MSDC consultation – Draft Supplementary Planning documents

Table of contents:

Subject Matter of the Draft Supplementary Planning Documents
Period of Public Consultation
Making Representations
Inspecting the documents
Libraries in Mid Sussex
Help Points in Mid Sussex




 This notice is issued by Mid Sussex District Council to invite representations on three consultation draft Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD):

  • Development Infrastructure and Contributions SPD
  • Affordable Housing SPD
  • Viability SPD

The documents that are the subject of this consultation are as follows:

  • Development Infrastructure and Contributions SPD – Consultation Draft
  • Affordable Housing SPD – Consultation Draft
  • Viability SPD – Consultation Draft
  • Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening Report

Subject Matter of the Draft Supplementary Planning Documents

Mid Sussex District Council has adopted the Mid Sussex District Plan 2014-2031 which has replaced the 2004 Local Plan as the development plan for Mid Sussex District. In light of this, the

Mid Sussex Development and Infrastructure SPD (2006) is therefore being refreshed:

  • To ensure the SPD complies with all relevant national planning policy and guidance;
  • To update the document to ensure that it complies with the relevant policies in the District

Plan; and

  • To update the requirements for each type of contribution and the costs of these contributions.

Three separate documents have been prepared to replace the 2006 Development and

Infrastructure SPD:

  • A Development Infrastructure and Contributions SPD, which sets out the overall framework for the management of planning obligations;
  • An Affordable Housing SPD, which provides more detailed information on the requirements for on-site and off-site affordable housing provision, and
  • A Viability SPD which provides information on the viability assessment process.

Period of Public Consultation

The Development Infrastructure and Contributions SPD, Affordable Housing SPD and Viability SPD along with its supporting documents will be the subject of a six-week period of formal public consultation from Monday 9th April until Monday 21st May 2018. Representations on these documents should be received no later than midnight on Monday 21st May 2018.

Making Representations

Comments should be submitted in writing by:

Post to: Planning Policy, Mid Sussex District Council, Oaklands, Oaklands Road,

Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16 1SS

Or by e-mail to:

Should you have any queries relating to this consultation you can telephone Planning Policy on: 01444 – 477053.

Representations cannot be made anonymously. Please provide your name, company name (if applicable) and your client’s name/ company (if applicable). Please note that representations will be made publically available, along with your name.

When submitting your representation you may also request to be notified, at a specific address, of the adoption of the Development Infrastructure and Contributions SPD, Affordable Housing SPD and Viability SPD.

Inspecting the documents

All the consultation documents can be downloaded from the Council’s website:

Alternatively, they are available to view in local libraries, Help Points and the Council’s offices in Haywards Heath, as listed below (please note that these venues will not be open on public holidays):

Mid Sussex District Council, Oaklands Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16 1SS, (01444 477320) between 9am and 5pm on Monday to Thursday and 9am to 4pm on Friday.

Libraries in Mid Sussex

Burgess Hill Library, the Martlets, Burgess Hill, RH15 9NN (01444 235549) between 9.30am and 5.30pm on Monday to Friday and 10.00am to 4.00pm on Saturday.

East Grinstead Library, 32-40 West Street, East Grinstead, RH19 4SR (01342 410050) between 9.30am and 7.00pm on Monday, 9.30am and 6.00pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 9.30am and 5.30pm on Friday and 9.30am to 5.00pm on Saturday.

Hassocks Library, Stafford House, Keymer Road, Hassocks, BN6 8QJ (01273 842779) between 9.00am and 1.00pm on Monday to Wednesday, 1.00pm and 5.00pm on Thursday and Friday, and 9.00am to 1.00pm on Saturday.

Haywards Heath Library, 34 Boltro Road, Haywards Heath, RH16 1BN (01444 454607) between 9.30am and 7.00pm on Monday, 9.30am and 6.00pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 9.30am and 5.00pm on Friday, and 9.30am to 5.00pm on Saturday.

Hurstpierpoint Library, Trinity Road, Hurstpierpoint, Hassocks, BN6 9UY, (01273 832609) between 9.00am and 1.00pm on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 1.00pm and 5.00pm on Thursday and Friday, and 9.00am and 1.00pm on Saturday.

Help Points in Mid Sussex

Burgess Hill Help Point, Burgess Hill Town Council Offices, 96 Church Walk, Burgess Hill, West Sussex, RH15 9AS, (01444 247726) between 9.00am and 5.00pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 10.00am to 5.00pm on Wednesday.

East Grinstead Help Point, Public Library West Street, East Grinstead, West Sussex, RH19 4SR, (01342 300780) between 9.30am and 7.00pm on Monday, 9.30am and 6.00pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 9.30am and 5.30pm on Friday and 9.30am to 5.00pm on Saturday.

Haywards Heath Help Point, Oaklands, Oaklands Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex RH16 1SS, (01444 458166) between 9.00am and 5.00pm Monday to Thursday and 9.00am to 4.00pm on Friday.