Current Planning Applications

Hassocks Parish Council can only comment on applications within the parish and pass a recommendation to Mid Sussex County Council (MSDC) or the South Downs National Park (SDNP) who are the Planning Authorities.  Below are further details about accessing planning applications made to each authority and also a list of current applications for Hassocks.

Parish Council Planning Committee meetings are open to the public, details of meetings can be found on the Meetings page.

Mid Sussex District Council 
To view and comment on applications on the MSDC Online Planning Register, please use the following link:

MSDC Planning Applications

South Downs National Park Authority
Applications in Hassocks which fall within the South Downs National Park can be viewed and commented on via the  SDNP Online Planning Register which can be accessed by clicking the following link:

SDNPA Planning Applications

Weekly list of current planning applications (in date order)



Town and Country Planning Acts 1990

Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Area) Act 1990


WEEKLY LIST AS AT 27 January 2025

The following is a list of applications which have been made valid in the week shown above. These will be determined by the South Downs National Park Authority, for the administrative area within the South Downs National Park relating to Adur District Council, Arun District Council, Brighton & Hove Council, Horsham District Council, Mid Sussex District Council, Wealden District Council, Worthing Borough Council and county applications for East Sussex, Hampshire and West Sussex County Councils. In addition, it will include those applications in the Chichester District Council, East Hampshire District Council, Lewes and Eastbourne Councils and Winchester City Council areas where the applications were “Called in” and will be determined by the South Downs National Park Authority.

If you require any further information please contact the South Downs National Park Authority who will be dealing with these applications.


The South Downs National Park Authority adopted the Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule on 1st April 2017. Applications determined after that date will be subject to the rates set out in the Charging Schedule

If you have any questions, please contact or tel: 01730 814810.

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SDNPA (Mid Sussex District area)
Team: SDNPA Eastern Area Team
Parish: Hassocks Parish Council Ward: Hassocks Ward
Case No: SDNP/25/00198/LDE
Type: Lawful Development Cert (Existing)
Date Valid: 20 January 2025 Decision due: 17 March 2025
  Closing Date for comments: 17 February 2025
Case Officer: Alan Hiron


Applicant:   Gloria Hill, Sussex Lantern

Proposal:     Use of land as camping and caravanning site.

Location:     Southdown Farm, Campsite , Lodge Lane, Hassocks, West Sussex, BN6 8LX

Grid Ref:         531390 114635



Planning applications registered between 3/2/2025 and 7/2/2025

This is a list of planning applications submitted to the Council which can be viewed on the Online Planning Register.  To access the Online Planning Register, please use the following link:  Representations are invited on these applications either electronically via the website or by email.

Ann Biggs – Assistant Director Planning and Sustainable Economy

Parish: Hassocks Ward: Hassocks
Location: 33 Farnham Avenue  Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8NR
Desc: Demolition of existing garage and ground floor extensions.  Erect a two storey side extension, a loft conversion with rear dormer and a double garage.
Agent: Mr Ian Stagg

74D Thordon Gardens Stoneleigh Surrey KT19 0QJ

Applicant: Mrs Alix Geer

16 Capenors Burgess Hill RH15 9QL

Case Officer: Andrew Horrell
App. Type: Householder Application


Parish: Hassocks Ward: Hassocks
Location: The Gate House  26B Lodge Lane Hassocks West Sussex
Desc: Cypress – Reduce in height by approx 3m, trim crown removing regrowth.
Applicant: Ms Maria Geoghegan

The Gate House 26B Lodge Lane Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8NA

Case Officer: Emma Rivett
App. Type: Trees in a Conservation Area


Parish: Hassocks Ward: Hassocks
Location: 26 Semley Road  Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8PE
Desc: Erection of a front gable end extension and porch, erection of a dormer extension to the rear roof slope, replacement of roof to existing side extension, installation of new windows and a skylight, removal of existing timber cladding to front facade.
Agent: Ms Debra Parker

Dparchitect 106B Dunstans Road London SE22 0HE

Applicant: Mr Dan McCaffrey

26 Semley Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8PE

Case Officer: Peter Davies
App. Type: Householder Application



Planning applications registered between 27th January 2025 and 31st January 2025

This is a list of planning applications submitted to the Council which can be viewed on the Online Planning Register.  To access the Online Planning Register, please use the following link:  Representations are invited on these applications either electronically via the website or by email.

Ann Biggs – Assistant Director Planning and Sustainable Economy

Parish: Hassocks Ward: Hassocks
Location: Friars Oak Farmhouse  London Road Hassocks West Sussex
Desc: Demolition of Friars Oak Farmhouse and associated ancillary outbuildings, and proposed erection of 20 dwellings with associated access and landscaping.  (Amendments, including amended redline site plan and Biodiversity Net Gain Report received 22/01/2025).
Applicant: Miss Lucy Ormrod

Antler Homes Plc Antler Homes Knightway House Park Street Bogshot Surrey
GU19 5AQ

Case Officer: Susan Dubberley
App. Type: Full Application


Parish: Hassocks Ward: Hassocks
Location: 22 Ockley Way  Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8NE
Desc: To remove existing garage on side of property and build a single storey extension
Applicant: Mr Aidan Trim

22 Ockley Way Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8NE

Case Officer: Andrew Horrell
App. Type: Householder Application


Parish: Hassocks Ward: Hassocks
Location: 3 The Crescent  Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8RB
Desc: T1 – Western Red Cedar – Fell, T2 – Ash – Fell, T3 – Gleditsia Triacanthos – Crown reduction by 3m.
Applicant: Mr Richard Solberg

3 The Crescent Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8RB

Case Officer: Emma Rivett
App. Type: Trees in a Conservation Area


Parish: Hassocks Ward: Hassocks
Location: 3 Ockenden Way  Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8HS
Desc: A single storey, full-width, rear extension, loft conversion with rear facing dormers, change of roof tiles, elevation changes include new render finish and timber cladding to walls, rooflights, and new glazing and doors throughout.
Agent: Mr Stuart Paine

HAPA Architects Ltd 11 The Old Steine Brighton BN1 1EJ

Applicant: Mr Seiriol Tomos

3 Ockenden Way Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8HS

Case Officer: Andrew Horrell
App. Type: Householder Application


Parish: Hassocks Ward: Hassocks
Location: 3 Ewart Close  Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8FJ
Desc: T1 – Ash – Section fell down to as close to ground level as possible due to displaying advanced symptoms of Ash Dieback.
Agent: Mr Glen Poole

County Tree Surgeons Ltd Turners Hill Road Crawley Down Crawley  RH10 4HQ

Applicant: Mr Colin Rose

3 Ewart Close Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8FJ

Case Officer: Irene Fletcher
App. Type: Tree Surgery



Planning applications registered between 20/1/2025 and 24/1/2025

This is a list of planning applications submitted to the Council which can be viewed on the Online Planning Register.  To access the Online Planning Register, please use the following link:  Representations are invited on these applications either electronically via the website or by email.

Ann Biggs – Assistant Director Planning and Sustainable Economy

Parish: Hassocks Ward: Hassocks
Location: 50 Hurst Road  Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9NL
Desc: Proposed tennis court to rear garden. Additional supporting Arboricultural Impact Assessment, Flood Risk Assessment, Ecological Report and a Heritage Statement, received on 17.01.2025.
Agent: Jonny Parker Pickup

Town & Country Planning Solutions

Applicant: Wooj Property Ltd

50 Hurst Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9NL

Case Officer: Anna Tidey
App. Type: Householder Application


Parish: Hassocks Ward: Hassocks
Location: 50 Mackie Avenue  Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8NN
Desc: Proposed rear extension
Agent: Mr Simon Burrows

Si-tec Plans Ltd The Lodge Bramshill Road Eversley Hook RG27 0PT

Applicant: Ms Gilham

50 Mackie Avenue Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8NN

Case Officer: Andrew Horrell
App. Type: Householder Application