Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 16 Consultation
Consultation on the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan ran from Monday 22 July 2019 until Monday 16 September 2019. The consultation period is now closed.
The Submission Documents can be viewed below. Further information and updates on the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan can be viewed here .
Submission Sustainability Appraisal June 2019
Non Technical Summary June 2019
Consultation Statement June 2019
Basic Condition Statement June 2019
For supporting background documents please click here
Publication of the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan
Mid Sussex District Council as the Local Planning Authority has published the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan for public consultation in accordance with part 5 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012.
Hassocks Parish lies to the south of Burgess Hill, and contains the villages of Hassocks and Keymer and the hamlet of Clayton. The southern part of the Parish is located within the South Downs National Park. The NDP includes policies on Housing, Local Gaps, Local Green Spaces, environment, heritage, community Infrastructure, transport, the economy and sustainability. Once adopted, these policies will be used to determine planning applications locally along with the Mid Sussex District Plan.
Consultation on the Submission (Regulation 16) version of the Neighbourhood Plan is taking place for 8 weeks from 9:00am Monday 22nd July 2019 until Midnight Monday 16th September 2019. All representations received from this consultation will be forwarded to an independent Examiner appointed to examine the Neighbourhood Plan.
Copies of the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents are available to view on MSDC website at: www.midsussex.gov.uk/neighbourhoodplans
Hard copies of the plan are available for inspection at:
Mid Sussex District Council Offices, Oaklands Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex RH16 1SS (normal office hours apply); and
Hassocks Parish Council Offices, Parish Centre, Adastra Park, Keymer Rd, Hassocks BN6 8QH (opening hours Monday to Thursday 10am to 2pm; Friday 10am to 12 noon)
How to Make Representations:
Formal comments can be submitted online using the representation form at: www.midsussex.gov.uk/neighbourhoodplans or by email to: neighbourhoodplans@midsussex.gov.uk or to Planning Policy and Economic Development, Mid Sussex District Council, Oaklands Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16 1SS.
All comments must be received by midnight on Monday 16th September 2019. All comments received will be public information (personal contact details will not be published).
If you have any queries, please contact the Planning Policy and Economic Development Team on (01444 477263) or email neighbourhoodplans@midsussex.gov.uk
Any representations may include a request to be notified regarding the decision under Regulation 19 (decision on making a plan) to make the submitted neighbourhood development plan for Hassocks Parish.

Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 14 Consultation
**This Consultation is now closed. Thank you to everyone who contributed**
This Amended Version of the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan has been prepared by Hassocks Parish Council and co-opted members of the community. It replaces the 2016 Consultation Neighbourhood Plan which has been formally withdrawn at the request of Mid Sussex District Council because the previous Plan did not provide enough housing to meet the requirement of the District Plan which was formally adopted by the District Council in March 2018.
This new Neighbourhood Plan sets out a vision for our Parish from 2014 until 2031. This is the period of the District Plan.
The aims of the Plan are to:
- Provide a framework for future development in the Parish,
- Protect and enhance existing open spaces,
- Harness development value to improve infrastructure, and
- Encourage high quality design and sustainable development.
This Amended Plan takes full account of the higher housing requirement for Hassocks set out in the District Plan. The Strategic Site for 500 new homes on the Land North of Clayton Mills is included in the Plan. The inclusion of this site, together with the other sites which already have planning permission, such as Saxon Mills and the Hassocks Golf Club, ensures that the Parish can fully meet the District Plan Housing Requirement for Hassocks.
There is no need to allocate anymore land for residential development in the Plan Period.
The Public Consultation on the Plan is now underway and is open for another month until the 18th of February. Please take the time to have a look at it. Your views are very important to us.
Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 14 Pre-Submission January 2019
Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 14 Pre-submission Sustainability Appraisal (incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment) January 2019
Background Paper: Housing. Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan November 2018
Revised Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan – Review of Policy 1: Burgess Hill Gap and Policy 2: Ditchling Gap and Hurstpierpoint Gap. October 2018
Revised Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan– Local Green Space Policy Review October 2018
Hard copies of all documents are available for inspection at the Parish Centre.
Comments should be received no later than Monday 18th February 2019.
The consultation is open for a statutory period of 6 weeks until 18th February 2019 after which all comments will be reviewed and where appropriate will be used to inform the next stage of the Plan.
Please send your comments by email to hassocksnp@hassockspc.net or by mail to the Clerk to the Council, Parish Centre, Adastra Park, Keymer Road, Hassocks BN6 8QH.
Hassocks Parish Council has formally withdrawn the Submission (Regulation 16) Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan dated June 2016 as set out in the letter below dated 4th January 2019.
Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 16 Consultation
Reg 16 Consultation Statement June 2016
Non Technical Summary June 2016
Basic Condition Statement June 2016
Sustainability Appraisal June 2016
HNP Reg 16 Submission Version June 2016
Regulation 16 Representation Form
Mid Sussex District Council Public Notice
Reg 16 Publicity Flyer
Housing Needs Document Update – June 2016
Housing Needs Document June 2016
Correspondance to Mark Bristow (Neighbourhood Planning Officer MSDC) re Air Quality.
Letter to Mark Bristow 25.4.16
Minutes from a meeting held with Mark Bristow (Neighbourhood Planning Officer, MSDC) on 6th April 2016
Minutes from WSCC & MSDC Meeting 16.04.06
Hassocks Draft Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Documents
Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 14 Pre Submission Consultation
Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan Pre Submission Consultation Draft. Sustainability Appraisal
Comments should be received no later than 17:00 hours on Tuesday 16th February 2016.
The consultation is open for a statutory period of 6 weeks until 16th February 2016 after which all comments will be reviewed and where appropriate will be used to inform the next stage of the Plan.
Please send your comments by email to hassocksnp@hassockspc.net or by mail to The Clerk to the Council, Parish Centre, Adastra Park, Keymer Road, Hassocks BN6 8QH.
Background documentation on housing need, site allocation and local green space.
Please click on the links below to view.
Analysis of Preference Data Final
Draft Potential Housing Site
Hassocks Constraints and AQMA radius map
Hassocks Parish Housing Land Availability Assessment (PHLAA)
Hassocks Potential sites map[9]
Housing Need Document August 2015
LGS Candidates-4
Proposed Local Green Spaces
Recommendations of NPWG
Summary of Site Assessments
3rd Consultation Event – July 10th/11th 2015
The analysis of the responses on this consultation is now complete.
Analysis of Preference Data Final
3rd Consultation Event – July 10th/11th 2015
Thank you to everyone who has taken part in the Neighbourhood Plan 3rd Consultation.
The deadline for submitting responses has now passed.
All the responses will now be analysed and a report will be made available once this has been finalised and completed.
Please find below information relating to the recent consultation events and the potential sites to be considered.
Consultation Booklet
Hassocks Potential sites map July
Coding Grid
Additional Supporting Documents:
Traffic Effects of Housing Development
Hassocks Parish Landscape Character Assessment
Hassocks Landscape Character Areas Map
Hassocks PNP Strategic Views Hassocks All Constraints Hassocks Townscape Appraisal Hassocks Centre Townscape Analysis Map Local Townscape Character Areas Map GI Report Hassocks Green Infrastructure Plan NP Environment – Wildlife Hassocks Parish Key Habitats Desktop Biodiversity Report Hassocks Cultural Heritage Cultural Heritage – Map > Letter from Dowsett Mayhew to WSCC Education Department Letter to NHS WSCC 29.4.15 Letter to NHS England 29.4.15
Historic Landscape Characterisation Broad Character Map
Historic Landscape Characterisation Character MapHistoric Landscape Characterisation Summary ReportHistoric Landscape Characterisation Time Depth Map
Summary Archaeological Notification Areas Map
Summary Archaeological Notification Areas Report
Summary Event Map Summary Event Report Summary HER Data Map Summary HER Data Report Summary Listed Building Map Summary Listed Building Report Summary Scheduled Monument Map Summary Scheduled Monument Report
Economic, Development and Tourism Consultation. April 2015
All local home workers please take part in our business consultation and fill in our online survey – Homeworker Survey. Deadline now passed.
Responses to Consultation on Potential Housing Site. January 2015
Final Analysis of Responses to January Consultation
Analysis of Responses to January Consultation 2015
Economic, Development and Tourism Consultation. March 2015
NP Business Questionnaire for completion by local businesses. Deadline now passed.
Scoping Report for Sustainability Appraisal February 2015
Site Assessment Consultation. January 2015
The list of potential sites is a combination of sites proposed by owners or developers, sites which were suggested by members of the public following the first consultation and also those which have been incorporated in the Mid Sussex District Council Strategic Housing Land Availability.
Housing Needs Document Hassocks Potential sites map Site Assessments An Explanation of Site Assessment Forms Hassocks Constraints Map Hassocks – Historic Flood Event Mapping
Housing Needs Document November 2014
Neighbourhood Plan Initial Consultation. September 2014
Below are links to copies of the slides which were displayed at the event.
Consultation Slides:
Business Development and Tourism Community Facilities Countryside Education Young and Older People Hassocks Social Trends Housing Needs Leisure and Recreation Transport
For further information on the Neighbourhood Plan please read a copy of our Exhibition Brochure which also provides a brief summary of the responses to our initial questionnaire.
Appendix 2 – Community Rights