Planning Committee



To:   All Members of the Planning Committee (Cllrs Carolyn Barton, Kristian Berggreen, Robert Brewer, Bill Hatton and Claire Tester) with copies to all other Councillors for information.

A meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE will be held on Monday 11 July 2022 at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre, Adastra Park, Hassocks.

Parish Clerk   5 July 2022



2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. Disclosure by Councillors of personal and/or pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda and whether the Councillors regard their interest as prejudicial/pecuniary under the terms of the Code of Conduct.

3. MINUTES. To accept the Minutes of the meetings held on 20 June 2022 (previously circulated).


5. APPLICATIONS (copies of each application can be viewed online via the Mid Sussex District Council (MSDC) Website

5.1 DM/21/1653 Byanda Brighton Road Hassocks West Sussex Demolition of Byanda (a single residential property and ancillary buildings) and the erection of a 60 bedroom residential care facility, with associated access, ground works, car parking, servicing, private amenity space, landscaping, construction of substation unit and boundary treatment. (Amended plans submitted including reduction in bedrooms from 66 to 60 and changes to design, received 23/06/2022).

5.2 DM/22/1762 14 London Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9NT Installation of an air source heat pump to the side of the property.

5.3 DM/22/1924 14 Hurst Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9NJ Proposed single storey rear extension, first floor storey extension with new pitched roof over, existing chimney extended above new roof level, new aluminium windows and doors, new mono-pitch apron roof and new walls to utility room and garage.

5.4 DM/22/1980 Broadhill Place Ockley Lane Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8PA Erection of single storey extension.

5.5 DM/22/2011 The Summerhouse Lodge Lane Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8NA T1 Ash Tree – Fell.

5.6 DM/22/1987 41 London Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9NU New vehicular drop-kerb and access off London Road.

5.7 DM/22/0751 Land North Of Clayton Mills Hassocks West Sussex Provision of five car parking spaces with associated landscaping (Planning permission sought for a temporary 12 month period). Amended plans showing removal of sales pod and description amended accordingly.

5.8 DM/22/2045 54 Friars Oak Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8PY T1 Ash – Fell.

5.9  DM/22/1797 Manor House 104 Keymer Road Hassocks West Sussex Proposed repairs to the render above the front door. Re-roofing of the front bay window. Internal plaster repairs.

5.10 DM/22/1986 41 London Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9NU Roof extension to include changing the end hip roof to a gable wall and a new rear dormer window. This is an application to establish whether the development is lawful. This will be a legal decision where the planning merits of the proposed use cannot be taken into account. (LDC).

5.11 DM/22/2016 13 Church Mead Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8BN Single storey extension to rear of dwelling.

5.12 DM/22/2068 12 Ann Close Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8NB Existing extension and conservatory demolished and new single storey 8m extension added with internal alterations and PV panels on the western (side) elevation.

5.13 SDNP/22/02848/APNW Land East of Clayton Hill Hassocks West Sussex Engineering operations including importation of material to improve agricultural grazing land.

5.14 SDNP/22/02659/HOUS Fosters Underhill Lane Clayton West Sussex BN6 9PJ Replace damaged & worn tile hang to front, side and back of property including small area of porch roof.



8. SDNPA Land Availability Assessment (LAA) Draft Methodology Consultation. Members are invited to note correspondence and documentation received from the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) and to consider if any response is to be submitted on behalf of Hassocks Parish Council. (Appendix 1)

9. Mid Sussex District Council Site Allocations DPD: Adoption. Members are invited to note that Mid Sussex District Council adopted the Site Allocations Development Plan Document (the ‘Sites DPD’) at its meeting on 29th June 2022. It now forms part of the Development Plan for the district. An Adoption Statement has been published and can be viewed at:

10. Urgent Matters at the discretion of the Chairman for noting and/or inclusion on a future agenda.

11. Date of Next Meeting: Monday 1 August 2022 at 7.30pm.

Please Note

All members of the public are welcome to attend meetings of the Parish Council and its Committees.

Item 4 – a period of 15 minutes will be set aside for the public statements and questions relating to the published non-confidential business of the Meeting.

It may be necessary to consider particular items in confidential session and where this arises, these items will be considered at the end of the agenda.


During this meeting members of the public may film or record the Committee and officers from the public area only providing it does not disrupt the meeting. The Confidential section of the meeting may not be filmed or recorded. If a member of the public objects to being recorded, the person(s) filming must stop doing so until that member of the public has finished speaking. The use of social media is permitted but members of the public are requested to switch their mobile devices to silent for the duration of the meeting.

Appendix 1


 To:       Planning Committee                                                          Date:   11 July 2022

Contact for this report: Deputy Clerk

Subject: Agenda Item 8: SDNPA Land Availability Assessment (LAA) Draft Methodology Consultation.

1. Members are invited to note the following correspondence received from the South Downs National Park Authority and to consider whether Hassocks Parish Council wishes to make any comments on the draft methodology documents.

The documents can be read by clicking the following links:

SDNPA Draft LAA Methodology June 2022

SDNPA Draft LAA Appendix A Assessment Criteria June 2022

Dear Consultee,

Land Availability Assessment (LAA) Draft Methodology – opportunity to comment.

The South Downs National Park Authority will be undertaking a Land Availability Assessment and has produced a draft methodology for this. We would like to hear your views on this document. 

The LAA is an essential part of the evidence base for the Local Plan Review. The LAA identifies potential land and assesses the availability, suitability and achievability of potential sites. This evidence will help the National Park Authority (NPA) to understand what sites are theoretically available to provide opportunities for development, what sites have permission and to provide detailed information on past development. This will help identify potential locations for development, to be allocated in the emerging South Downs Local Plan Review and neighbourhood development plans. The methodology provides an overview of the approach the SDNPA will take in undertaking the LAA.

The LAA will consider the availability of the following land uses: new homes, 100% affordable housing sites, specialised care (C2) for example for older persons, self and custom build homes, economic development including offices, manufacturing and warehousing, permanent and transit accommodation for travellers and travelling showpeople, renewable energy, biodiversity net gain offsetting sites and nutrient offsetting sites.

We would welcome feedback from you on the draft methodology  and if you do wish to make comments, please send them to by Thursday 21st July.

Any comments received will be considered in reviewing the methodology prior to publication.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards


Support Services Officer


South Downs National Park Authority



Minutes of the PLANNING COMMITTEE Meeting held on Monday 11 July 2022 at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre, Adastra Park, Hassocks

Attendees: Parish Councillors: Cllr Carolyn Barton, Cllr Kristian Berggreen, Robert Brewer, Bill Hatton and Claire Tester.

In Attendance: Deputy Clerk – Tracy Forte, Cllr Sue Hatton and four members of the public.

P22/22 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE.  There were no apologies for absence.

P22/23 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. Cllr Claire Tester declared a non-pecuniary interest in items 5.13 SDNP/22/02848/APNW Land East of Clayton Hill Hassocks West Sussex, 5.14 SDNP/22/02659/HOUS Fosters Underhill Lane Clayton West Sussex BN6 9PJ and item 8 SDNPA Land Availability Assessment (LAA) Draft Methodology Consultation.


It was noted that Cllr Carolyn Barton was incorrectly included in the list of attendees and therefore the Committee approved her name being crossed out.

It was RESOLVED that, subject to the amendment agreed above, the minutes of the meeting held on 20 June 2022 be signed by the Chair as a true and accurate record of the meeting.


P22/25.1 Richard Jones spoke in objection to application DM/21/1653 Byanda Brighton Road Hassocks West Sussex.  Mr Jones lives in a neighbouring property to the proposed development site.  He noted that the Parish Council had objected to this application on two previous occasions and he informed the Committee that he and other neighbouring residents believed the amended plans did not reflect a fundamental or material change to the application;  therefore that the previous objections by residents still remained unchanged.   Mr Jones provided a summary of the objections which were Scale and Character, Loss of Privacy and Overlooking, Traffic and Access issues, Parking, Flooding and Drainage, Impact on the South Downs National Park and the potential negative implications on the Hassocks Health Centre.

Mr Jones hoped that the Parish Council would continue to uphold its previous objections and recommend refusal again.

P22/25.2 Tina Ainslie also spoke in objection to the same application and wished to add a further concern.  Her mother lives in a property adjacent to the proposed site and Ms Ainslie informed the Parish Council that despite raising concerns with Mid Sussex District Council (MSDC) over drainage issues and the negative impact these would have on her mother’s property, MSDC had repeatedly failed to address these concerns and therefore these remained outstanding. Ms Ainslie would like to see these fully addressed prior to any planning consent being considered, however it appears that MSDC had indicated any outstanding drainage issues would be incorporated as a planning condition, which is unacceptable.


DM/21/1653 Byanda Brighton Road Hassocks West Sussex Demolition of Byanda (a single residential property and ancillary buildings) and the erection of a 60 bedroom residential care facility, with associated access, ground works, car parking, servicing, private amenity space, landscaping, construction of substation unit and boundary treatment. (Amended plans submitted including reduction in bedrooms from 66 to 60 and changes to design, received 23/06/2022).


Members were in agreement that despite the additional amendments, the previously submitted reasons for refusal by HPC remained unchanged and therefore it was agreed to RECOMMEND REFUSAL for the following reasons:

1. Scale and Character of Design. The scale and design of the proposed development is too large for the site and thus represents significant overdevelopment and as such will impact negatively on the amenities of neighbouring properties. The application is therefore considered to be contrary to Policy DP26: Character and Design of the District Plan and Policy 9: Character and Design of the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan.

Hassocks Parish Council would request that the concerns raised by neighbouring residents about the impact on their properties are considered very carefully by the Planning Officer.

Furthermore, this site is outside the Built Up Boundary of Hassocks as defined in the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan where development should be restricted; District Plan Policy 12, Protection and Enhancement of Countryside.

2. Traffic and Access. The access to the proposed development site joins the busy A273, very close to Stonepound Crossroads, which is already the only Air Quality Management Area in Mid Sussex due to the high levels of air pollution. It is already notably challenging for vehicles trying to exit the B2112, New Road, and Underhill Lane in Clayton safely; the additional traffic generated by the proposed Care Home will most likely negatively impact further on the traffic safety in this area. In addition to the safety concerns, Hassocks Parish Council considers that the proposed Care Home will generate a significant level of additional traffic and it is likely that this will adversely impact on the levels of pollution at Stonepound.  Therefore the proposed application cannot be supported on the basis that it is contrary to Policy 8, Air Quality Management, of the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan and DP29, Noise, Air and Light Pollution, of the District Plan.  Furthermore, it is requested that the issues raised by local residents regarding traffic and access to the site are carefully considered, including concerns regarding the gradient of the access road.

Driveway Access.  The gradient of the driveway is too steep to safely allow wheelchair access; therefore it is likely that this is in conflict with the 2010 Equality Act.  The steepness will not allow access to or from the care home by wheelchair users, other than in vehicles.

3. Lack of Parking Provision. Hassocks Parish Council would challenge the applicant’s assertion that only 15 members of staff will be on site at any given time. The proposal is for a 60 bedroomed care home, including provision for high dependency clients, therefore it is considered highly unlikely that the ratio of care staff to clients could be approximately 1:4.  It is also assumed that in addition to care staff, there would be a need for domestic staff such cleaners, cooks, maintenance and so on.  The proposed parking space provision for all visitors and staff would therefore appear to be wholly inadequate.

4. Flooding and Drainage. Concerns over flooding and drainage have been raised by residents who live in the immediate vicinity of the development site and are familiar with issues around flooding in the area. It is requested that all concerns raised are reviewed in detail.

5. Impact on the South Downs National Park. Hassocks Parish Council is not satisfied that the impact of the proposed development on the South Downs National Park has been adequately addressed, including the impact of lighting. The location of the site is very close to the SDNP and will be clearly visible from the South Downs and it is considered that the development would have an adverse impact on the South Downs National Park, thus contrary to Policy 6 of the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan; Development Proposals Affecting the South Downs National Park and Policy DP18 of the District Plan; Setting of the South Downs National Park.

6. Impact on Hassocks Health Centre. There is a concern that the proposed development could lead to the current health care facilities in Hassocks being significantly overstretched and create a need which cannot be met.

7. Insufficient Evidence of Need For C2 Provision. Based on pre-application advice provided by MSDC a need for C2 provision in the area has not been proven. Therefore Hassocks Parish Council is not satisfied that such a need exists.

8. Sustainable Design. The application provides insufficient information to be certain of compliance with HNP Policy 5 – Enabling Zero Carbon; therefore Hassocks PC would also recommend refusal on the basis that the application is currently not compliant with Policy DP39 of the District Plan – Sustainable Design and Construction and Policy 5 of the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan. A design which only complies with Approved Document L2A of the building regulations (2013 edition with 2016 amendments) is not sustainable, contrary to the assertion made by the developer.

Three members of the public left the meeting.

DM/22/1762 14 London Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9NT Installation of an air source heat pump to the side of the property. Response: RECOMMEND REFUSAL. This application is unneighbourly and therefore contrary to Policy DP26: Character and Design of the District Plan and Policy 9: Character and Design of the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan.

DM/22/1924 14 Hurst Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9NJ Proposed single storey rear extension, first floor storey extension with new pitched roof over, existing chimney extended above new roof level, new aluminium windows and doors, new mono-pitch apron roof and new walls to utility room and garage. Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL.  The applicant is advised that Government has committed to adopt a ‘Future Buildings Standard’ during 2021 which will change the Building Regulations requirements for alterations and extensions to homes to bring these alterations closer to that of a ‘zero energy building’.  This is supported by Policy 5 ‘Enabling Zero Carbon’ of the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan which states that proposals that modify existing buildings (including extensions) should seek to maximise the inclusion of energy-saving measures and renewable energy generation.  Energy saving measures include floor, roof and wall insulation, and low u-value windows (which may need to be triple glazed).  These requirements may require amendments to your design which could affect the drawings submitted for planning permission. The applicant may wish to note that alterations that are built to a Nearly Zero Energy standard, are unlikely to need further retrofitting to minimise the carbon emissions that the nation is required to reduce to zero by 2050.  As retrofitting an existing home to be highly energy efficient is more complex than doing so for a new building, applicants may wish to look at the ‘EnerPHit’ standard that the Government is understood to be considering as the applicable “Nearly Zero Energy’ standard in this context, or at the Architypes published by the London Energy Transformation Initiative for u-values for your extension walls, windows etc. and for ventilation and overheating prevention standards to be achieved.

DM/22/1980 Broadhill Place Ockley Lane Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8PA Erection of single storey extension. Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL.  The applicant is advised that Government has committed to adopt a ‘Future Buildings Standard’ during 2021 which will change the Building Regulations requirements for alterations and extensions to homes to bring these alterations closer to that of a ‘zero energy building’.  This is supported by Policy 5 ‘Enabling Zero Carbon’ of the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan which states that proposals that modify existing buildings (including extensions) should seek to maximise the inclusion of energy-saving measures and renewable energy generation.  Energy saving measures include floor, roof and wall insulation, and low u-value windows (which may need to be triple glazed).  These requirements may require amendments to your design which could affect the drawings submitted for planning permission. The applicant may wish to note that alterations that are built to a Nearly Zero Energy standard, are unlikely to need further retrofitting to minimise the carbon emissions that the nation is required to reduce to zero by 2050.  As retrofitting an existing home to be highly energy efficient is more complex than doing so for a new building, applicants may wish to look at the ‘EnerPHit’ standard that the Government is understood to be considering as the applicable “Nearly Zero Energy’ standard in this context, or at the Architypes published by the London Energy Transformation Initiative for u-values for your extension walls, windows etc. and for ventilation and overheating prevention standards to be achieved.

DM/22/2011 The Summerhouse Lodge Lane Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8NA T1 Ash Tree – Fell. Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL.

Cllr Sue Hatton left the meeting.

DM/22/1987 41 London Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9NU New vehicular drop-kerb and access off London Road. Response: RECOMMEND REFUSAL. There is the potential for creating an access and parking at the rear of the property, therefore it is considered that permitting this application would result in the loss of a hedgerow and result in a bus shelter being moved unnecessarily.

DM/22/0751 Land North Of Clayton Mills Hassocks West Sussex Provision of five car parking spaces with associated landscaping (Planning permission sought for a temporary 12 month period). Amended plans showing removal of sales pod and description amended accordingly. Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL.

DM/22/2045 54 Friars Oak Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8PY T1 Ash – Fell. Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL.

DM/22/1797 Manor House 104 Keymer Road Hassocks West Sussex Proposed repairs to the render above the front door. Re-roofing of the front bay window. Internal plaster repairs. Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL.

DM/22/1986 41 London Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9NU Roof extension to include changing the end hip roof to a gable wall and a new rear dormer window. This is an application to establish whether the development is lawful. This will be a legal decision where the planning merits of the proposed use cannot be taken into account. (LDC). Response: Noted

DM/22/2016 13 Church Mead Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8BN Single storey extension to rear of dwelling. Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL.  The applicant is advised that Government has committed to adopt a ‘Future Buildings Standard’ during 2021 which will change the Building Regulations requirements for alterations and extensions to homes to bring these alterations closer to that of a ‘zero energy building’.  This is supported by Policy 5 ‘Enabling Zero Carbon’ of the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan which states that proposals that modify existing buildings (including extensions) should seek to maximise the inclusion of energy-saving measures and renewable energy generation.  Energy saving measures include floor, roof and wall insulation, and low u-value windows (which may need to be triple glazed).  These requirements may require amendments to your design which could affect the drawings submitted for planning permission. The applicant may wish to note that alterations that are built to a Nearly Zero Energy standard, are unlikely to need further retrofitting to minimise the carbon emissions that the nation is required to reduce to zero by 2050.  As retrofitting an existing home to be highly energy efficient is more complex than doing so for a new building, applicants may wish to look at the ‘EnerPHit’ standard that the Government is understood to be considering as the applicable “Nearly Zero Energy’ standard in this context, or at the Architypes published by the London Energy Transformation Initiative for u-values for your extension walls, windows etc. and for ventilation and overheating prevention standards to be achieved.

DM/22/2068 12 Ann Close Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8NB Existing extension and conservatory demolished and new single storey 8m extension added with internal alterations and PV panels on the western (side) elevation. Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL.  The applicant is advised that Government has committed to adopt a ‘Future Buildings Standard’ during 2021 which will change the Building Regulations requirements for alterations and extensions to homes to bring these alterations closer to that of a ‘zero energy building’.  This is supported by Policy 5 ‘Enabling Zero Carbon’ of the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan which states that proposals that modify existing buildings (including extensions) should seek to maximise the inclusion of energy-saving measures and renewable energy generation.  Energy saving measures include floor, roof and wall insulation, and low u-value windows (which may need to be triple glazed).  These requirements may require amendments to your design which could affect the drawings submitted for planning permission. The applicant may wish to note that alterations that are built to a Nearly Zero Energy standard, are unlikely to need further retrofitting to minimise the carbon emissions that the nation is required to reduce to zero by 2050.  As retrofitting an existing home to be highly energy efficient is more complex than doing so for a new building, applicants may wish to look at the ‘EnerPHit’ standard that the Government is understood to be considering as the applicable “Nearly Zero Energy’ standard in this context, or at the Architypes published by the London Energy Transformation Initiative for u-values for your extension walls, windows etc. and for ventilation and overheating prevention standards to be achieved.

SDNP/22/02848/APNW Land East of Clayton Hill Hassocks West Sussex Engineering operations including importation of material to improve agricultural grazing land. Response: Noted

SDNP/22/02659/HOUS Fosters Underhill Lane Clayton West Sussex BN6 9PJ Replace damaged & worn tile hang to front, side and back of property including small area of porch roof.  Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL.


P22/28 RESOLVED that the observations on the planning issues as agreed above be submitted to the relevant Planning Authority for consideration.


The following decisions were noted:

Application details Hassocks PC recommendation to Planning Authority Planning Authority Decision (MSDC/SDNP)
DM/21/3750 Land at Wellhouse Lane, Burgess Hill Recommend Refusal Permission Refused
DM/22/1515 8 The Crescent, Hassocks (1 x Holly to be felled) Deferred to MSDC Tree Officer No Objection
DM/22/1204 52 Friars Oak Road, Hassocks No Comment Permission Granted
DM/22/1259 Rosemount, North Bank, Hassocks No Comment Permission Granted
DM/22/1337 2 Park Avenue, Hassocks Recommend Approval Permission Refused

The following notifications of Certificate of Lawful Use or Development (LDC), General Permitted Development (GDP) and/or Prior Approval were noted:

Application details Hassocks PC recommendation to Planning Authority Planning Authority Decision (MSDC/SDNP)
DM/22/1467 26 Dale Avenue, Hassocks Noted LDC Certificate issued
DM/22/1610 28 Kings Drive, Hassocks Noted LDC Certificate issued

The following were also noted:

Planning Appeal AP/22/0026 Principal’s House, 6 Ewart Close, Hassocks.  T26 Lime- Fell.

Withdrawn Application DM/22/1668 1 Hurst Road, Hassocks.

P22/30 SDNPA Land Availability Assessment (LAA) Draft Methodology Consultation. Members were invited to note correspondence and documentation received from the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) and to consider if any response is to be submitted on behalf of Hassocks Parish Council.    This was noted by the committee, and it was agreed that HPC would not submit any comments on this consultation.  Cllr Tester did not participate in the discussion on this item.

P22/31 Mid Sussex District Council Site Allocations DPD: Adoption.  Members were invited to note that Mid Sussex District Council adopted the Site Allocations Development Plan Document (the ‘Sites DPD’) at its meeting on 29th June 2022.  This was noted by the Committee.

P22/32 Urgent Matters at the discretion of the Chairman for noting and/or inclusion on a future agenda.

P22/32.1 The Deputy Clerk invited members to note correspondence from West Sussex County Council regarding a proposal to relocate two existing bus stop flags on Ockley Lane from telegraph poles onto new bus stop posts. The reason for this request is because bus stop flags are no longer permitted on telegraph poles and the enquiry has come about at the request of the bus operator and will help highlight the site for surrounding members of the community.  Members noted the correspondence and had no further comments.

P22/33 DATE OF NEXT MEETING. Monday 1 August 2022 at 7.30pm.

There being no other business the Chair closed the meeting at 8.30 pm.