve the continuation of the provision of Hanging Baskets for Hassocks Businesses using the existing arrangements in place for a further year for 2025 at a cost of £1694.88 plus VAT for up to 32 baskets, plus £6.00 plus VAT per replacement basket as required.
It was RESOLVED TO APPROVE the extension of the current contract with Greenscene Landscapes for the provision of hanging baskets for local businesses in 2025 at a cost of £1694.88 plus VAT for up to 32 baskets, plus £6.00 plus VAT per replacement basket as required.
GE24/49.3 Planters.
Members were invited to approve the extension of the current contract with Greenscene Landscapes for the planting and maintenance of a year round Planting Scheme in the planters on Orion Parade and at the entrance of Adastra Park for a further year from 1 April 2025 – 31 March 2026 at a cost of £2880.70 plus VAT.
It was RESOLVED TO APPROVE the extension of the current contract with Greenscene Landscapes for an additional year, for all year round planting and maintenance of 7 planters as described above at a total cost of £2880.70 plus VAT for year from 1 April 2025 – 31 March 2026.
Members were invited to consider the removal of the diseased trees from 3 planters on Orion Parade. It was suggested that these trees are cut down to ground level in the autumn to enable the winter planting to be undertaken as usual. In the spring, it would be beneficial to then completely empty all 3 affected planters to remove the tree roots and refill with fresh compost. The cost for the above work would be £530.00
Members were in full agreement with the proposal as set out above.
GE24/ 50.1 It was RESOLVED TO APPROVE the removal of the trees from the three planters on Orion Parade and the allocation of £530.00 to the Floral Displays Budget for 2025/26 to cover the costs for the emptying of the planters and re-filling with new soil and compost in April 25 prior to the spring/summer planting being undertaken.
Members were also advised that the contractor would be changing the autumn planting in the planters from the previous scheme; the focus for 2024 will be on evergreen foliage, colour and interest with spring bulbs and some pansies.
This planting will primarily be made up of small evergreen shrubs which, when pulled out in spring will be donated under a current arrangement in place between the contractor and a local Horticultural Society. The society then re-sell the plants to raise funds for St Peters & St James Hospice.
All additional costs incurred through this arrangement are covered by the contractor in an effort to recycle and in the process donating to a good cause.
The Committee were very supportive of this idea.
Members were also invited to consider whether they wished to see the trees replaced, however based on previous experience, it was felt that the majority of trees do not thrive in planters. It was also noted that any flowering annuals in planters with trees generally appear to be less healthy than those planters without.
After some discussion it was agreed that although trees were not ideal, it would be attractive to have a shrub in the centre of each planter to provide a focus and some height. A suitable Cordyline variety was suggested and it was agreed that this would be discussed with the contractor by the Clerk/Deputy Clerk.
Cllr Frances Gaudencio reported that both she and Cllr Weir had responded to the recent West Sussex County Council (WSCC) Local Flood Risk Management Strategy consultation as individual Parish Councillors.
Cllr Gaudencio also reported that the Flood Action Group had reached a point where it was not able to make any further progress with action at a local level without the involvement of WSCC. As WSCC is currently reviewing its Flood Risk Management Strategy, it was proposed to suspend the Flood Action Group until further information is received from the County Council following the review. Cllr Gaudencio confirmed that she had discussed this with the Ouse and Adur Rivers Trust representative on the Flood Action Group. It was hoped that the group would be able to resume at some point in the future.
Members noted the report and agreed with the proposal to suspend the Flood Action Group until further notice.
Cllr Peter Richardson reported that there had been no change since the last meeting. The Working Group was still waiting for County Councillor Kirsty Lord to facilitate a meeting between the group and the relevant WSCC Highways Officer, to discuss the requirements for a Community Highways Scheme to reduce the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph on selected roads.
GE24/53 URGENT MATTERS at the discretion of the Chairman for noting and/or inclusion on a future agenda.
GE24/53.1 PROW 8C. Cllr Ian Weir reported that the improvements to PROW bridleway 8c from Clayton Wickham Farmhouse have now been completed by WSCC. Cllr Gaudencio asked if it would be possible to share an updated copy of the PROW review and proposed schedule of improvements which was presented to the committee in 2021. Cllr Weir agreed to review this.
GE24/53.2 The Chair of G&E, Cllr David Bunting, noted that the Deputy Clerk would be stepping down from her role with the Parish Council at the end of October and that this would be the last G&E Committee meeting she clerked. Cllr Bunting wished to record his thanks, on behalf of the committee, to the Deputy Clerk for her work and involvement with the Committee in her time with the Council.
GE24/54 DATE OF NEXT MEETING. The date of the next meeting had been scheduled for November 7th, however given the short time frame between this date and the current meeting, it was proposed by the Chair that the next meeting should be rescheduled to Thursday 5th December. This was agreed by the Committee.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING. Thursday 5 December at 7.30pm
There being no other business the meeting closed at 9 pm.