Planning Committee



To:   All Members of the Planning Committee (Cllrs Carolyn Barton, Kristian Berggreen, Robert Brewer, Leslie Campbell, Bill Hatton, Claire Tester and Nick Owens) with copies to all other Councillors for information.

An informal meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE will be held remotely/strong> on Tuesday 15 February 2022 at 7.30pm

Parish Clerk – 8 February 2022



2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. Disclosure by Councillors of personal and/or pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda and whether the Councillors regard their interest as prejudicial/pecuniary under the terms of the Code of Conduct.

3. MINUTES. To note Minutes of the Meeting held on 24 January 2022 (previously circulated), for approval at the next Committee meeting.


5. APPLICATIONS (copies of each application can be viewed online via the Mid Sussex District Council (MSDC) Website

5.1 DM/22/0163 10 Chancellors Park Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8EZ Proposed first floor side extension, ground floor side extension and removal of part of dwarf wall to improve vehicular access to drive.

5.2 DM/21/4222 35 Ockenden Way Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8HS Variation of conditions 5 and 3 relating to DM/21/3344 to allow for the change of external materials.

5.3 DM/22/0215 8 Bonny Wood Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8HR Proposed dormers, rear & side extensions.

5.4 DM/21/2628 Land To The Rear Of Friars Oak London Road Hassocks West Sussex Reserved Matters Application for the approval of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale at land r/o Friars Oak pursuant to Outline Planning Permission DM/19/1897, comprising of a residential development of 130 dwellings and associated access together with change of use of part of the land to country open space, following the provision of a new pedestrian tunnel under the railway. (Additional Biodiversity Report and Energy Strategy Report received 31 January and 1 February.)

5.5 DM/21/3330 Hammonds Mill Farm London Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9NB Proposed conversion of 3 agricultural barn buildings into 4 residential dwellings. Amended Plans received 26.01.2022 showing revised design details.

5.6 DM/22/0155 8 Park Avenue Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8LT Proposed pitched roof single storey rear extension, hip to part gable side roof alterations and pitched roof front porch.

5.7 DM/22/0297 Weald House Cottage Ockley Lane Hassocks Burgess Hill West Sussex RH15 0BH Proposed extension and new front porch together with internal alterations and all associated drainage works.

5.8 DM/21/4212 40 Adastra Avenue Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8DL Loft conversion with side dormers. Amended plans received 04.02.2022 showing design amendments.

5.9 DM/22/0343 1 Hurst Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9NJ Roof conversion with rear dormer, side gables and front rooflights.

5.10 DM/22/0247 Montrose 32 Woodsland Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8HG English Oak (Quercus Robur) – (T1 ) Crown Reduce and balance by 1.5 meters.



8. SDNPA Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding Register Consultation. Members are invited to note the SDNPA Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding Register Consultation and to consider any response on behalf of Hassocks Parish Council. (Appendix 1)

9. NEW STREET NAMES. Members are invited to consider a request from MSDC regarding street names for the new development on the land North of Clayton Mills.  Phase 1 is for 267 dwellings and will require 12 streets and phase 2 is for 233 dwellings and will require 8 streets.  Therefore Members are advised to suggest in excess of 20 names to enable the theme to run throughout the development and to allow for duplicate or unsuitable names. (Background information previously circulated.)

Members are also invited to note a previous request from a resident that a reference to Frederick John Wellman, who built The Orchard Tea Gardens (now Grand Avenue) might be considered in a street name where appropriate.

10. TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE APPLICATION. Members are invited to consider the following road closure applications and any comments they may wish to make on behalf of Hassocks Parish Council.

10.1 Woodsland Road, Hassocks from 10.00hrs to 22.30hrs on Sunday 5th June 2022 for a Platinum Jubilee Street Party to take place. (Appendix 2)

10.2 Adastra Avenue, Hassocks from 13.00hrs to 18.00hrs on Sunday 5th June 2022 for a Jubilee Street Party to take place (Appendix 3).

10.3 Light Up Hassocks. Temporary Road Closure of Keymer Road from 16.00hrs to 20.00hrs on Friday 2 December 2022 for the Light up Hassocks event to take place. Additionally Keymer Road to Villa Adastra for the Children’s Parade from 16:15hrs to 17:00hrs. (Full details in Appendix 4).

11. Urgent Matters at the discretion of the Chairman for noting and/or inclusion on a future agenda.

12. Date of Next Meeting: Monday 7 March 2022 at 7.30pm.

Please Note
All members of the public are welcome to attend to attend meetings of the Parish Council and its Committees.
Item 4 – a period of 15 minutes will be set aside for the public statements and questions relating to the published non-confidential business of the Meeting.
If you wish to attend this virtual meeting please email before 9.00 hrs on the day of the meeting to be sent an electronic invitation by 12.00 noon on that same day.
It may be necessary to consider particular items in confidential session and where this arises, these items will be considered at the end of the agenda.

During this meeting members of the public may film or record the Committee and officers from the public area only providing it does not disrupt the meeting. The Confidential section of the meeting may not be filmed or recorded. If a member of the public objects to being recorded, the person(s) filming must stop doing so until that member of the public has finished speaking. The use of social media is permitted but members of the public are requested to switch their mobile devices to silent for the duration of the meeting.

Appendix 1

Message from South Downs National Park Authority

Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding Register

Consultation – opportunity to comment on proposed local connection test for the Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding Register

The South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) is proposing a local connection test (see below) for those wanting to record their interest in building their own home by applying to be included on the Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Register (the “Register”).

Consultation on the proposed local connection test is being carried out for eight weeks between Tuesday 11 January 2022 and Tuesday 08 March 2022.

All responses to the consultation must be received before midnight on Tuesday 08 March 2022.

Please let SDNPA know your comments on the proposed local connection test as set out below. Further details about the Register and the local connection test are also set out below. If you have questions regarding this consultation please telephone 01730 814810 and ask to speak to Kevin Wright in the Planning Policy team or email

Responses to the consultation must be made in writing and can be sent to the SDNPA in the following ways:

By email to

By letter to Planning Policy, SDNPA, South Downs Centre, North Street, Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29 9DH

Proposed Local Connection Test

Any person that meets at least one of the following criteria when applying to be entered on the Self-build and Custom housebuilding register, is considered to have met the Local Connection Test and will be entered into Part 1 of the Register:

a) Have lived (as only home or principal residence) in the National Park (or in a split Parish, part of which is inside the National Park) continuously for at least the last two years; or

b) Have lived (as only home or principal residence) in the National Park (or in a split Parish, part of which is inside the National Park) continuously for three out of the last five years; or

c) Have immediate family* who have lived continuously in the National Park (or lived in a split Parish, part of which is inside the National Park) for at least the previous five years; or

d) Have been employed in the National Park for a minimum of 16 hours per week continuously for the last two years; or

e) You are a member of the armed forces, or an ex-member of the armed forces whose service ended within the last 5 years.

* Immediate family is defined as parents, adult siblings and adult children.

Further details

The SDNPA is required by law to keep a Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Register. The Register provides evidence of demand for self-build and custom housebuilding within the National Park. Anyone seeking land to build their own home can apply to be on the Register providing they are at least 18 years of age and they are a British citizen, or a national of a European Economic Area State or a national of Switzerland. The criteria can also include a local connection test.

The effect of the local connection test is to separate the Register into Part 1 and Part 2.

Those applicants entered on Part 1 of the Register will meet the eligibility criteria and the local connection test. SDNPA has a duty to permit sufficient plots to meet the demand evidenced by the entries on Part 1 of the Register.

Those on Part 2 will meet the eligibility criteria only.

The entries on Part 1 and 2 of the Register will be taken into account by SDNPA when making planning decisions in the National Park.

Those on Part 2 of the Register can still build their own home in the National Park.

Being on Part 1 of the Register provides no entitlement to receive any plot permitted by the SDNPA.

Further information on the Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding Register can be found at


Appendix 2


Woodsland Road, Hassocks

Jubilee Street Party Sunday 5th June 2022





NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mid Sussex District Council, in pursuance of their powers under the above Acts have ordered and directed that as:

Woodsland Road, Hassocks

will be thronged and liable to be obstructed, that the aforesaid streets, and parts of streets, will be closed to vehicular traffic (including pedal cycles and horses) between the hours of 10.00hrs to 22.30hrs on Sunday 5th June 2022 or such lesser period as may be required for the Platinum Jubilee Street Party to take place.

PROVIDED THAT this temporary closure is subject to any direction, which may be given by a police constable in uniform.

Wilful breach of this Order renders offenders liable to a penalty not exceeding Twenty Pounds.

Date…………………………    Head of Regulatory Services


Appendix 3


Adastra Avenue, Hassocks

Jubilee Street Party Sunday 5th June 2022





NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mid Sussex District Council, in pursuance of their powers under the above Acts have ordered and directed that as:

Adastra Avenue   (between Oakley Lane & Oldlands Avenue)

will be thronged and liable to be obstructed, that the aforesaid streets, and parts of streets, will be closed to vehicular traffic (including pedal cycles and horses) between the hours of 13.00hrs to 18.00hrs on Sunday 5th June 2022 or such lesser period as may be required for the Jubilee Street Party to take place.

PROVIDED THAT this temporary closure is subject to any direction, which may be given by a police constable in uniform.

Wilful breach of this Order renders offenders liable to a penalty not exceeding Twenty Pounds.

Date……………………………          ……………………  Head of Regulatory Services


Appendix 4


Light Up Hassocks                                  

Friday 2nd December 2022





NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mid Sussex District Council, in pursuance of their powers under the above Acts have ordered and directed that as:

Keymer Road from Woodsland Road to Dale Avenue including Orion Parade Layby from 16:00hrs to 20:00hrs including the junctions with Woodsland Road, Downsview Road, Chancellors Park, Parklands Road, Grand Avenue, and Dale AvenueAdditionally Keymer Road to Villa Adastra for the Children’s Parade from 16:15hrs to 17:00hrs which will require the closure of these additional junctions Wilmington Close, and The Minnels

will be thronged and liable to be obstructed, that the aforesaid streets, and parts of streets, will be closed to vehicular traffic (including pedal cycles and horses) between the hours of 16.00hrs to 20.00hrs on Friday 2nd December 2022 or such lesser period as may be required for the Light Up Hassocks to take place.

To see road closure and diversion plan please click here.

PROVIDED THAT this temporary closure is subject to any direction, which may be given by a police constable in uniform. 

Wilful breach of this Order renders offenders liable to a penalty not exceeding Twenty Pounds.

Date……………………………          ………………………   Head of Regulatory Services



Minutes of the informal meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE held remotely on Tuesday 15 February 2022 at 7.30pm

Attendees: Parish Councillors: Kristian Berggreen (Chair), Bob Brewer, Sue Hatton (substitute for Cllr Bill Hatton), Nick Owens and Claire Tester.

In Attendance: Deputy Clerk: Tracy Forte; 2 members of the public.

P21/146 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Cllrs Carolyn Barton, Leslie Campbell and Bill Hatton

P21/147 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. Cllr Bob Brewer declared a personal interest in DM/21/2628 Land To The Rear Of Friars Oak London Road Hassocks West Sussex.

P21/148 MINUTES. To note Minutes of the Meeting held on 24 January 2022 (previously circulated), for approval at the next Committee meeting.  These were noted by the Committee.

P21/149 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. Mr Steve Sexton raised the following points about Planning Application DM/21/2628 Land To The Rear Of Friars Oak London Road Hassocks West Sussex.

1. Mid Sussex District Council has allowed 21 days for the review of the Additional Biodiversity Report and Energy Strategy Report, however the updated Energy Report was not uploaded onto the MSDC website until last week. therefore residents will not have had a full 21 days to review this document by the closing date for submissions.

2. Mr Sexton referred to the developer reports being biased and therefore hoped that when this application was considered by the MSDC Planning Committee, Hassocks District and Parish Councillor Representatives would attend to query the bias in the reports.

P21/150 The Chair proposed considering application DM/21/2628 Land To The Rear Of Friars Oak, London Road first.  This was agreed by the Committee.


DM/21/2628 Land To The Rear Of Friars Oak London Road Hassocks West Sussex Reserved Matters Application for the approval of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale at land r/o Friars Oak pursuant to Outline Planning Permission DM/19/1897, comprising of a residential development of 130 dwellings and associated access together with change of use of part of the land to country open space, following the provision of a new pedestrian tunnel under the railway. (Additional Biodiversity Report and Energy Strategy Report received 31 January and 1 February.)

The Committee discussed this application in detail and noted that a number of reports have only recently been uploaded to the MSDC website.  The Committee welcomed the Planning Officer’s correspondence with the developer, Rydons, in support of Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan, Policy 5 and noted that the developer has indicated a willingness to build to the Part L 2021 Building Regulations which will come into effect later this year.  Therefore it was agreed that the Parish should request that MSDC requires this to be a commitment from the developer for every building on this site.

It was also noted that, although it appeared that the Biodiversity Net Gain calculation had been carried out according to guidance, the Defra Metric used only considers plant diversity.  The two fields to be developed are therefore categorised as ‘poor semi improved grassland’ – the lowest possible score – even though the lack of management over the last decade means that it is brimming with wildlife.  Therefore the calculations that there will be a 14.25% net gain in area habitat units across the site does not reflect the overall impact of this development on biodiversity.

Cllr Bob Brewer drew the Committee’s attention to an email which had been uploaded as a document for this application onto the MSDC planning portal.  The email was dated 7 January 2022 and had been sent on behalf of Rydon’s to the Planning Officer, responding to the previous points raised by HPC.  However HPC had not been included in this correspondence, nor had the Council been subsequently made aware of it.   Therefore the Committee agreed that in order to submit an informed and relevant response to this application, more time was required to consider the additional documentation in detail.  The preference was to consider this application again at the next scheduled Planning Meeting due to be held on 7 March 2022 and the Deputy Clerk would contact the Planning Officer to request an extension on the submission date from the Council.  If the full extension was not granted, the Committee would then be required to agree a response prior to the next meeting, having reviewed the necessary documentation.

Mr and Mrs Sexton left the meeting.

DM/22/0163 10 Chancellors Park Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8EZ Proposed first floor side extension, ground floor side extension and removal of part of dwarf wall to improve vehicular access to drive. Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL. The applicant is advised that Government has committed to adopt a ‘Future Buildings Standard’ during 2021 which will change the Building Regulations requirements for alterations and extensions to homes to bring these alterations closer to that of a ‘zero energy building’.  This is supported by Policy 5 ‘Enabling Zero Carbon’ of the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan which states that proposals that modify existing buildings (including extensions) should seek to maximise the inclusion of energy-saving measures and renewable energy generation.  Energy saving measures include floor, roof and wall insulation, and low u-value windows (which may need to be triple glazed). These requirements may require amendments to your design which could affect the drawings submitted for planning permission. The applicant may wish to note that alterations that are built to a Nearly Zero Energy standard, are unlikely to need further retrofitting to minimise the carbon emissions that the nation is required to reduce to zero by 2050. As retrofitting an existing home to be highly energy efficient is more complex than doing so for a new building, applicants may wish to look at the ‘EnerPHit’ standard that the Government is understood to be considering as the applicable “Nearly Zero Energy’ standard in this context, or at the Architypes published by the London Energy Transformation Initiative for u-values for your extension walls, windows etc. and for ventilation and overheating prevention standards to be achieved.

DM/21/4222 35 Ockenden Way Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8HS Variation of conditions 5 and 3 relating to DM/21/3344 to allow for the change of external materials. Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL

DM/22/0215 8 Bonny Wood Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8HR Proposed dormers, rear & side extensions. Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL subject to the wood burner flue being complaint with installation and internal air quality regulations. The applicant is advised that Government has committed to adopt a ‘Future Buildings Standard’ during 2021 which will change the Building Regulations requirements for alterations and extensions to homes to bring these alterations closer to that of a ‘zero energy building’.  This is supported by Policy 5 ‘Enabling Zero Carbon’ of the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan which states that proposals that modify existing buildings (including extensions) should seek to maximise the inclusion of energy-saving measures and renewable energy generation.  Energy saving measures include floor, roof and wall insulation, and low u-value windows (which may need to be triple glazed). These requirements may require amendments to your design which could affect the drawings submitted for planning permission. The applicant may wish to note that alterations that are built to a Nearly Zero Energy standard, are unlikely to need further retrofitting to minimise the carbon emissions that the nation is required to reduce to zero by 2050. As retrofitting an existing home to be highly energy efficient is more complex than doing so for a new building, applicants may wish to look at the ‘EnerPHit’ standard that the Government is understood to be considering as the applicable “Nearly Zero Energy’ standard in this context, or at the Architypes published by the London Energy Transformation Initiative for u-values for your extension walls, windows etc. and for ventilation and overheating prevention standards to be achieved.

DM/21/3330 Hammonds Mill Farm London Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9NB Proposed conversion of 3 agricultural barn buildings into 4 residential dwellings. (Amended Plans received 26.01.2022 showing revised design details.). Response: RECOMMEND REFUSAL.  The previous comments submitted by Parish Council remain unchanged.  The referenced agricultural buildings are considered to be in a very poor condition and beyond repair, almost certainly requiring a complete rebuild.  It is therefore the belief of the Parish Council that the proposed application falls outside the scope of Class Q which relates to the ‘conversion’ of existing buildings; these buildings will not be conversions they will be new builds. Furthermore, despite amendments, the proposed design of the ‘conversions’ remain wholly unattractive and out of keeping with the area and is therefore contrary to Character and Design, Policy 9, of the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan and Policy DP26 of the District Plan.

DM/22/0155 8 Park Avenue Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8LT Proposed pitched roof single storey rear extension, hip to part gable side roof alterations and pitched roof front porch. Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL. The applicant is advised that Government has committed to adopt a ‘Future Buildings Standard’ during 2021 which will change the Building Regulations requirements for alterations and extensions to homes to bring these alterations closer to that of a ‘zero energy building’.  This is supported by Policy 5 ‘Enabling Zero Carbon’ of the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan which states that proposals that modify existing buildings (including extensions) should seek to maximise the inclusion of energy-saving measures and renewable energy generation.  Energy saving measures include floor, roof and wall insulation, and low u-value windows (which may need to be triple glazed). These requirements may require amendments to your design which could affect the drawings submitted for planning permission. The applicant may wish to note that alterations that are built to a Nearly Zero Energy standard, are unlikely to need further retrofitting to minimise the carbon emissions that the nation is required to reduce to zero by 2050. As retrofitting an existing home to be highly energy efficient is more complex than doing so for a new building, applicants may wish to look at the ‘EnerPHit’ standard that the Government is understood to be considering as the applicable “Nearly Zero Energy’ standard in this context, or at the Architypes published by the London Energy Transformation Initiative for u-values for your extension walls, windows etc. and for ventilation and overheating prevention standards to be achieved.

DM/22/0297 Weald House Cottage Ockley Lane Hassocks Burgess Hill West Sussex RH15 0BH Proposed extension and new front porch together with internal alterations and all associated drainage works. Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL. The applicant is advised that Government has committed to adopt a ‘Future Buildings Standard’ during 2021 which will change the Building Regulations requirements for alterations and extensions to homes to bring these alterations closer to that of a ‘zero energy building’.  This is supported by Policy 5 ‘Enabling Zero Carbon’ of the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan which states that proposals that modify existing buildings (including extensions) should seek to maximise the inclusion of energy-saving measures and renewable energy generation.  Energy saving measures include floor, roof and wall insulation, and low u-value windows (which may need to be triple glazed). These requirements may require amendments to your design which could affect the drawings submitted for planning permission. The applicant may wish to note that alterations that are built to a Nearly Zero Energy standard, are unlikely to need further retrofitting to minimise the carbon emissions that the nation is required to reduce to zero by 2050. As retrofitting an existing home to be highly energy efficient is more complex than doing so for a new building, applicants may wish to look at the ‘EnerPHit’ standard that the Government is understood to be considering as the applicable “Nearly Zero Energy’ standard in this context, or at the Architypes published by the London Energy Transformation Initiative for u-values for your extension walls, windows etc. and for ventilation and overheating prevention standards to be achieved.

DM/21/4212 40 Adastra Avenue Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8DL Loft conversion with side dormers. Amended plans received 04.02.2022 showing design amendments. Response: NOTED

DM/22/0343 1 Hurst Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9NJ Roof conversion with rear dormer, side gables and front rooflights. Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL. The applicant is advised that Government has committed to adopt a ‘Future Buildings Standard’ during 2021 which will change the Building Regulations requirements for alterations and extensions to homes to bring these alterations closer to that of a ‘zero energy building’.  This is supported by Policy 5 ‘Enabling Zero Carbon’ of the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan which states that proposals that modify existing buildings (including extensions) should seek to maximise the inclusion of energy-saving measures and renewable energy generation.  Energy saving measures include floor, roof and wall insulation, and low u-value windows (which may need to be triple glazed). These requirements may require amendments to your design which could affect the drawings submitted for planning permission. The applicant may wish to note that alterations that are built to a Nearly Zero Energy standard, are unlikely to need further retrofitting to minimise the carbon emissions that the nation is required to reduce to zero by 2050. As retrofitting an existing home to be highly energy efficient is more complex than doing so for a new building, applicants may wish to look at the ‘EnerPHit’ standard that the Government is understood to be considering as the applicable “Nearly Zero Energy’ standard in this context, or at the Architypes published by the London Energy Transformation Initiative for u-values for your extension walls, windows etc. and for ventilation and overheating prevention standards to be achieved.

DM/22/0247 Montrose 32 Woodsland Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8HG English Oak (Quercus Robur) – (T1) Crown Reduce and balance by 1.5 meters. Response: Awaiting Tree Warden’s response.


P21/153 It was noted that the observations on the planning issues as recorded above be submitted to the relevant Planning Authority for consideration in line with the Parish Council’s Standing Orders.


The following decisions were noted:

Application details Hassocks PC recommendation to Planning Authority Planning Authority Decision (MSDC/SDNP)
DM/21/4238 5 Ewart Close, Hassocks Recommend Approval Permission Granted
DM/21/4103 13 Flowers Close, Hassocks No Objection Permission Granted
DM/21/4258 17 Lodge Lane, Hassocks Recommend Approval Permission Granted
DM/21/4361 2A Mackie Avenue, Hassocks Recommend Approval Permission Refused

The following decisions to applications for the discharge of conditions were noted:

Application details Planning Authority Decision
DM/22/0126 Mill Nursery, London Road, Hassocks Condition 7. Discharge of Condition Refused.

P21/155 SDNPA Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding Register Consultation.  Members were invited to note the SDNPA Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding Register Consultation and to consider any response on behalf of Hassocks Parish Council. This consultation was noted by the Committee.

P21/156 NEW STREET NAMES.   Members were invited to consider a request from MSDC regarding street names for the new development on the land North of Clayton Mills.  Phase 1 is for 267 dwellings and will require 12 streets and phase 2 is for 233 dwellings and will require 8 streets.  Therefore Members were advised to suggest in excess of 20 names to enable the theme to run throughout the development and to allow for duplicate or unsuitable names. (Background information previously circulated.)

Members are also invited to note a previous request from a resident that a reference to Frederick John Wellman, who built The Orchard Tea Gardens (now Grand Avenue) might be considered in a street name where appropriate.  Members were in full support of including Wellman as a suggested street name.

Members were in full agreement that the preference would be to have street names that recognise local residents who have contributed to the village during their lifetime.  After a full discussion a list was collated for consideration (Appendix 1 see below).

P21/157 TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE APPLICATIONS.  Members were invited to consider the following road closure applications and any comments they may wish to make on behalf of Hassocks Parish Council.

P21/157.1 Woodsland Road, Hassocks from 10.00hrs to 22.30hrs on Sunday 5th June 2022 for a Platinum Jubilee Street Party to take place. (Appendix 2).  Response: Recommend Approval.

P21/157.2 Adastra Avenue, Hassocks from 13.00hrs to 18.00hrs on Sunday 5th June 2022 for a Jubilee Street Party to take place (Appendix 3). Response: Recommend Approval.

P21/157.3 Light Up Hassocks. Temporary Road Closure of Keymer Road from 16.00hrs to 20.00hrs on Friday 2 December 2022 for the Light up Hassocks event to take place. Additionally Keymer Road to Villa Adastra for the Children’s Parade from 16:15hrs to 17:00hrs. Response: Recommend Approval.

P158 Urgent Matters at the discretion of the Chairman for noting and/or inclusion on a future agenda.  Cllr Bob Brewer updated the Committee on his observations of the work being carried out by Network Rail to install the pedestrian tunnel under the railway line.

P159 DATE OF NEXT MEETING.  7 March 2022 at 7.30pm. To be held remotely.

There being no other business the Chair closed the meeting at 9.00 pm.

Appendix 1



Main Spine Road

  • William de Warenne Way (Pre-17th century landowner)
  • Frederick John Wellman – developed The Orchard Pleasure Gardens in Hassocks.

20th Century residents

  • Tony Barton – Parish Councillor.
  • Geoff Copley – Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan.
  • Betty and Tony Davies – Hassocks Regeneration Project, Village Action Plan, Hassocks Community Partnership.
  • Grace Fry – Christmas lunch and numerous community charity activities.
  • John & Josie Gargett – Adastra Hall Committee and various other community involvements.
  • Mary Gates – Hassocks Guides, District Commissioner.
  • Clive Glossop – Very community spirited resident, supported Hassocks Infants School and children’s groups with musical skills.
  • Richard Lambe – Hassocks Hotel; supported many community initiatives and activities.
  • Lorraine Langridge – Longstanding Guide Leader.
  • Peter Martin – Longstanding District Councillor.
  • David Price – KHSSC Chairman.
  • Michael Pryke – Clayton & Keymer Parish Councillor.
  • Jack Slaughter – Chairman of Jack and Jill Windmill Society, Chairman of Clayton Parish Council and District Councillor, President of Hassocks Twinning Society.
  • John Walker – Musician

Other Pre-17th century the landowners:

  • Richard and Thomas Fitzalan
  • John Mowbray
  • Edmund Lenthall
  • Elizabeth Nevill
  • Walter de Okeleue
  • John Wood