To: All Members of the Planning Committee (Cllrs Jane Baker, Kristian Berggreen, Robert Brewer, Leslie Campbell, Bill Hatton, Claire Tester and Nick Owens) with copies to all other Councillors for information.
A virtual meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE will be held on Monday 1 February 2021 at 7.30pm.
Parish Clerk 26 January 2021
Disclosure by Councillors of personal and/or pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda and whether the Councillors regard their interest as prejudicial/pecuniary under the terms of the Code of Conduct.
3. MINUTES. To accept Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 11 January 2021 (previously circulated)
5. The Future Homes Standards. Members are invited to read the information included in the following link which provides information on the current situation regarding the required energy efficiency of houses. The Future Homes Standard explained (
6. APPLICATIONS (copies of each application can be viewed online via the
Mid Sussex District Council (MSDC) Website –
6.1 DM/21/0009 8 Hurst Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9NJ Retrospective planning application for the erection of a single storey ground floor rear extension. Proposed deep energy efficiency retrofit to external walls, roof, windows and ventilation to create a low energy home.
6.2 DM/20/4287 Budgens 1 – 4 Orion Parade Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8QA New external refrigeration unit to the rear of building. (Additional information, noise report, received 05.01.2021).
6.3 DM/21/0036 28 Stonepound Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8PR Detached garden office with cloakroom to facilitate working from home.
6.4 DM/21/0052 8 Bonny Wood Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8HR Demolition of existing sunroom and detached garage building. Creation of first floor in roof space with front facing dormer and two storey rear extension. Single storey side extension.
6.5 DM/20/3810 40 Hurst Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9NL (Amended plans and description 14/01/2020) Demolition of existing detached garage/storage building. Two storey and single storey side extension. Single storey rear extension.
6.6 DM/21/0130 14 Flowers Close Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8FF To reduce height of small leaning sycamore by 2m. To crown lift second sycamore to 3m. To crown lift chestnut to 5m.
6.7 DM/21/0110 29 Priory Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8PS Single storey front extension.
6.8 DM/21/0085 17 Semley Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8PD Construction of front elevation 1st floor dormer window with rear elevation shower room and rear ground floor kitchen extension.
6.9 DM/21/0162 21 Hurst Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9NJ Construction of 2 first floor rear extensions onto existing single storey rear extension with internal alterations.
6.10 DM/21/0160 20 Ockenden Way Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8HS Proposed porch and 2 dormers to front and ground floor and dormer extensions to the rear. Resubmission of planning application DM/20/3353, to replace brick porch with oak framed porch.
6.11 DM/21/0165 Mill Nursery London Road Hassocks West Sussex Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 3no. four-bedroom dwellings and 1no. four bedroom replacement dwelling with associated parking, amenity space and landscaping.
6.12 DM/21/0170 14 Ewart Close Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8FJ Alterations to existing detached garage with creation of additional storey above for storage/office space and single storey extension to side for garden room.
6.13 DM/21/0214 4 Friars Oak Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8PX Single storey rear extension. This is an application to establish whether the development is lawful. This will be a legal decision where the planning merits of the proposed use cannot be taken into account. (LDC).
9. Urgent Matters at the discretion of the Chairman for noting and/or inclusion on a future agenda.
10. Date of Next Meeting: Monday 22 February 2021 at 7.30pm
Please Note
All members of the public are welcome to attend to attend meetings of the Parish Council and its Committees.
Item 4 – a period of 15 minutes will be set aside for the public statements and questions relating to the published non-confidential business of the Meeting. It may be necessary to consider particular items in confidential session and where this arises, these items will be considered at the end of the agenda.
If you wish to attend this virtual meeting please email before 9.00 hrs on the day of the meeting to be sent an electronic invitation by 12.00 noon on that same day.
During this meeting members of the public may film or record the Committee and officers from the public area only providing it does not disrupt the meeting. The Confidential section of the meeting may not be filmed or recorded. If a member of the public objects to being recorded, the person(s) filming must stop doing so until that member of the public has finished speaking. The use of social media is permitted but members of the public are requested to switch their mobile devices to silent for the duration of the meeting.
Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held virtually on
Monday 1 February 2021 at 7.30pm
Attendees: Parish Councillors: Jane Baker, Kristian Berggreen, Bob Brewer, Leslie Campbell, Bill Hatton, Nick Owens and Claire Tester.
In Attendance: Deputy Clerk: Tracy Forte, 5 members of the public.
P20/143 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. There were no apologies for absence.
P20/144 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. Cllr Nick Owens declared a personal and pecuniary interest in application DM/20/4707 8 Hurst Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9NJ. For this reason Cllr Leslie Campbell chaired the meeting and Cllr Owens left the meeting when this application was discussed.
P20/145 MINUTES. It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 11 January 2021, be signed by the Chair as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
There were 5 members of the public present, all of whom had submitted written objections to the Committee for application DM/21/0052 8 Bonny Wood Road, Hassocks. Mr Jay Bishop of 10 Bonny Wood Road, Mr Roy Ticehurst and Ms Annie Murray both of Lagwood Close spoke to reinforce these objections.
Mr Jay Bishop objected to the size and scale of the proposed extension and invited the Committee to note that he considered the application did not adhere to principles DG47, DG48, DG49 and DG52 of the Mid Sussex Design Guide. He asked the Committee to note that 3 new windows are proposed for the western elevation of the property, where there are currently no windows. His property is located to the west of 8 Bonny Wood Road, and has windows on the eastern side. Therefore the proposed new windows would look directly into those on the eastern elevation of Mr Bishop’s property. Mr Bishop had noted in his written objection that the rear 4.5 metre 2 storey extension will extend approximately 8.5 metres from the ridge line with the result of putting his garden in shade for most of the day. He also noted plans to extend the front of the property which will obscure his view of the South Downs.
Mr Ticehurst and Ms Murray both live in properties which are at the rear of 8 Bonny Wood Road and they also shared their objections with the Committee. Full details of their objections are attached as Appendix 1.
Overall concern was expressed over the size of the proposed extension which would result in it being overbearing and overdevelopment and would result in a loss of light and privacy of the surrounding properties. It was considered that the application would result in a property which was not in keeping with other properties in the road. It was also noted that no other bungalow along the road had been extended to this extent and concern was raised as to a precedent being set if permission was granted for a dwelling of this size in Bonny Wood Road.
Cllr Nick Owens spoke in support of his application DM/20/4707 8 Hurst Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9NJ. Nick Owens informed the Committee that his intention is to retrofit external walls, roof, windows and ventilation to his home to create a low energy home. He then shared technical details with the Committee to show what will be delivered by the improvements, how these relate to the forthcoming 2021 interim standard for all buildings (new and existing), and how these relate to The Future Homes Standard that will apply to new builds from 2025. Nick Owens asked the Committee to note that the proposed retrofit of this existing house would achieve energy efficiency very close to that required for new builds by the Future Homes Standard. (Appendix 2).
P20/147 THE FUTURE HOMES STANDARDS. Members are invited to read the information included in the following link which provides information on the current situation regarding the required energy efficiency of houses. The Future Homes Standard explained ( The Chair proposed considering this item after application DM/21/0052 8 Bonny Wood Road, Hassocks had been considered by the Committee. This was unanimously agreed.
P20/148 APPLICATIONS The Chair proposed considering application DM/21/0052 8 Bonny Wood Road, Hassocks first, this was unanimously agreed by the Committee.
DM/21/0052 8 Bonny Wood Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8HR Demolition of existing sunroom and detached garage building. Creation of first floor in roof space with front facing dormer and two storey rear extension. Single storey side extension. Response: RECOMMEND REFUSAL This application is unneighbourly and represents overdevelopment of the site, and is therefore contrary to Character and Design, Policy 9, of the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan and Policy DP26 of the District Plan. The proposed dwelling would be highly detrimental to the amenities of the existing nearby residents, impacting on privacy, outlook, daylight and sunlight. The application does not respect the character or scale of the surrounding buildings and would be detrimental to the street scene. Furthermore, the proposed design of this extension and the negative impact it would have on neighbouring properties, make it contrary to principles DG49 and DG50 and DG52 of the Mid Sussex Design Guide. Finally the property does not provide three parking spaces as per the requirements of national parking standards.
Four members of the public left the meeting.
P20/149 THE FUTURE HOMES STANDARDS. Members are invited to read the information included in the following link which provides information on the current situation regarding the required energy efficiency of houses. The Future Homes Standard explained ( Cllr Owens invited the Committee to note The Future Homes Standard and explained that it provided a useful definitive statement of energy efficiency expectations for retrofit and new build properties, initially in 2021 and longer term by 2025.
The remaining member of the public left the meeting.
Cllr Owens expressed his view that this document should be applied when considering applications in line with Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan Policy 5, Enabling Zero Carbon. He proposed that this was considered by the Planning Committee at the next meeting. After some discussion it was agreed that this matter should first be considered by the Neighbourhood Planning Committee. Cllr Claire Tester informed the Committee that a meeting of the Neighbourhood Planning Committee would be held in the near future to address this.
Cllr Nick Owens left the meeting.
DM/21/0009 8 Hurst Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9NJ Retrospective planning application for the erection of a single storey ground floor rear extension. Proposed deep energy efficiency retrofit to external walls, roof, windows and ventilation to create a low energy home. Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL. The Committee commended an application which supported such a high level of energy efficiency.
Cllr Nick Owens re-joined the meeting.
DM/20/4287 Budgens 1 – 4 Orion Parade Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8QA New external refrigeration unit to the rear of building. (Additional information, noise report, received 05.01.2021). Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL.
DM/21/0036 28 Stonepound Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8PR Detached garden office with cloakroom to facilitate working from home. Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL.
DM/20/3810 40 Hurst Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9NL (Amended plans and description 14/01/2020) Demolition of existing detached garage/storage building. Two storey and single storey side extension. Single storey rear extension. Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL.
DM/21/0130 14 Flowers Close Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8FF To reduce height of small leaning sycamore by 2m. To crown lift second sycamore to 3m. To crown lift chestnut to 5m. Response: Awaiting Tree Warden’s report.
DM/21/0110 29 Priory Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8PS Single storey front extension. Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL.
DM/21/0085 17 Semley Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8PD Construction of front elevation 1st floor dormer window with rear elevation shower room and rear ground floor kitchen extension. Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL.
DM/21/0162 21 Hurst Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9NJ Construction of 2 first floor rear extensions onto existing single storey rear extension with internal alterations. Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL subject to obscure glazing being fitted in the bathroom window on the west elevation.
DM/21/0160 20 Ockenden Way Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8HS Proposed porch and 2 dormers to front and ground floor and dormer extensions to the rear. Resubmission of planning application DM/20/3353, to replace brick porch with oak framed porch. Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL subject to acceptable rainwater management.
DM/21/0165 Mill Nursery London Road Hassocks West Sussex Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 3no. four-bedroom dwellings and 1no. four bedroom replacement dwelling with associated parking, amenity space and landscaping. Response: RECOMMEND REFUSAL. The Parish Council maintains its response as submitted for the previous application DM/19/3716 for this site. The proposed application would be located within the Burgess Hill gap as defined in Policy 1 of the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan (HNP). In addition, the application is for the replacement of one dwelling, previously associated with a rural business, with four new dwellings to create a small development within the countryside. Therefore it is considered by the Parish Council that this proposal is contrary to Policies 1 – Burgess Hill Gap and 9 – Character and Design of the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan. Additionally it is, in our opinion, also contrary to Policies DP12 – Protection and Enhancement of Countryside, DP13 – Preventing Coalescence, DP14 – Sustainable Rural Development and the Rural Economy and DP15 – New Homes in the Countryside of the District Plan.
Furthermore, the application provides insufficient information to be certain of compliance with HNP Policy 5 – Enabling Zero Carbon: there is no SAP assessment provided (nor indication of the provision for electric vehicle charging). Therefore HPC would also recommend refusal on the basis that the application is currently not compliant with Policy DP39 of the District Plan – Sustainable Design and Construction and Policy 5 of the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan. Full compliance with HNP Policy 5 should be proven prior to granting any Planning Permission.
DM/21/0170 14 Ewart Close Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8FJ Alterations to existing detached garage with creation of additional storey above for storage/office space and single storey extension to side for garden room. Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL however the Committee did have some reservations regarding the unusual design of the proposed amendments.
DM/21/0214 4 Friars Oak Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8PX Single storey rear extension. This is an application to establish whether the development is lawful. This will be a legal decision where the planning merits of the proposed use cannot be taken into account. (LDC). Response: NOTED
P20/152 RESOLVED that the observations on the planning issues as agreed above be submitted to the relevant Planning Authority for consideration.
The following decisions were noted:
Application details |
Hassocks PC recommendation to Planning Authority |
Planning Authority Decision (MSDC/SDNP) |
DM/20/4434 13 Flowers Close Hassocks West Susses BN6 8FF |
Recommend Approval |
Permission Granted |
DM/20/3475 Wellhouse Farm Wellhouse Lane Burgess Hill West Sussex |
Recommend Approval |
Granted |
SDNP/20/04972/LIS Hillside Cottage Underhill Lane Clayton BN6 9PJ |
Recommend Approval |
Permission Granted |
SDNP/20/04971/HOUS Hillside Cottage Underhill Lane Clayton BN6 9PJ |
Recommend Approval |
Permission Granted |
SDNP/20/01912/LIS Clayton Manor Underhill Lane Clayton BN6 9PJ |
Ecological Survey requested due to concerns regarding the presence of bats. |
Permission Granted |
The following withdrawals were noted:
Application details |
Hassocks PC recommendation to Planning Authority |
Planning Authority Decision (MSDC/SDNP) |
DM/20/4394 6 The Croft Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8EG |
Recommend Approval |
N/A |
P20/154 Urgent Matters at the discretion of the Chairman for noting and/or inclusion on a future agenda. There were no urgent matters.
P20/155 DATE OF NEXT MEETING. Monday 22 February 2021 at 7.30pm.
There being no other business the Chair closed the meeting at 9.05pm
Signed……………………………… Date……………………………………………..
Appendix 1
28th January 2021
Annie and Sheila Murray, Lagwood Close, Hassocks
Hassocks Parish Council
Planning Committee
Ref planning application DM/21/0052 – 8 Bonny Wood Road, Hassocks
My elderly mother and I have lived in Hassocks all our lives and moved to our bungalow in Lagwood Close 15 years ago. We have a small 4.5m back garden which backs on to 8 Bonny Wood Road and we are surrounded by bungalows and low roof tops. Having seen the plans for this huge 4 (plus) bedroomed house, we are extremely concerned due to its size, height and close proximity to our property.
The proposed development is nearly 3 times larger than the current bungalow and extends far into the garden area, this brings the building much closer to the boundary of our property.
The 1st floor extension will overlook our conservatory, lounge and garden which will have a big impact on our privacy and outlook.
We had our conservatory built when we moved in, it is heated and we use this all the time as a living and dining room. (The conservatory is not shown on either the area or road plans supporting this application).
This 16 room house would tower over all the current properties, changing the landscape and is extremely large for the size of the plot and not in-keeping with the surrounding chalet bungalows.
This proposed rear extension will be overbearing and completely unacceptable.
The photo below is from inside our conservatory to show how close this property is already. If plans were permitted, the ridge that is currently 14m away from our fence will extend to the two gables which will then be only approx. 5.5m away which is extremely close. The highest point that you see in the photo will come 8.5m closer. The proposed plan will also cut down the light, especially in the Winter with a low sun (see ref below).
This is over-development which will spoil our outlook.
There is a lot of development and houses being built all around Hassocks and I don’t understand why such a large extension is needed which will rid Hassocks of yet another of its bungalow.
Yours faithfully,
Annie Murray & Sheila Murray.
Ref: Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan; Policy 9; Character and Design.
‘…does not cause significant harm to….existing nearby residents….including impact on….daylight and sunlight.’
Appendix 1
Ref planning application DM/21/0052 – 8 Bonny Wood Road, Hassocks
Roy & Patricia Ticehurst
Lagwood Close, Hassocks.
We wish to object to the above planning application for the following reasons:
1.i) The proposed rear 1st storey extension has a significantly overbearing appearance due to its height and proximity to the boundary fence of our property in Lagwood Close.
If it is allowed, it will completely spoil the outlook for us, as it will not only be overbearing but also ruin our privacy.
ii)The two-storey rear extension will be within 5.5m of our boundary fence and only 9m from our neighbour’s conservatory at 12 Lagwood Close. Both properties will be overlooked from a much greater height and closer distance. The conservatory will lose sunlight at certain times of the year.
(See two photos from 12a Lagwood Close, below)
2.i) Neither no.8 – nor the 10 properties to the west – have dormer windows. No.6 (next door to the east) is an original chalet bungalow with small dormer windows. None of the 12 properties have a 1st storey front or rear extension. This application will set a precedent.
2. ii) The proposed alterations will be changing one out of twelve adjacent bungalows into a house which is clearly not in keeping with the character of this block. The proposed double dormer windows are not in keeping with those at no. 6 or any others in the locality.
3. The property is being overdeveloped. If the application is approved, the footprint will be increased by about 50% and the floor area by about 150%. If the 1st floor rear extension is removed and ground floor rear extension approved, it will still be a floor area increase of about 100%.
4. By demolishing the garage and building the entrance porch/cloakroom/utility room over the present driveway, the parking area is significantly reduced.
5. The owner of no. 6 Bonny Wood Road has died and the property is currently unoccupied awaiting sale. Had he been alive, he may well have objected to the application.
6. The Planning Statement is incorrect and misleading:
i) It states that no. 8 Bonny Wood Road is a chalet style bungalow. It is not – the pitched roof is intact. (see 2: Situation)
ii) Properties 8 – 28 Bonny Wood Road have not extended upwards at the front or rear, so this application is not following the character of the block of eleven adjacent bungalows. (see 2; Situation)
iii) The proposed front dormer windows are not similar to those at no. 6 which is an original chalet bungalow and has two small dormers. (see 3: Proposed design, roof profile). Significantly, no. 6 (next door) has no rear extension, nor rear dormer windows.
iv) The photos of properties shown in Planning Precedents (Neighbourhood Plan) to support the proposed large front dormer window are not within sight of no. 8. In fact, four of them are in Ockenden Way. The large dormer window would set a precedent in this locality.
- A) We strongly object to the 1st floor rear extension as the height and proximity to our property will have a significantly overbearing appearance due to this over-development which will spoil our outlook and ruin our privacy.
- B) Any rear extension of this size will have impact on the drainage in the area as we are all on soakaways.
- C) The loss of a garage and reducing the driveway space mean that only one car can park on site. A house this size will have more than one car, thus causing the narrow road to be further congested due to roadside parking.
- D) Hassocks is in danger of losing its stock of bungalows due to over development. These are required for people down-sizing and to give a variety of dwellings.
Roy & Patricia Ticehurst
Lagwood Close, Hassocks.
26th January 2021
View from 12a Lagwood Close’s Garden
Elevated view from 12a Lagwood Close
Appendix 2
To view Appendix 2 Comparison with Future Homes standard please click here.