Grounds & Environment Committee



To:      All Members of the Grounds & Environment Committee (Kate Bailey, Jane Baker, David Bunting, Kristian Berggreen, Leslie Campbell, Frances Gaudencio, Bill Hatton, Sue Hatton, Alex Simmons and Ian Weir) with copies to all other Councillors for information.

cc. Richard Higgs

A meeting of the GROUNDS AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE will be held on Wednesday 6 July 2022 at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre, Adastra Park, Hassocks.

Parish Clerk  29 June 2022



3. MINUTES. To accept the Minutes of the Grounds and Environment Meeting held on 18 May 2022. (Previously Circulated)


5. OFFICER’S REPORT. (Appendix 1)

6. ALLOTMENT RENT. Members are invited to approve an increase in the allotment rent for Parklands Allotments to £40.00 per half plot from 1 October 2022. (Appendix 2)


7.1 Adastra Tennis Courts.  Members are requested to consider a proposal to undertake a refurbishment and modernisation of the Adastra Park Tennis Courts. (Appendices 3 & 4)

8. FLOOD ACTION GROUP. Verbal Update

9. PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY (PROW). Verbal update Cllrs Ian Weir and Leslie Campbell.

10. URGENT MATTERS at the discretion of the Chairman for noting and/or inclusion on a future agenda.

11. DATE OF NEXT MEETING. Wednesday 7 September 2022 at 7.30pm

Please Note:
All members of the public are welcome to attend meetings of the Parish Council and its Committees. Item 4 – a period of 15 minutes will be set aside for the public statements and questions relating to the published non-confidential business of the Meeting.
It may be necessary to consider particular items in confidential session and where this arises, these items will be considered at the end of the agenda.

FILMING, RECORDING OF COUNCIL MEETINGS AND USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA. During this meeting members of the public may film or record the Committee and officers from the public area only, providing it does not disrupt the meeting. The Confidential section of the meeting may not be filmed or recorded. If a member of the public objects to being recorded, the person(s) filming must stop doing so until that member of the public has finished speaking. The use of social media is permitted but members of the public are requested to switch their mobile devices to silent for the duration of the meeting.

Appendix 1


To: Grounds & Environment Committee  Date: 6 July 2022

Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk   Subject: Agenda Item 5 – OFFICER’S REPORT

1. The purpose of this report is to update the Committee on (G&E) Matters.


2.1 ICE CREAM VAN.  Sussex Sundaes has now started trading in Adastra Park currently on a Thursday and Friday afternoon.

2.2 ADASTRA PAVILION.  In order to ensure that the Pavilion is Legionella Compliant, the water temperature has had to be increased.  Unfortunately despite adjustments the Thermostatic Mixing Valves (TMV’s) which control the mix of water to the showers are not working sufficiently and the water coming out of the showers is too hot.   We have been advised that this is due to the TMV’s being outdated and therefore that replacement TMV’s would be required in order to maintain an adequate temperature in the shower outlets.  Quotes are currently being sought for this work

3. FLORAL DISPLAYS. 29 Hanging Baskets have now been planted up in Red, White and Blue and are on display around the village, along with seven floral planters in total. The four existing planters plus the two new Jubilee Planters make an impressive display along Orion Parade which is continued with the wooden Jubilee Planter, built by The Monday group, which stands at the entrance to Adastra Park next to the Village Sign.

4. STREET TREES. Hassocks Community Organisation have kindly donated £300 to the Street Tree Planting Scheme again this year which is very much appreciated. This combined with some individual donations has enabled the Parish to request 27 trees to be planted for 2022.

Appendix 2


To: Grounds & Environment Committee  Date:  6 July 2022

Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk  Subject: Agenda Item 6 – ALLOTMENT RENT 2022/23

1. The purpose of this report is to inform Members of the proposed Allotment Rent for 2022/23. At a meeting of the Grounds Committee on 11 March 2015, a formula proposed by Hassocks Allotment Holders Association was agreed for calculating allotment rents which composes of three elements, plot rent, water installation, and water charges. (Minute 7b).  This formula continues to be the agreed process for calculating allotment rents, with one amendment as agreed on 3 September 2021 relating to water charges.

The formula is as follows:

a) Plot Rent 2013-14 Plot Rent £18.50 – increased annually based on inflation.

b) Water Installation. 2011 – an addition of £10 per annum for water installation costs to run for 21 years until 2032.

c) Water Charges. The charges for water usage were increased from £5 per annum to £7 per annum on 3 September 2021 Minute ref: GE 20/24.1. Water charges have been reviewed for July 2023 as previously agreed and based on calculations for water charges between Jan 2020 and July 2022, it is proposed that the charge for water should remain at £7 per half plot per annum.

d) Using the agreed formula rents have been set as follows:
October 2018
£20.21 plus water = £35.21 Rounded to nearest pound = Total £35.00
October 2019
£20.63 plus water = £35.63 Rounded to nearest pound = Total £36.00
October 2020
£20.80 plus water = £37.80 Rounded to nearest pound = Total £38.00
October 2021
£21.10 plus water = £38.10 Rounded to nearest pound = Total £38.00

2. PLOT RENT. Using the agreed formula, applying inflation to the rent of £21.10 for a half plot for 2021/22 would result in a total increase of £1.89 (8.99%), bringing the plot rent to £22.99.

Rent    (21/22)              £21.10
Inflation increase         £  1.89
Water installation       £10.00
Water Usage                 £  7.00
Total Rent 22/23   £39.99


3.1      A review of water costs between January 2020 and July 2022 show that expenditure on water remained high until January 2022, with a moderate decrease over the last six months.

Therefore it is proposed that the £7.00 charge per half plot per annum for water should not be increased and that the water usage element of the allotment rent is reviewed in July 2024.  Members are requested to approve this proposal.

3.2      Based on the water charges remaining at £7.00 per half plot per annum, Members are requested to approve the Allotment Rent for 2022/23 increasing to £40.00 per half plot per annum, based on applying a £1.89 inflationary increase and rounding to the nearest pound as previously agreed.

Appendix 3


To:      Grounds & Environment Committee  Date:  6th July 2022

Contacts for this report: Clerk  Subject: Agenda Item 7.1 – Tennis Court Refurbishment

1. Members are requested to consider the attached proposal with the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) to undertake a refurbishment and modernisation of the Council’s existing tennis facility within Adastra Park.

2. Discussions have been ongoing for some considerable time with the LTA about the potential support available to realise the Council’s aspiration to improve the current facility.

3. The scheme initially stalled as a result in a change in the way the government were proposing to fund tennis facilities within parks resulting in the Council being unable to tap into this fund. However the Council have continued to maintain dialogue with the LTA and there now appears to be an opportunity to progress the scheme which is set out in detail in Appendix 4. To view Appendix 4 please click here.

4. The site has recently been visited by the LTA technical team who have assessed the current condition of the courts and devised a costed proposal to bring the courts up to a good standard.

5. The proposal is estimated to cost circa £54,000 and would include:

  • Resurfacing of Courts
  • Repainting of Courts
  • New Court fittings
  • New fencing – side runs
  • Club Spark and LTA Rally (***)
  • Lite Gate Access system (***)
  • New Pedestrian gate (***)
    (***) funded by LTA

6. The Council has already secured an allocation of up to £45,000 from section 106 funding towards the cost of this project, however there is currently a shortfall of £9,000 to cover the cost of the LTA proposal. We are in ongoing discussions with the LTA as they have indicated they may be able to provide some additional funding to make up this shortfall, at the time of drafting this report we are currently awaiting confirmation whether this request is successful.

7. The Park Working group which was set up to oversee the progression of the Park Masterplan have been involved in considering the scheme proposal/options throughout the time the Council have been in discussion with the LTA. The group recently discussed the proposal and were in favour of further funding being released to replace all of the fencing as opposed to the current proposal from the LTA to replace the side runs only. An indicative cost of this was obtained via the LTA who have indicated this would cost an additional £9,000 which assumes the existing £9,000 shortfall being met by the LTA to contribute towards the cost of the side runs. If this bid proves to be unsuccessful if the Council wished to replace all fencing panels it would need to allocate a further £18,000.

If Members were supportive of this approach funds would be released from the Park Masterplan Earmarked Reserves Budget.

8. The Working Group members indicated they were supportive of progressing this initiative as soon as practical.

9. If the Council were to support the progression of this scheme the contract will be awarded via a contract Framework agreement.

10. The LTA have undergone a competitive tendering process to appoint circa 11 contractor(s) in a region to provide a ‘Turnkey’ service and will act as the Lead designer, Principal Designer and Principal Contractor under the Construction, Design and Management Regulations 2015 (CDM2015). The contracts will be let under JCT Minor works Contract (2016) therefore this would enable the Council to contract directly with the contractors and fully comply with procurement legislation.

11. As the LTA have already undertaken a tendering process via the Open tender procedure it will enable the Council to:

  • Access the framework agreements
  • Achieve value for money through a competitive procurement process
  • Enable a project to be delivered on time and to the correct specification.

The Council could therefore proceed with letting the contract without the need to undertake further market testing.

It is anticipated that the LTA would have appointed these approved contractors in July.

12. If this target is met by the LTA it may be feasible to deliver this project later this year prior to any deterioration in ground conditions.

13. The objective of the scheme is to significantly increase the ‘pay to play’ usage of the facility and still enable the current tennis club to hire usage of the courts. The intention is also to install additional court lineage for other sports to provide flexibility for its use however the primary use of the facility will remain for tennis. The additional line marking may attract additional costs.

14. By working with the LTA the Council will be able to install an automated gate entry system, on-line booking system and on-line payments system and enable the Council to move away from the current antiquated arrangements which no doubt impact on the facilities current usage. It is anticipated that with improved accessibility using modern technology this will have a positive impact on usage together with the provision of good quality surface.

15. The facility will remain in the ownership and management of the Parish Council who will retain full control over the use of the facility.

16. OFFICER RECOMMENDATIONS. Members are requested to consider the proposal set out in Appendix 4 and if Members approve the progression of the initiative they are recommended:

  1. To authorise the Clerk, in consultation with the Chair of the Council, to enter into appropriate agreements on behalf of the Council with the LTA and the appointed Contractor secured through the framework contract to enable the scheme to progress.
  2. To award the contract in accordance with the terms and conditions of the framework agreement with the approved contractor(s).
  3. To consider the release of further funding from the Adastra Park EMR to enable all fencing works to be completed and additional lineage.



Minutes of a meeting of the GROUNDS AND ENVIRONMENT Committee held on Wednesday 6 July 2022 at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre, Adastra Park, Hassocks

Attendees: Councillors Jane Baker, Kristian Berggreen, David Bunting, Frances Gaudencio, Alex Simmons and Ian Weir.

In attendance: Tracy Forte – Deputy Clerk.

GE22/13 APOLOGIES. Apologies were received from Cllrs Kate Bailey, Leslie Campbell, Bill Hatton and Sue Hatton.

GE22/14 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. There were no declarations of interest.

GE22/15 MINUTES. It was noted that Cllr Jane Baker was incorrectly included in the list of attendees and therefore the Committee approved her name being crossed out.

GE22.15.1 It was RESOLVED that, subject to the amendment agreed above, the minutes of the Grounds & Environment meeting held on 18 May 2022 be signed by the Chair as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

GE22/16 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. There were no members of the public present.

GE22/17 OFFICER REPORT. Members noted the Officer’s report.

GE22/17.1 Floral Displays. Cllr Baker noted that the floral displays were a welcome addition to the village, however noticed that the planters along the Orion Parade island were at times being used as seating which would damage the plants.  She suggested that maybe the Council could look to providing seating in this area to discourage the planters being sat on.

The Deputy Clerk also reported that the geraniums planted in the wall along Keymer Road outside of National Tyres had been pulled out by vandals.  One of the local shopkeepers had kindly retrieved the plants and informed the Parish Office so that they could be replanted.

GE22/17.2 Adastra Bowls Club. The Deputy Clerk informed the Committee that on Wednesday 20 July, as part of the Adastra Bowls Club Centenary celebrations they were hosting a visit from some Chelsea Pensioners.  The Parish Office has agreed to section off part of the car park to ensure there is parking for the coach bringing the visitors.  The Chelsea Pensioners were due to arrive around 1pm.

GE22/18 ALLOTMENT RENT. Members were invited to approve an increase in the allotment rent for 2022/23 for Parklands Allotments from £38.00 to £40.00 per half plot 1 October 2022.

Using the agreed formula, applying inflation to the basic rent for a half plot for 2022/23 would make an increase of £1.89 (1.47%) bringing the total overall rent to £39.99. Therefore using the previously adopted principle that the rent should be rounded up or down to the nearest pound, the rent should increase to £40.00 pa per half plot.

GE22/18.1 It was RESOLVED that rent for Parklands Road Allotments would increase to £40.00 per half plot and £20.00 per quarter plot for the year commencing 1 October 2022.

GE22/19 ADASTRA TENNIS COURTS.  Members were requested to consider a proposal with the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) to undertake a refurbishment and modernisation of the Council’s existing tennis facility within Adastra Park.  Full details of the proposal were set out in Appendices 3 and 4 of the meeting agenda.

The proposal is estimated to cost circa £54,000 and would include:

  • Resurfacing of Courts
  • Repainting of Courts
  • New Court fittings
  • New fencing – side runs only.
  • Club Spark and LTA Rally (***)
  • Lite Gate Access system (***)
  • New Pedestrian gate (***)

(***) funded by LTA

The Council has already secured an allocation of up to £45,000 from section 106 funding towards the cost of this project, however there is currently a shortfall of £9,000 to cover the cost of the LTA proposal.  The LTA has indicated that it may be able to provide some additional funding to make up this shortfall, however this is yet to be confirmed.

If Members were minded to approve progressing the initiative and entering into a contract with the LTA, Members would be then invited to consider approving the release of further funding from the Park Masterplan Earmarked Reserves (EMR) to replace all of the fencing, as opposed to the current proposal from the LTA to replace the side runs only.

An indicative cost of this was obtained via the LTA of an additional £9,000.   This is assuming that the existing £9,000 shortfall as previously mentioned will be met by the LTA.  If this bid proves to be unsuccessful, the Council would then need to allocate £18,000 to replace all fencing panels.

In his report, the Clerk had informed the Committee that the objective of the scheme is to significantly increase the ‘pay to play’ usage of the facility and still enable the current tennis club to hire usage of the courts. The intention is also to install additional court lineage for other sports to provide flexibility for its use however the primary use of the facility will remain for tennis. The additional line marking may attract additional costs.

Whilst all of the Committee were very supportive of progressing the initiative, Cllr Gaudencio informed the Committee that she was uncomfortable with the reference to the primary use of the facility being for tennis.  It had been hoped that an improved facility would include the opportunity for other sports including Netball, and Cllr Gaudencio expressed her concern that this might be restricted based on the elements of the LTA contract.

It was observed that the Clerk had previously confirmed that additional line markings could be added to the court surface and that the facility would remain in the ownership and management of the Parish Council who will retain full control over its use.

After a full discussion, it was agreed that whilst the Council must ensure adequate access to the courts is provided for tennis, the Council is also keen to ensure that there is the potential and opportunity for access by other users should the demand arise.

Members offered their full support to progressing the initiative as set out in Appendix 4 of the agenda and

GE22/19.1 it was RESOLVED to approve authorising the Clerk, in consultation with the Chair of the Council, to enter into appropriate agreements on behalf of the Council with the LTA and the appointed Contractor secured through the framework contract to enable the scheme to progress.

GE22/19.2 it was RESOLVED to approve awarding the contract in accordance with the terms and conditions of the framework agreement with the approved contractor(s).

GE22/19.3 it was RESOLVED to approve the release of further funding in the region of £20,000 from the Adastra Park EMR to enable all fencing works to be completed as required and to cover the cost of additional lineage.

GE22/20 FLOOD ACTION GROUP.  Cllr Frances Gaudencio updated the Committee on the key elements of a scoping meeting held by the Flood Action Group on 21 June 2022.  It had proved very difficult to arrange a date which all members were able to attend, however the arranged meeting was attended by three councillors and two representatives from the HKD Floods and Suds Group.   The meeting proved very informative and the group discussed the progression of various areas including First Responders, Stream/Ditch Wardens, Riparian Responsibilities and Planning.  The meeting concluded with agreed future actions to be undertaken by the Clerk, designated Parish Councillors or members of the Floods and Suds group.

Unfortunately a representative from the Ouse and Adur Rivers Trust (OART) was unable to attend at the last minute due to Covid, it was agreed that their input into the group would be very valuable and that a meeting could be arranged in the near future.

Cllr Gaudencio reported that she believed that the success of the Flood Action Group depended very much on the availability of members to attend in person meetings.  It was recognised that volunteer time is limited and that Covid had also had an impact on the attendance.

GE22/21 PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY (PROW). Cllr Ian Weir updated the committee about the planned improvements to Footpath 13C.  These repairs were to be funded and undertaken by West Sussex County Council (WSCC) with a financial contribution from Hassocks PC to cover a percentage of the overall cost.  The estimated cost for the project had originally been in the region of £25,000,   however quotations had now been received by WSCC for the proposed work and the cost is significantly less than expected coming in at around £6,500, which is good news.

GE22/22 URGENT MATTERS at the discretion of the Chairman for noting and/or inclusion on a future agenda.  Cllr Baker informed the Committee that the Garden of Remembrance Group had been carrying out work to improve the area of the Garden at the far end (east) and suggested that it would be beneficial to install some seating in this area which would allow visitors to sit in some shade on hot days.  Quotes had been obtained from the Monday Group to make some wooden seats and Cllr Baker understood that there would be funds available in the budget set aside for improvements to the Garden of Remembrance.  She asked the Committee if they had any thoughts on this proposal, prior to her discussing this in more detail with the Clerk.  Members noted that the Garden of Remembrance is already subject to a level of antisocial behaviour, and concern was raised as to whether installing benches in this area would increase this.  Opening up the area by reducing the hedging was discussed and it was felt that benches would be a welcome proposal if accompanied by plan to make the area more exposed.  Cllr Baker would discuss this further with the Clerk.

It was also noted that the children’s Play Area in the North Field was short of seating in the shade and that benches or seating of some sort would be beneficial on the southern side of the play area, under the trees.  It was then decided that the Park Working Group would meet to review seating in the park generally and progress this as required.

GE22/23 DATE OF NEXT MEETING. Wednesday 7 September 2022 at 7.30pm.