West Sussex County Council ongoing works to deal with Ash Dieback

Ash Dieback in your Community
Euroforest has been instructed under competitive tender to carry out ongoing works on behalf of West Sussex County Council to deal with Ash Dieback within the area. Management of woodland within communities is essential in order to preserve and maintain healthy trees. As most parts of the country are now experiencing the impact of ash dieback, and the widespread decline of ash trees is expected to continue, it is important that the effects of the disease are planned and managed in a safe manner. Euroforest has undertaken a programme of work for WSCC which could last for several years. Often these trees are close to roads, railways, buildings and public footpaths therefore this work is risk-assessed, monitored and managed to the highest standard.
Ash Dieback is a fungal disease affecting the common ash tree, caused by a fungus native to eastern Asia. First identified in 2012, it is likely that it has been present since at least 2005. Ash trees make up 12% of Great Britain’s broadleaved woodland, and are often found in parks, gardens, hedgerows and roadside margins. The severity of the disease varies as local conditions can determine how ash trees are affected. Infection can lead to leaf loss and dead branches throughout the crown and clumps of new growth towards the centre of the crown. In areas of high infection the fungus can cause lesions at the base of the tree, making it more susceptible to secondary infections. For private landowners’ liability, advice for land managers and to read more please use this link:
Managing ash dieback in England – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Minimum Disruption
As this work involves specialised Arboriculture machinery and vehicles a road management plan is put in place for each site, and any disruption to residents is kept to a minimum whilst maintaining the highest health and safety standards.
Community Engagement
Whilst every effort is made to replace felled trees, it is important to choose species to suit the current site conditions, and to reduce the impact of future diseases. Euroforest and WSCC are keen to involve voluntary groups where feasible to discuss sustainable replanting projects.
Green Energy Initiatives
Any timber that is raised from our sites is transported to the Kent Renewable Energy Biomass plant to help generate green electricity. You can find out more here: Kent Renewable Energy Ltd – powering a renewable future (kentrenewableltd.com)
Contact details:
Euroforest – ARB@euroforest.co.uk
WSCC – Ash dieback – West Sussex County Council